Skepticism/critical thinking

The 35th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: An imposter breaks in

It’s been an interesting week for this week’s host of the Skeptics’ Circle, Skeptico. He had a creationist appropriate his name, create a Blogspot blog, and actually post comments on other people’s blogs under the name “Skeptico.” Not good. Fortunately, no one was fooled, and it was the False Skeptico’s posting creationist tripe on other […]


It’s just a little decimal point

Here’s a scary error, reported by Abel Pharmboy: David Douglas of Reuters Health reported last Friday on the publication of a clinical trial revealing that a one-week trial of Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCl) was superior to Clarinex (desloratadine) in managing symptoms of moderate-to-severe allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. The article was published in the April 2006 […]

Evolution Medicine Science

Medicine and evolution, part 5: “Quit whining” about intelligent design?

One annoying thing about the blogosphere for someone like me is that a lot of things that I want to write about pop up during the day, when I’m at work. Blogging is all about immediacy and time. Wait too long to write about a topic, and the moment’s passed. For me, by the time […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

How long before I run out of variations on the same lame joke about answering my Seed overlords?

It seems a reasonable question to ask, given my propensity for it. Unfortunately that’s not what our Seed overlords asked this week. This week, they ask: If you could shake the public and make them understand one scientific idea, what would it be? Predictably, some ScienceBloggers answered: evolution and what it really means, not the […]


Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

Wow, I wish I had the balls to make this retort to prisoners that used to be brought to the E.R. when I was still a resident. I just hope he had a security guard like the one we used to have at our county hospital when I was a resident. This guy was close […]