Taking a cue from Abel, I like the look of this:

This year marks a first. Usually, my wife and I have managed to see at least a couple of the nominees; in years past, when we were dating and after we first got married, sometimes we’d have seen most of the nominated films by the time the Oscars rolled around. Then our moviegoing decreased steadily over the years. Now, it can often be months between excursions to the movies. In any case, this year, of all the movies nominated for Best Picture, I’ve seen only one: Little Miss Sunshine. It was a hilarious movie (Alan Arkin stole the film), but I’m not sure that it’s Best Picture material. I really wanted to see Letters from Iwo Jima (as you might imagine, given my interest in World War II history) and The Departed, but somehow it never happened.
Oh, well, there’s always DVD.