I can’t argue with this:
An embodiment of the mystery, danger and freedom of the music itself, the crotch has occupied a central role in a stirring rock performance.
Of course, the crotch today remains a valuable weapon in the rock arsenal, as exemplified by the current wave of tight pants bands rehashing the Kinks/The Who sound of the 60s and 70s. More and more women are also mobilizing their crotches as well for the good of the rock. Take Peaches, for example. In recent years, the famed Electroclash chanteuse has turned her crotch into something of a cottage industry for photos, song lyrics and album covers.
Truly, the Chosen Crotch must indeed be Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin. None have come close since the 1970’s, although some have tried.
However, I have to admit that I hope the author of the above fulfills the promise to discuss the “worst crotches in rock history.”
OK, I know. Enough frivolity. I’ll get back to the usual topics of this blog in the morning.