Announcements Blogging Skepticism/critical thinking

It’s almost here again: The Skeptics’ Circle

After all this annoyance I’ve had lately about homeopaths doing surgery in Arizona (not to mention the licensing of quackery there), I can’t forget that the blog carnival bequeathed to me, The Skeptics’ Circle, is fast approaching. This week, the host will be none other than fellow ScienceBlogger Dr. denialism blog. Since the Circle is […]

Medicine News of the Weird Paranormal Skepticism/critical thinking

The Kitty of Doom

This sort of thing makes one wonder if the personification of Death should in fact be a cat, although, oddly enough, not a black cat: Oscar the rescue cat is not simply a welcome feline companion at the Steere nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island. According to a new report in a medical journal he […]

Friday Woo Paranormal Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Five years

Time is important. Our life is measured in it, and there’s no way to reverse it. How we use our allotted time on this planet is, of course, the most important question that anyone ever faces. But how to measure time? It all seems so obvious, doesn’t it? You have years, which are divided into […]

Blogging Humor Medicine Quackery

Thank heaven it was only a dream…

…or was it? I’m pretty sure it was. The dream needed a little bit more of a zingy ending, though, like waking up and finding Bobby Ewing still alive or finding out that everything that happened at the hospital was the fantasy of an autistic boy. Or something like that

History Holocaust Holocaust denial World War II

Mistaking failure to support for “censorship”: The Danish government funding a Holocaust denier

Until the other day, it had been a long time since I had indulged my interest in World War II history. Not surprisingly, a certain anti-Semitic troll appeared out of the woodwork, thus amazing me with persistence, given that it’s been at least two months since I’ve even mentioned the topic. That’s a long time […]