Announcements Medicine Surgery

SurgeXperiences over at Surgeonsblog

It’s that time again: The 20th edition of the only blog carnival (that I know of, at least) for blogging about surgical topics has landed over at Surgeonsblog. Yes, Sid Schwab takes on the 20th SurgeXperiences, with limericks, even! Head on over!

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Kathleen Seidel and her opponents

Over the weekend there was a very good article in the Concord Monitor about Kathleen Seidel and her legal battle with Clifford Shoemaker, whose intrusive “fishing expedition” subpoena recently drew condemnation even from prominent antivaccination activists such as David Kirby and Dan Olmsted and was ultimately quashed with the possibility of sanctions. What this article […]

Blogging Entertainment/culture Science fiction/fantasy Television

I’m ready for my close-up…

You didn’t think I wouldn’t take notice of this bit of news, did you? Even if I had, I would have had little choice, as readers deluged me with various news reports about this. Yes, it would appear that there might very well be a new Blakes 7 series. Of course, I’ll believe it when […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Politics Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

What would Ben Stein say about this?

Yesterday, I wrote about what I thought to be a fairly amusing story. It was the story of one hapless candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in a district in northwest Indiana whose excuses for giving a talk to the American National Socialist Workers Party’s Chicago celebration of Adolf Hitler’s 119th birthday last weekend […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Rashid Buttar’s going down: The North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners finally acts

Ah, a lazy Saturday morning. So here I am in the late morning, perusing my e-mail (including e-mail notifications of blog posts) after purposely not having checked them at all last night (and, in fact, even having gone to see a movie for the first time in many months), and what should a reader send […]