Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Religion

Thermonuclear stupid about vaccines from someone other than Jenny McCarthy

This may be the burningest stupid I’ve ever seen about vaccines. Maybe. It’s so hard to tell given how much idiocy I’ve seen about vaccines. I know, it’s really, really hard to believe me when I say that what follows deserves to leap right up to the top ranks of brain-melting moronicity. After all, over […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Quackery Television

Jenny McCarthy and Oprah Winfrey: Cartoonists are starting to notice

Ever since Jenny McCarthy hitched her fading star to the anti-vaccine movement and managed to get Oprah Winfrey to go along for the ride, she has become the public face of the anti-vaccine movement. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been nearly as much blowback as there should be in the mainstream press, although bloggers have been all […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

Oh, noes! Obama’s sending men in black to vaccinate your children!

If there’s one characteristic of the anti-vaccine movement that helps define them as true cranks, it’s a streak of conspiracy theory mania. It’s not too much of an exaggeration when I wonder if they think that the Lizard Men have taken over the government, the CDC, and the American Academy of Pediatrics in order to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The “Health Ranger” Mike Adams needs your help for his wiki!

I’ve had a lot of fun over the last couple of years deconstructing the black holes of woo that a certain advocate of “natural” remedies likes to lay down on a regular basis. Yes, I’m referring to a guy named Mike Adams, who runs a website called Indeed, Adams has made a bastion […]

Entertainment/culture Humor Religion Television

More pareidolia: At least this Virgin Mary sighting isn’t as bad…

…as the last Virgin Mary sighting in a bird turd smear on a pickup truck. At least this time around, we’re back to more conventional “Virgin Mary in a tree”-type sightings: (Click on image for video.) Of course, this time around, I have to wonder if the guy who cut the tree down is having […]