Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Bad, bad, bad autism advice in the Washington Post

I must admit that I’ve never heard of Margerite Kelly. Apparently she’s some sort of advice columnist for the Washington Post. Apparently she’s also fairly clueless, if her column from last Friday is any indication. At least, she’s clueless about autism. In her column Diagnosing Autism Is Never an Easy Process, she betrays a whole […]

Humor Politics Religion

How did my town get so lucky to have such a…religious person running for office?

Although I was born in Detroit itself, like so many Detroiters in the 1970s my family moved to a suburb of Detroit called Livonia when I was 10. I haven’t lived in Livonia in nearly 25 years, but my parents still live there in the same house where I spent my teen years. So the […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Quackery Science

Homeopathy and quacks versus science

I know this one’s been floating around the blogosphere for a while, but it finally made its way to me at a time when I needed something lighthearted and amusing: Best quotes: “Well, science doesn’t know everything.” Well, science knows it doesn’t know anything, otherwise it would stop … But just because science doesn’t know […]

Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

Skeptics in the Pub, Michigan style

I realize that this is a little late, but for those of you in southeast Michigan who might be able to make it, there’s going to be an attempt at an inaugural Skeptics in the Pub. Thanks to fellow ScienceBlogger and skeptical rogue PalMD and even more so thanks a couple of his similarly skeptical […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The World Health Organization disses homeopathy

If there’s one form of pseudoscientific health care (if you can call it that) that rests on the most risibly implausible tenets, I’d have to say that it’s homeopathy. Either that, or homeopathy and various “energy medicine” modalities would have to fight it out in a no woo barred cage match to the death for […]