Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

#SaidNoMother: Combining dehumanization of autistic people with antivaccine pseudoscience in time for Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month is nearly upon us again. Unfortunately, the antivaccine movement has found a new way to ruin it by hijacking autism awareness to promote their antivaccine pseudoscience and quackery, along with contempt for autistic people. Behold #SaidNoMother and #SaidNoFather.

Longtime readers of this blog (I mean really long time readers, as in a decade or more) might remember my complaints that frequently began around this time of year. Those of you who have only been reading a few years or less might not immediately realize what I’m talking about, mainly because it hasn’t been much of an issue more recently. Think about it, though. It’s near the end of March. What’s coming up. (No, I don’t mean April Fools Day.)

I am, however, referring to April, because it’s Autism Awareness Month.

There was a time when I used to dread April, because every April I could count on a veritable tsunami of antivaccine stupid to descend upon the nation, thanks to the antivaccine movement. Whether it was J. B. Handley and Generation Rescue announcing websites like 14 Studies, which claimed to refute the “fourteen studies” that failed to find a link between vaccines and autism (never mind that there are more than 14 studies), the then-resident antivaccine reporter at CBS News Sharyl Attkisson credulously parroting the latest antivaccine “study,” or stories about businesses like Chili’s being burned by an antivaccine group disguised as an “autism advocacy group,” antivaccine groups have traditionally tried to hijack April for their own nefarious purpose of spreading antivaccine misinformation. OK, I realize that just last year during Autism Awareness Month I had one of the strangest experiences ever online when I found myself being attacked by William Shatner after having taken him to task for one of his Tweets about autism awareness, but, really, I swear I’ve seen a lot less autism pseudoscience in the media in April than in years past. It could be confirmation bias, but I don’t think so.

This year, I’m getting that ugly feeling of déjà vu for the bad old days. The reason is a hashtag that I’ve become aware of, the #SaidNoMother hashtag. Given that it’s an antivaccine hashtag, not surprisingly the Facebook page of that bit of antivaccine propaganda so blatant that it would make Reni Liefenstahl cringe disguised as a “documentary” VAXXED is featuring it:

Yes, in case you actually believed Jenny McCarthy’s recent efforts to rehabilitate her image and portray herself as not being antivaccine, get a load of this. First of all, this is way more dramatic than I recall her previous claims about how her son Evan reacted to the MMR vaccines ever having seen. Indeed, the inconsistencies in her story about how her son Evan reacted to vaccines have been described in detail multiple times before.

Joshua Coleman, an antivaxer associated with VAXXED started this hashtag, and antivaxers are going wild with it, encouraged by the pseudoscience-lovers at Age of Autism:

Joshua Coleman has started a hashtag on Facebook called “#SaidNoMother in which Mothers and Fathers are creating memes with their child’s vaccine injury story expressed in deliberately crushing fashion. If anyone can read them and not feel at least a twinge of sympathy surely he or she is not human. Vaccine injury is so often the butt of late night comedian “jokes” and outright scorn in the media, as if injury can not exist. It exists. From this we know. Check out the campaign all over Facebook.

Ah, I do so love argument by assertion. Antivaxers say that autism is “vaccine injury”; so it must be. Q.E.D.

You can see a whole lot of the same on Facebook.

For example:

Of course, the MMR vaccine does not cause autism. This has been demonstrated over and over and over again.

Then there are these:

One can only wonder what quackery Mary Kay Deal is subjecting her poor child with Down’s syndrome to in order to try to “heal” her and “detox” her. (Remember, virtually all alternative medicine “detox” is nothing but rank quackery.) As for Ginger Taylor, I’ve discussed her antivaccine views and massive arrogance of ignorance on several occasions over the years. Leave it to her to bring in the anti-pharma conspiracy mongering. It’s what she does.

Then there are these:


I’ve discussed more times than I can remember how the HPV vaccine has never been shown to cause serious health conditions, no matter how often antivaxers try to claim that the HPV vaccine causes premature ovarian failure or even that it kills. It doesn’t do either.

Even adults are getting in on the action:

I’m very sorry for her health problems, but no evidence is presented that they were caused by vaccines, and

This being 2018 and social media being social media, there’s a whole boatload of these memes produced by antivaxers. Here’s one collection:

Not surprisingly, Erin at HealthNutNews, the same woman behind the conspiracy theory claiming that alternative medicine practitioners are being killed by big pharma (or the government, or whomever, it’s never quite clear) is happy to publicize this movement:

Some of the memes take a very morbid turn, blaming vaccines for the deaths of their children:



And perhaps the most disturbing of all:

I realize that the above image is disturbing, and I apologize if anyone had a difficult time viewing it. I am not sorry, however, for having posted it because I believe it is important to show you just how far down the rabbit hole antivaxers are going with this campaign, so far that they will show a photo of a dead baby in his coffin and blame it on vaccines, while equating the parents marching in one of the occasional antivaccine marches I’ve chronicled dating back to Jenny McCarthy’s antivaccine march in 2008 to ones that occurred last year to the March for Science. Never mind that marching on the CDC to protest “vaccine injury” or in Washington to “green our vaccines” is the very opposite of marching for science. It’s marching for pseudoscience.

Of course, the idea that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is caused by vaccines is a common one promoted by the antivaccine movement. I’ve explained more times than I can remember that there is no evidence that vaccines cause SIDS, to the point that some studies suggest a protective effect against SIDS due to vaccines. Nevertheless, antivaxers, ranging from a Nobel Laureate who’s gone off the deep end with Nobel Disease to right wing trolls to just about every major antivaccine group, believe incorrectly that vaccines kill babies through SIDS. They do not.

Let’s consider the message of this movement, which basically dehumanizes autistic children. The idea is that “no mother ever” would want what happened to her child to happen, but it goes deeper than that. I can understand that no mother ever would want her child to die or to be so seriously disabled as to require continuous care. I can understand thinking these things. (I have no idea how I would have reacted, for instance, if my wife and I had had a special needs child with a lot of needs.) What I don’t understand is saying these things out loud in a way that publicly casts one’s child as something that “no mother ever” would want. This campaign and hashtag make no distinctions, either. Death, autism, serious illness, it’s all the same to antivaxer, including children with autism who are quite capable of understanding the message, including its implicit rejection of them as they are and wish that they were something other than they are. That’s leaving aside even the usual antivaccine tactic of casting blame on something that didn’t cause their child to be what they are and representing them as somehow “injured” irreparably by some outside bogeyman (vaccines).

Not surprisingly, social media being social media, there has been pushback. Some of it has been humorous, for instance this one portraying dogs using a common antivaccine trope, but this time for a truly deadly disease, rabies:

Another chose a more direct approach, such as:


Doc Bastard is correct on all three counts.

Others called out the nastiness that is behind the #SaidNoMother campaign that might not be obvious if you don’t know the sorts of things antivaxers say about autistic children and the sort of quackery to which they subject their children in order to “recover” their “real” child. One was very explicit about this:

Another wants Twitter users to call out the hatred:


Still another dreads April:

And, perhaps most pointedly of all:

There’s a whole lot more here.

Overall, “better off dead than autistic” is a common strand in antivaccine rhetoric, much like Jenny McCarthy’s famous, “better measles than autism” rant. One of the most harmful developments for autistic people over the last quarter century is the manner in which antivaccine activists have tried to hijack autism advocacy with their antivaccine advocacy. Sometimes this hijacking even reaches the point of antivaccine groups trying to represent themselves as legitimate autism charities. The #SaidNoMother campaign is yet another example of this sort of rebranding, particularly given the timing of its taking shape the week before Autism Awareness Month begins. In years past, I recall seeing this sort of ramping up of the antivaccine propaganda machine in the last week in March. I haven’t seen it so much in recent years, but apparently this year antivaxers are trying to get it going again. Indeed, the antivaxers behind #SaidNoMother are very explicit in that they’ve created another hashtag, #AprilBeyondAutism (a play on ABA, or applied behavioral analysis, a treatment modality often used for autism):

This is what antivaxers do. This is how they hijack autism advocacy to promote their to promote the long ago debunked idea that vaccines cause autism, frighten parents into thinking that vaccines kill, and to convince parents of autistic children that their quackery can “recover” their child. Remember, this quackery can include chelation therapy (which can kill), chemical castration, and even bleach enemas.

Of course, because, above all, antivaxers view themselves as victims, they are very unhappy about some of the pushback they’re receiving. For example:

Notice how Welsh (a.k.a. Tanner’s Dad) paints himself as the victim, portraying the pushback against the #SaidNoMother and #SaidNoFather campaign as “vicious” and “ignorant” attacks on their lives. No, the responses are not attacks on Welsh’s life and the lives of other antivaxers with autistic children. It’s criticism of what they do and say. It’s criticism of their promotion of antivaccine pseudoscience and quackery to “recover” autistic children. It’s criticism of their dehumanization of their children. It is not, as poor, poor, Barbara Loe Fisher and other antivaxers have tried to portray it, “hate,” “meanness,” or “bullying.” Trying to portray criticism as vicious, unjustified “attacks” on the saintly mothers of autistic children, who have educated themselves about the science and are just trying to help their autistic children is a tactic that I first saw wielded by Robert F.Kennedy, Jr. eleven years ago.

It looks like it’s going to be a long April, thanks once again to the antivaccine movement, its contempt for autistic people, and its love of pseudoscience and quackery.

By Orac

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski.

That this particular surgeon has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 35 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER:: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac:

118 replies on “#SaidNoMother: Combining dehumanization of autistic people with antivaccine pseudoscience in time for Autism Awareness Month”

I can’t say any of the words I’m feeling about these #saidnomother postings since they are all utter crap.

Honestly, some parent whining about an epi pen and blaming it on vaccines? How pathetic.

I carry an Epi Pen. I didn’t realize I should blame it on the few vaccines I’ve had in my life (I’m old – got some VPD before vaccines were available).

The anti-vax crowd has a high chance of getting out of hand, if they haven’t already. and this is significant evidence for that statement.

Historically, certain political movements have found it easy to target “mental defectives”, and the people who are likely to join such movements are likely to include autistic children in that category. The parents in this movement seem to be fine with having their own children labeled as such, with all that implies–and including the high-functioning kids who could become productive members of society, if only they had parents (or parental substitutes) who actually loved them.

The anti-vax crowd has a high chance of getting out of hand, if they haven’t already.

Wouldn’t be the first time. The icurrent version seems to hinge upon the succession of embarrassing failures that they’ve suffered over recent years.

There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism.


Vaccines caused autism here in this federal court case
And here page 2
And here –

Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers

Oh look here’s a dead kid compensated

If you ever need a lawyer

Here are 127 separate studies linking vaccines and autism.

Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP

Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe

A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.

Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity.

DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau.

Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.

Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.

The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective

Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage

A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity.

Unvaccinated Children are Healthier

Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity…/10.1371/journal.pone.0008382

Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures…/2010-06/kp-cmv062310.php

Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979

all these government published studies

Please try to figure out what Pubmed is.

Also finance professors are not qualified medical researchers. Especially if they think every single child who has been identified with a Speech/Language issue is autistic. The hearing impaired friends of my kids were definitely not autistic. (their elementary school housed the special ed. program for the deaf and hard of hearing populations)


Normally I’d go through all your links but frankly I’m too damn tired tonight. From the links I did check out I discovered three “papers” with one or more of those Geir scum listed as authors (yeah the disgraced ex doctor and his not-a-doctor fraudster of a son – the people that [in]famously wanted to chemically castrate autistic kids as a “cure”), 1 by that vile pustule Gayle DeLong (doctor-of-not-medicine who blames her breast cancer on her kid’s autism) and one that just seemed to be pontificating about Thompson (the ex-CDC guy who has had his words and phone conversations manipulated by those VaxXed scum in order to make it sound like he was saying something he wasn’t), the discredited mouse-thimerosal study, the discredited heat-shock study and absolutely nothing that “proves” vaccines cause autism (which is no surprise since they don’t), oh and none of the ones I clicked were “government published” either. Then I had to call it quits there or frankly I was going to lose my bacon sandwich.

Look you are either a misguided person who has been suckered into all the anti-vaxxer BS or you’re a fully paid up member. Either way I doubt anything I can say would change your mind

Links are broken, on account of being copy-pasted from some FB list or another by yet another plagiarising waste of perfectly good organs.

Look you are either a misguided person who has been suckered into all the anti-vaxxer BS or you’re a fully paid up member.

Or, again, just a shit-and-run blob of broken links.

“I developed high grade cervical dysplasia caused by HPV, which required multiple invasive procedures including painful cervical conization and later hysterectomy so I can never have children. But at least I avoided the HPV vaccine!”

…said no woman, ever.

Know your ingredients:
Know your side effects:
Know your risks:
This law violates our 7th Amendment – 7TH Amendment to the constitution states: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, then according to the rules of the common law.
1983: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [2] receives 6 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:10,000.

2017: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [3] receives 23 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:68.

1986: Law created to give vaccine manufacturers immunity from all liability.

Notice a correlation but not a causation above? This correlation does not causation statement is integrated within the medical community and states that vaccines are never the cause of anything. Can you honestly say with a straight face say this to be true?

The great study they refer to that vaccines do not cause Autism is from this guy!
OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen

Are you by chance also a creationist or a flat-earther? I have rarely seen such a fine example of on-line Gish-galloping.

BTW we can’t see the document you have on your desktop Stephanie, so please point to that document in a publicly accessible location.

Vaccine injury is civil, not common law. You seem to understand the law about as well as as you understand medicine.

Many of us are ex-vaxxers who have witnessed vaccine harms and want to share our stories with others. My father got regular flu vaccines and developed an auto-immune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis. He was prescribed Vioxx and nearly had a heart attack. He has no family history of heart disease. My mother was pregnant and they recommended that she get a flu shot. Shortly after she had a miscarriage. Of course her doctor’s office said the shot had nothing to do with it. I never thought to question vaccines. We followed the CDC schedule and our older son has autism. We did metals testing and he had high levels of aluminum, a toxin which causes autoimmune and neurological disorders. Many vaccines have lots of aluminum. I think the cummulative exposure to the aluminum in vaccines can be too much for some children. I have relatives on both sides of my family who had Alzheimer’s and there continues to be research that shows aluminum may contribute to the development of this disease.

Good health comes from eating nutritious food, drinking clean water, getting plenty of sleep and execise and some sunshine, and avoiding toxins. Also it’s best for babies to be breastfed and stay home with mom for the first three years. Good health does not come from being injected with toxic vaccines that bypass the bodies natural defenses and introduce into the body various substances whose safety has not been fully tested.

It’s hard when your family members suffer, but none of what you describe seems connected to vaccines. Studies do not support a link between influenza vaccines and miscarriage, or for that matter RA, to my knowledge. Vaccines do not cause autism or Alzheimer’s.

Nutrition and exercise are certainly important. But vaccines that prevent disease also have a role in maintaining health.

Good health comes from eating nutritious food, drinking clean water, getting plenty of sleep and execise and some sunshine, and avoiding toxins.

That worked great for Hawaiʻi, now didn’t it?

^ Right:

My father got regular flu vaccines and developed an auto-immune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis.

The immune system is not some sort of amorphous blob.

He was prescribed Vioxx and nearly had a heart attack.

“Nearly”? It’s a complicated condition, but one might expect that something in addition to a COX-2 inhibitor was also prescribed. Is “Vioxx” just the usual magic word here?

“We did metals testing and he had high levels of aluminum, a toxin which causes autoimmune and neurological disorders. Many vaccines have lots of aluminum.”

Why should we believe you? Why did not believe that lab?

There is a reason why the plural of anecdote is not data.

And as far as your methods to stay healthy, you seem to be ignorant of history. There are plenty of century old graves stones with the names of children. The Puritans who came over on the Mayflower landed where there had been a whole community of Native Americans. But they were no longer there because of diseases brought over from Europe.

Please thank your responsible neighbors who are protecting your family by maintaining your community’s immunity to diseases like measles, pertussis and other killers from the past.

I think the cummulative exposure to the aluminum in vaccines can be too much for some children. I have relatives on both sides of my family who had Alzheimer’s and there continues to be research that shows aluminum may contribute to the development of this disease.

Leaving aside the part where you didn’t cite any, why then do children not develop AD?

We did metals testing

So you availed yourself of the services of the Doctors Data medscammers? But you want us to believe that you were a pro-vax skeptic until your Damascene conversion?
You’re not very good at this.

I can’t help but wonder if the anti-vaxxers are ramping up their rhetoric because they’re not being paid attention to. This “campaign” is on par with the Thanksgiving baby-eating meme they distributed some years ago. Glad to see the pushback; they thought the heartbreak of their claims would go unchallenged.

In a NCHS Brief (2017) titled, Estimated Prevalence of Children With Diagnosed
Developmental Disabilities in the United States, 2014–2016, it is written, “During this same time,
the prevalence of diagnosed autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability did not
change significantly.”

Q. Are cleaner vaccines (i.e., reduced allergens) affecting the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders and the incidence of intellectual disability therein.

MJD says,

Too soon to tell, although, this recent estimate is encouraging.

Vaccine continuous improvement, outstanding efforts with anticipated positive results!

Q. Are cleaner vaccines (i.e., reduced allergens) affecting the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders(?)

Since vaccines do not cause autism, the answer to your leading and loaded question is “No”.

Julian Frost’s modification of MJD’s question:

“Q. Are cleaner vaccines (i.e., reduced allergens) affecting the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders(?)”

MJD says,

Prometheus Effect – Changing the scope and breadth of a previous question/statement and answering it based on the altered context.

Comment misconduct by Julian Frost with a 5 day RI suspension, Orac.

My modification did not change the meaning of your original question. But to satisfy you:

Q. Are cleaner vaccines (i.e., reduced allergens) affecting the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders and the incidence of intellectual disability therein(?)

Since vaccines do not cause autism, the answer to the first part of your leading and loaded question (Are cleaner vaccines (i.e., reduced allergens) affecting the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders?) is “No”. Ditto to the second part (and the incidence of intellectual disability therein(?)).

I would love to see my newborn taken from the birth hospital to the emergency department at the Children’s Hospital for neonatal seizures.

Said no mother.

Sure, I would love to take care of the rivers of poo from my toddler and another trip to the emergency department due to seizures caused by dehydration from rotavirus.

Said no mother.

“Sure, I’d love to spew from both directions from rotavirus and get so weak that I cannot walk or cry and they have to stick needles in me to get me back” #saidnochild #putkidsfirst

(And yes, I really like yours, too. But I admit one thing I think is wrong with this campaign is that they seem to be pushing the kids aside. It’s about them).

My comment went to the wrong place. You can see the rest down below. Though here is the snarky bit:

It was difficult to get the toddler’s perspective when he was nonverbal, and after the seizure he was also unconscious. Plus it was no fun that I got a busy signal the first time I dialed 911.

🙂 Yeah it is all about me.

April we should promote inclusion and real autism science. See links below.

There are hundreds of thousands of moms in India and Africa who would have given anything and everything for rotavirus vaccine that would have saved their baby’s life.

Know your ingredients:
Know your side effects:
Know your risks:
This law violates our 7th Amendment – 7TH Amendment to the constitution states: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, then according to the rules of the common law.
1983: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [2] receives 6 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:10,000.

2017: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [3] receives 23 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:68.

1986: Law created to give vaccine manufacturers immunity from all liability.

Notice a correlation but not a causation above? This correlation does not causation statement is integrated within the medical community and states that vaccines are never the cause of anything. Can you honestly say with a straight face say this to be true?

The great study they refer to that vaccines do not cause Autism is from this guy!
OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen

Know your ingredients:
Know your side effects:
Know your risks:
This law violates our 7th Amendment – 7TH Amendment to the constitution states: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, then according to the rules of the common law.
1983: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [2] receives 6 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:10,000.

2017: A healthy-born child according to the CDC vaccination schedule [3] receives 23 vaccines in the first 15 months of life. The autism rate is 1:68.

1986: Law created to give vaccine manufacturers immunity from all liability.

Notice a correlation but not a causation above? This correlation does not causation statement is integrated within the medical community and states that vaccines are never the cause of anything. Can you honestly say with a straight face say this to be true?

The great study they refer to that vaccines do not cause Autism is from this guy!
OIG Fugitive: Poul Thorsen

Of course I can take care of a six month old baby with chicken pox, along with her older brother who is so sick he wets the bed each night.

Said no mother.

All of those three things happened between 1988 and 1994.

I did protect my kids with the available vaccines, and I did get my oldest the medical care he needed by qualified neurologists, speech therapists, psychologists, and cardiologists. As an almost thirty year old man with autism he is doing very well with supports he receives from this state’s Developmental Disabilities Administration. He is a very cool and interesting guy.

I also get support from our local ARC.

Said this mother.

It was difficult to get the toddler’s perspective when he was nonverbal, and after the seizure he was also unconscious. Plus it was no fun that I got a busy signal the first time I dialed 911.

When was an adult he had open heart surgery. When the anesthesia was wearing off he started to shake. I did not react well since it was too much like his seizures. He was a trooper.

I am very sympathetic to what Jenny McCarthy went through with her son’s seizures, which were much worse than my son’s. I very much dislike she is blaming a vaccine he had been given more that a year earlier. Her family should really sign up for the SPARK genetic study through the Simons Foundation. That might give her some real answers to his medical issues.

During the month of April we should be promoting real autism research:

Plus accommodating and inclusion:

I wear it as a badge of honor that I was able to contribute to your entry in the Encyclopedia of American Loons.

Oh where do I begin..

MJD, did you not read what Orac wrote about flooding a comment thread?
First of all, HE is the final arbiter, not you
Next, 6 of 23 is not even close to exceeding all other comments in a thread of 25 or more

What is wrong with you anyway?

Who are you to suggest suspension? It’s NOT YOUR BLOG.
Also Julian makes sense as usual.

Why do I even try?

I realize that the above image is disturbing, and I apologize if anyone had a difficult time viewing it.

It’s also a rerun from the March for Science “#wedid” trip.

A few things….

I’ve spent several days reading/ hearing nonsense from the usual suspects and feel rather sick as a result.

I think that Science Mom may have something there:
I notice a vacillation in the ( anti-vax) force. There seem to be less comments. TMR has had only one post in a month. Less activity around the woo-esphere where politics seems to be getting more attention. Nothing from Andy.
They sound desperate.

@ Julian: Ha ha. Cheezburger!

@ Lawrence: Thanks much.

@ Dorit:

The affluent, whiteness is astounding.
Those who sponsor anti-vax films/ events search very hard to find African Americans, Hispanic and Asian people to compensate but it is tough going. From my count, there is a Ms Ealey( parent), Louise Kuo Habakus ( parent/ author/ radio host)TM Tex/ Thalia Seggelink ( parent/ marijuana activist), TM Dragonslayer ( parent), Dr Nancy Banks
( woo-meister). Kerri Rivera ( woo-meister) and the Nation of Islam guy. These are featured prominently and repetitively as they may be the only ones.

@Denice & Dorit
Unfortunately all they have to do to get non-white imagery is to visit the Somali immigrants in Minnesota. The anti-vax morons got an unfortunate level of influence on them, and turned them into a significant un-vaccinated population. My understanding is that local health departments have been trying to educate the Somali-americans with good results. Still, it shows how people can be hoodwinked into falling for the anti-vax crap.

As you say, the minorities are minorities of the minority anti-vaxers.

[sarcasm]Luckily they are in the US, here in Canada the government would be trying to support them as minorities. ;-)[/sarcasm]

Anonymous Pseudonym:

I didn’t have any names of Somalis and also I consider them targets not perps.

More seriously, woo-meisters have a sordid history of trying to get minorities to accept their woo/ support their bankroll. Often, they try to convince them that the Man is out to get them ( “Tuskegee!”) and to not to trust authorities ( “They caused aids!”). Some target African Americans with their so-called health products or dietary regimes. Null lectures/ presents woo at predominately African American churches and charter schools in the NY area. He champions juices bars that appear in Harlem but rants about the “ghettoisation” of the US.
Adams is more clearly of two minds whilst he condemns “city” people as lacking in survival and other skills and then tries to convince us about how unprejudiced he is. His videos include some disturbing racist images of cartoon black people. I assume he’s trying to influence. his predominantly ( I venture) white, conservative audience.

To be fair, they also have crap to say about millennials, who are presented as achingly white.

The predation on the Minnesota Somali population was absolutely by white, affluent suburbanites.

Just think, those moms probably have some clout in major charities that are hated by autistic people, such as Autism Speaks, Age of Autism, etc. It would not surprise me if they are the most abusive parents who end up committing filicide.

I wish we could doxx all of them and report them to CPS for child endangerment.

Yes, they are definitely better. The comments are amazing!

“Love” the one person who thinks vaccines cause meningitis. I am old enough to have met mothers who had a child become disabled or die because of meningitis caused the the actual Hib disease.

I watched my two year old nephew contract meningitis and later pass to Stephens-Johnson Syndrome. It was literally the most heartbreaking two months of my life.

I would hope that there is a special place in hell for anyone who would rather risk putting their kid through that than getting their kid a simple shot!

I lost a friend to meningitis when I was senior in high school. She started feeling ill on a Friday afternoon with an intense headache. She died Saturday evening. She was only 17.

I find these memes that antivaxers have made deeply troubling. Kari did not think her child was a vaccine injury at first. She got sucked into AV land later. It is so obvious to me that her child is a SIDS victim. Why doesn’t she see it?

That is so sad.

One reason why I think I did not get sucked in is because there was no internet until after my third kid was born (at least in our house), and my oldest had seizures before any vaccine and because of a disease.

Though to be honest, the second seizure was less than two weeks after his MMR vaccine. Though the week before he had had severe diarrhea and vomiting, and had actually been taken to see the doctor. And being his always happy cheerful self*, the doc thought he was on the mend. Well, he was wrong (and actually called to apologize later).

Being happy and cheerful was not part of the DSM III for autism. Even though he often laughed at inappropriate times. One reason his diagnosis came so late.


I think your co-author did plenty of damage to herself by the very act of co-authoring some tedious works of complete fiction.

As for sickening, I’ve read some of your “poetry” now that’s sickening.

motosubatsu writes,

As for sickening, I’ve read some of your “poetry” now that’s sickening.

MJD says,

Thanks for the assessment, motosubatsu (mow-toe-sew-bat-sue).


Anytime. Not sure why you felt the need to (incorrectly) type my handle out phonetically but if it makes you happy who am I to judge?

Vaccines cause parasites?
–from the quote by JM

Doe that mean she’s going to start with the enemas to get rid of the “parasites”?

That struck me too. At least with the candida nonsense, I think the idea is that vaccines are somehow weakening the immune system, allowing candida to flourish. (It is a very common microbe.) But where does she think the parasites are coming from? Are these parasites something like Hulda Clark’s liver flukes?

The mythical autism-vaccine parasites only underscore public ignorance of simple biology.
In fact, in the developed world, if your child acquires parasites, you have probably failed to protect them.

What am I supposed to see in Alix Mayer’s before and after pics? Or in the bigger picture on the right, for that matter? They all look similar to me.

How much are you being paid by pharmaceutical companies to spout this utter lot of drivel?? Recent research by RELIABLE (ie. non pharma sponsored) research proves beyond all reasonable doubt the link between aluminium adjuvants and auto-immune diseases. There are only two reasons why anyone with any intelligence would ignore this….either they are unaware…or they are benefiting financially from the vaccination programmes. Alternatively you are just lacking in intelligence….

Ahh, the old phama shill gambit. Of course you can’t cite these so called “studies”…

I don’t spout drivel in exchange for Pharma remuneration; I spout drivel because it’s the right thing to do.

1) Why do you think autism is an auto-immune disease? (Or, if you do not, why are you bringing that up in a thread about autism?)

2) What do aluminum adjuvants have to do with non-aluminum-containing vaccines?

3) How do you propose limiting environmental aluminum exposure vastly in excess of the entire vaccine schedule given the element’s extreme abundance in the Earth’s crust?

Oh joy! My Magic 8-ball predicts much Proof by Assertion, Pharma-shill gambits and maybe if we’re extra lucky we’ll even get a liberal sprinkling of abuse aimed at autistic people.

I’m assuming Orac and every other person here who has a basic understanding of science.

Why? Is it because we dislike having kids in pain with fevers plus a high chance of injury? I personally would preferred my son not needed his many visits to a hospital by ambulance.

motosubatsu writes,

Not sure why you felt the need to (incorrectly) type my handle out phonetically but if it makes you happy who am I to judge?

MJD says,

Dear motosubatsu (mow-toe-sue-bat-sue),

It appears you’ve been nothing but judgemental.

Please listen to this and calm down my new RI friend.

Oh I don’t judge you for the weird phonetic thing (correct or incorrect – you got it right this time by the way, remind me to send you a cookie), I do however judge you for being a possibly crazy hack who attempts to profit of the distress and suffering of not only his own child but that of others by spinning fairytales and trying to market them as non-fiction. Yeah I’m pretty judgmental about that, so on second thoughts – no cookies for you.

Your broken record-esque witterings on the giant thread(s) discussing your ludicrous latex “hypothesis” did serve to alleviate the boredom of a particularly tedious work day though so you get points for that. And your increasingly obtuse “contributions” to unrelated comment threads since do amuse somewhat; like that drunken uncle who always shows up to family events hammered no matter what the occasion or what time of day it happens and spends the entire time peppering every conversation with bizarre non-sequiters. Everyone cringes but deep down we’d all miss him if he wasn’t there so keep on doing whatever it is that you do!

@ motosubatsu,

Based on your response, it’s clear you haven’t listened to the sound therapy provided above.

Please try it, if it floats your boat Orac and his minions don’t have to know about it.

Although, they’ll probably notice a difference in your empathy for others immediately.

Based on your response, it’s clear you haven’t listened to the sound therapy provided above.

Finally, tragecomedy bottled at the wrong pH. It was bound to happen. The only question is where to start. Tibetan? Must. Not. Use. The. Z-word.

Yet. So, despite my well-known antipathy for the planet Saturn, this is a start, and I will hold my tongue rather than….

Hmph. Don’t know why the last one went into the MODZ queue, but I think Doucheniak may have just found a gusher.


No I didn’t listen to your sound therapy – I prefer to get my therapeutic advice from people whose judgement I actually trust and besides I’m more than happy with my current regimen thanks.

I have plenty of empathy for others by the way, you might want to try it yourself sometime.

Y’know, Doucheniak, I’m in automod over at Peter Woit’s joint (which is fitting, because I’m totally outclassed), and I don’t whine about it. Instead, like something resembling a grown-up, I am pleased when a comment is deemed worthy of being released. You’re lucky you’re not on a shorter leash.

@Terrie & Dewnice
I have no doubt that the originator of the misinformation to the Somali’s came from whites. However, the Somali leaders (traditional not elected) in the community are solely responsible, in my eyes at least, for continuing to disseminate the disinformation once they were told it was incorrect. If you are fooled, fair enough. But continuing to believe fiction after you are exposed to the truth is all on you. To me, this applies to mommy warriors, libertarians, granola heads, and everyone else with no exceptions.

SO I agree with you as to the original problem, but we disagree on culpability after the true information was disseminated.

@ Anonymous Pseudonym:

Thanks for that.
I wasn’t aware of the leaders’ persistence in the face of SB information. They are not blameless then.

I DO wonder though if accomplished woo-meisters look to more traditional people/ minorities as easy targets?

Amongst those I observe, I think that they also often target women as easy marks or as being dissatisfied with the mainstream for whatever reasons- thus they may spout a ( so-called) feminist line.
BUT then, they’ll say anything to sell their products.

Can I ask where you are getting your information? I live smack in the middle of the second largest Somali community in Minnesota and have not heard any of this from community leaders. I have heard it from some parents whose children have autism. Not saying that it’s not happening, would just like the evidence.

I also live in the Twin Cities, and have not heard of local Somali leaders encouraging antivax nonsense. The opposite, in fact; a number of mosques have preached the importance of vaccination. And I remember after the first wave of vaccine refusal, when some children contracted measles, the parents were furious with Wakefield for having misled them.

It’s not the leaders — Wakefield has actually come back, several times. I think the antivaxxers are targeting new arrivals.

Attempt number 3 to post.
Apologies for typoing your name. I really need to proof read better.

@Denice & Terrie
I thought I had read the information in a follow-up to the measles outbreak of 2016 sometime around the middle of last year. I thought it was either from CNN, CBC, BBC, or Arstechnica. I went looking for it and could not find the article. The closest I could find was an addenum to the CNN article talking about how the autism scare + crap science making-sjit-up a decade or so ago caused the Somali population to stop vaccinating – Yet more deaths to lay at Quack Wakefiled’s feet.

That being said, since I cannot find the article, I am going to assume that I misremembered what I was reading, or conflated it with something else. I apologize for spreading mis-information, and if I do find the article I will post a link in the next appropriate Orac article.

Apologies for mucking up your user-name above. Must remember to check for typos.

@Terrie & Denice
The articles I was (mis?)remembering was from either CBC, CNN, BBC, or ArsTechnica. I went and re-read the ones available and they were all about the 2016 measles out-break. The one I was remembering was a follow-up. It is quite possible that I was conflating the decade old vaccine distrust caused in the community by Wakefield’s self-serving study with the current activities (reference: & That being said, until I can find the article, I withdraw my comment and belief that the Somali community leaders were actively promoting anti-vaccine of their own volition.

Isn’t it odd how Jenny McCarthy’s description of her son keeps changing? He’s gone from superhuman crystal child to brilliant but autistic to recovered autistic thanks to McCarthy’s tender loving care to now incredibly fragile child who has nearly died many times. The narrative shifts depending on how she needs to portray him. I feel sorry for the kid; it would make it difficult to know who you are, when your own mother can’t decide.

@ calliarcale:

Jenny uses her son in order to get attention herself so she needs to constantly find something astonishing or remarkable about him: perfection, illness or recovery- to have material to talk about. So, whatever he does or embodies is grist for her mill: if he likes baseball or art class I’m sure she’ll share.
I find that other anti-vax moms behave similarly : perhaps not being able to understand SB research might be related to other personality/ cognitive deficits? I wouldn’t be surprised.
If you need a child – ill, healthy, achieving, athletic, attractive or not- as a prop to further your own agenda as SuperMom- well, I feel sorry for those children. These days, Jenny is re-married: so perhaps she’ll focus on her husband and give the kid a rest.
( She has a satellite radio show- Kim Rossi co-hosts with her occasionally – see AoA recent update.
Oh boy, that will be beaucoup de woo/ self-promotion)

Gotta love how Welsh asserts we can’t do empathy when it’s the presumably largely NT antivaxxer crowd humiliating and dehumanizing their own kids, too…


You’re lucky that Orac even allows you to comment at all. If I were king, you would have been tossed long ago. Perhaps he is just preternaturally magnanimous, values all free speech even that which lacks meaningful content or enjoys the striking contrast with the comments of his loyal minions.

You might actually be retained purely as a negative example for newbies: ” Be like Chris, Eric, Bacon, Chris Hickie, Dorit. Julian, Clyde etc. ( Sorry if I left anyone out, I’m somewhat in a hurry but you know who you are),
NOT like MJD”.

Orac is about as likely to debate you as I am to star as a high wire artist in the latest edition of Cirque de Soleil.
It ain’t gonna happen.

Oh yes, this would be lovely to watch, but only if the “debate” is a balloon fight. Everyone gets one balloon for each legitimate, relevant study that supports their position. Then each person gently boops the other person on the head with a balloon until all the balloons are used and we’ve all had a good laugh.

And then MJD goes away forever.

Seriously MJD, go for a walk, plant a tree, have a cup of tea, take a nap, whatever, and then find a new hobby.

What’s to debate? People that understand real science know that matter has been decided pretty definitively. You obviously have a problem with basic science so why should Orac give you the time of day?

Robert asks,

…why should Orac give you the time of day?

MJD says,

Orac wrote several posts about MJD’s vaccine concerns and there remains unfinished business.

Umm, no there really isn’t. Those post’s, and a number of credible scientific papers, show that your reasoning is flawed. You refuse to accept that so a debate is basically a waste of bandwidth.

I saw this a few days ago and looked it up to share here.

A big reason for the increase in autism prevalence in the U.S. is the change in diagnostic criteria with the DSM-IV and -V, which expanded the definition of an ASD. But there may be many undiagnosed women living somewhat normal lives like this one.

Hi Orac,
I keep trying to hate you but I just can’t do it. I think … you really just don’t know. I used to think differently . I thought you knew & used your intelligence & educated/professional authority to ridicule parents of disabled/deceased children.

And no; not because I thought you were a bad person: I figured you knew the potential for adverse events existed but that you heeded the call of the “greater good” philosophy. Meaning; you were doing this because you DID care about children, in the long run.

I thought that you reasoned to yourself that the ends would justify the means. That ridicule is one of the most effective methods to silence the opposition. I couldn’t think of any other reason somebody would say that Antvaccine parents hated their Autistic children.

That is so incredibly hurtful. Have you no idea of the psychological recoil that a parent may have upon hearing that? That a parent who is “on the fence” & happens to stumble across you having said that is going to react so strongly that they will never hear you at all?

I say this gently: Shame on You. You are too smart to behave like that. What you call contemp is profound grief.

But that’s not why I’m posting this. I read what you said both before & after the baby in his coffin picture. It wasn’t rambling, it was direct. A little apologetic. Well; you actually did apologize to those who were bothered. My first thought was “As if. As if I never saw my own child dead in her little white casket?”

Because my little girl died within 24 hours of immunization. “It’s not something I’ve never seen before, you know.” Is what I was thinking. But something about the way you said it stopped me.

It bothered you, didn’t it? If it bothered you … I don’t think you have what it takes to be one of those “Greater Good” folk. A person utilizing that level of rationalization would see 1 child in a coffin & say “Better one than five”. Or: “Better one now so we learn from our mistakes & won’t have as many several years from now …”

But I think you saw a dead baby in his coffin. You did not see “the means”. So now, I think you really don’t know. That gives me hope.

There is a big difference between calling out – or mocking – anti-vaccine activists working to scare people from vaccines by making claims that are not true and ridiculing parents of any kind, or ridiculing the suffering of those that lost children. I am very, very sorry you lost your child. I cannot imagine anything more painful.

But after is not because. We have 4 million children born every year. With babies vaccinated at 2, 4, and 6 months, that’s about 30,000 babies vaccinated each day. It’s almost inevitable some will die after vaccines by coincidence alone. As natural as it is to blame vaccines, the belief it’s them is not enough.

And when anti-vaccine activists and organizations attack vaccines, they are putting other families at the risk of losing children or seeing children hurt from diseases – because the risks of serious harms from vaccines are very small (though not zero), and the risks of deaths much smaller. That’s not true of preventable diseases.

Orac calls out anti-vaccine activists and organizations to protect children. That’s something to be proud of, not ashamed. He is not mocking the parents. He is mocking the leaders that mislead. And he is stepping in to save other parents from the pain of loss like yours. In the face of quite a lot of vitriol. He deserves respect for it.

Thank you, Dorit. I do believe that Orac deserves respect because he stands up for what he believes is right & he does it in a respectful manner. He writes very well & sometimes I can see where he checks himself & diverts away from making negative comments.

I have also noticed that he reserves his harshest comments for those of “equal platform” (I cannot think of the right way to state it); meaning those with equal but adversarial influence in health & medicine vs angry parents. Same for those who identify themselves as ASD.

My daughter: She died about 8 years into my three almost militantly pro-vaccination decades. Prior to her death I was super confident. Almost smug. I don’t actually remember who it was that brought it up in the first few days following her death (It may have been one of the grandmothers) but I do remember screaming: “It wasn’t the vaccines!” And it was never brought up again. That was in 1994 & I continued to immunize both myself & my children without hesitation; until 2006.

I am aware of the the other mortality factors that coincide on the timeline of the vaccination schedule. With the exception of anaphylactic reactions; it is easier to confound infant death due to vaccine than it is to correlate it. Parents are prepared to encounter some adverse but mild symptoms. Maybe some hone in on the vaccine right away but I sure didn’t.

I don’t think anybody understands how much I want to be wrong. I can’t be & I’m stuck knowing that it would be irresponsible of me to explain.

And now; care giving for 12 years, a 14 year old son with severe Autism. My world grows smaller every day. There is no solidarity with anti vaccine groups because I know that vaccines are powerful against communicable disease & an advantage to many, if not most.

Something is going wrong for some, regarding vaccination. Very wrong. It’s yet to be discovered but the recent uptick in studies regarding synaptic pruning might be headed in the right direction.

I like you, Dorit. I don’t understand what inspires those who attack you for your work & beliefs. You too; are doing what you believe is right, no matter what & not many people could truly say that about themselves when they look in the mirror.

“And now; care giving for 12 years, a 14 year old son with severe Autism. My world grows smaller every day.”

The Simon’s Foundation is recruiting tens of thousands of families to find out more about autism. You might find way to grow your world by participating:

Some families with similar diagnoses have created groups to support, learn, etc:

Thank you for writing this….
This brought me to tears – as I have 3 special little ones on the spectrum
Absolutely love love love love love your writing….
Can’t wait for more.

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