Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Pseudoscience Quackery

Only a homeopath has a belief system bizarre enough to defend a remedy based on spit from a rabid dog

Last week, naturopath and homeopath Anke Zimmermann made the news for using lyssinum, a homeopathic remedy based on saliva from a rabid dog, to treat a four year old boy with behavioral problems. This week, Zimmermann strikes back against her critics. Hilarity ensues.

You might be wondering why there was no fresh Insolence, Respectful or not-so-Respectful, yesterday, and, before I lay down today’s installment, I’ll tell you. Basically, I was ensconced in a meeting room of the Westin Hotel at the airport all weekend on a strategic planning retreat for my cancer center. As much as I’d love to blog about what happened there, I can’t, because what went on there is confidential. I can, however, say that it was an…unusual…experience. It was even illuminating. That being said, I realize that I also rarely write about the same topic three times in a row, but, before I move on, I feel the need to do one more post about homeopathy, thus closing (for now) a series that began on the first day of Homeopathy Awareness Week and ended up with a post showing how “integrating” homeopathy with real medicine harms the clinical care being offered. Along the way, I encountered one of the most bizarre bits of homeopathy ever, in which a naturopath named Anke Zimmermann made the news for a case report in which she treated a child with the homeopathic remedy lyssinum, which is derived from the saliva of a rabid dog. Or so homeopaths claim. This four year old child presented with behavioral problems, including aggression, pretending to be a dog, and, oddly enough, a fear of werewolves. (How a four-year-old even knows what a werewolf is would be the question I would have asked, suspecting that somehow he had seen all or part of a horror movie inappropriate for someone that young.)

The reason I’m revisiting Not-A-Doctor Zimmermann is because I noticed that she’s taken down her original post describing her case report. In its place at the same URL, she now has an impassioned and risible defense of homeopathy. Fortunately, the Internet never forgets, and, thanks to the almighty Wayback Machine at, the original post can still be found quite easily. I’ve already discussed that in depth before, however. What I’m interested in now is Not-A-Doctor’s excuses and complaints. First, I can’t help but note that she engaged in the usual conspiracy-mongering in a followup news story published Friday:

“I’m not taking this personally,” she said. “There is a worldwide push by skeptics and organizations funded by pharmaceutical companies to eliminate homeopathy. This is nothing new.”

Funny, but she says that as though it were a bad thing. In reality, of course, this is merely the very predictable pharma shill gambit. It is now obligatory for me at this point to ask the usual questions that must be asked whenever I and other skeptics are accused of being in the pay of big pharma: Where is all the filthy lucre I’m supposed to be getting? I’m told there would be piles of money, expensive sports cars, and a yacht. Where is my damned yacht?! In fact, for no reason at all other than it is a “where” question and because I like Game of Thrones I was half tempted to put a photo of Queen Daenerys Targaryen raging, “Where are my dragons?” Oh, what the heck:

There, I feel better.

In any case, why am I doing this for free, even paying the expense of hosting my blog out of my own pocket? I mean, seriously! I don’t even get the small amount of blogging cash I used to get from ScienceBlogs when it still existed. I’m completely on my own.

Enough of that, though. What’s amusing is that Not-A-Doctor Zimmermann takes it upon herself to lecture health officials who were horrified at the thought of using saliva from a rabid dog as the starting compound for a homeopathic remedy. She’s oh-so-outraged at their ignorance about homeopathy, and she thinks that a medical doctor doesn’t know how rabies is transmitted:

It’s a sad day for Canada when a top health official, a medical doctor no less, causes alarm in the population because she expresses ‘grave concern’ that a homeopathic remedy made from rabies might somehow infect someone and should perhaps be removed from the market.

Unfortunately she is completely uninformed about homeopathy or this thought would have never crossed her mind. Neither does she seem to quite understand how rabies is transmitted, even though she is a medical doctor, which nobody in the press seems to have noticed.

As per the CDC: “Transmission of rabies virus usually begins when infected saliva of a host is passed to an uninfected animal. The most common mode of rabies virus transmission is through the bite and virus-containing saliva of an infected host. Though transmission has been rarely documented via other routes such as contamination of mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, nose, mouth), aerosol transmission, and corneal and organ transplantations.”

Zimmermann is referring to Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s senior health officer, who told CBC News that she had “grave concerns” about the use of lyssinum to treat the young boy. Zimmermann also didn’t quote Dr. Henry quite properly, as Dr. Henry said, “It’s hard for me to believe as a physician that anything that was made from a very serious lethal infection … would have any therapeutic benefit” and, annoyingly from my point of view, even conceded:

Henry said she believes some homeopathic remedies can be helpful under certain circumstances, but not in this case.

Oy, Dr. Henry. That’s what we call trying to be too diplomatic. Homeopathy is The One Quackery To Rule Them All. It doesn’t work any more than placebo, mainly because the vast majority of homeopathic remedies are nothing more than water.

The rest of Not-A-Doctor Zimmermann’s rejoinder to all the criticism doesn’t actually help her. In fact, she openly admits that homeopathy is water, placebo medicine, as a defense of using a homeopathic remedy supposedly based on the saliva from a rabid dog. Indeed, she explicitly says:

Homeopathic remedies don’t contain any active viruses or other pathogens and are also not administered via sharp teeth, saliva or organ transplants etc. The remedy I administered consisted of a few medicated lactose pellets.

Unfortunately the public in North America is ill-informed about homeopathy thanks to the relentless and ongoing attack on homeopathy by the mainstream media. The usual accusation is that homeopathic remedies are just water, a placebo, but now the claim suddenly is that they are somehow deadly or injurious, because the remedy in this case was made from rabid dog saliva.

I have news for you folks, homeopathy either works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, what does it matter what it’s made of, dog saliva, elephant’s dung or badger’s pubic hair, it’s so diluted that it’s only water after all, or a placebo, a sugar pill.


The remedies I gave in this case were of the potencies of 200CH, 1M and 10M which means they went through the dilution and succussion process 200, 1000 and 10,000 times.

After the process is repeated 12 times it is basically impossible to have even one of the original molecules left in the solution, which is ultimately often used to medicate lactose or sucrose pellets.

Therefor there is no single molecule of rabies in the remedy. Again, you can’t catch rabies from the remedy.

Zimmerman, surprisingly, is correct here. Given that Avogadro’s number is on the order of 6 x 1023 and that a single “C” dilution is a 100-fold dilution (making a 12C solution a 10-24 dilution), any homeopathic remedy of “stronger” than 12C is unlikely to have a single molecule of starting material left. For comparison, a 200C dilution is a 10-400 dilution. For further comparison, the number of atoms in the known universe is only estimated to be on the order of 1080. Of course, if you really want to get ridiculous, consider that “M” is shorthand for 1,000C, making a 1M dilution a 10-2000 dilution and a 10M dilution even more amazingly ridiculous at a 10-20,000 dilution. We’re basically talking fantasy here.

Left unsaid, of course, is how any compound diluted many, many orders of magnitude beyond nonexistence in solution can have any physiological effect. Well, not exactly unsaid. There’s the usual handwaving about “we don’t know how it works, but it does,” an infuriatingly stupid argument because it assumes that we “know” that homeopathy works when in fact we “know” nothing of the sort. As I like to say, for homeopathy to “work,” huge swaths of well-established knowledge in physics and chemistry (and biology) would have to be not just wrong, but spectacularly wrong. If we’re going to conclude that we need to radically revise our understanding of large swaths of scientific knowledge to include concepts like the “memory of water” that homeopaths sometimes invoke to “explain” homeopathy, it will take more than just the occasional clinical trial that, because of random chance and bias, gives a positive result. Not that that stops Not-A-Doctor Zimmermann from listing cherry picked studies going back to the 1980s.

She also describes how lyssinum was supposedly made and discovered:

Rabies is an infection of the central nervous system, so early homeopaths realized that it might be useful for certain neurological and mental health issues. One brave soul, somewhere around 1833, 50 years before the crude experiments of Louis Pasteur, who developed the rabies vaccine, managed to extract a little saliva from the mouth of a small pet dog who had been bitten by a rabid fox. Then he made it into a homeopathic remedy. It’s quite a riveting story, any interested parties are directed to Allan’s Materia Medica of Nosodes. The dog had puppies when it was bitten and two of her puppies were also bitten. The doctor extracted the saliva, made it into a remedy, gave it to the puppies and was able to save them, but the mother died as her state was more advanced and she had been bitten more intensely.

One of the first symptoms a person with rabies may experience is a general over-excitability; they can be more lively and talkative than usual and may have trouble sleeping. Next they might feel a sense of dread, of something terrible about to happen, as well as a fear of dogs, the dark and water. Hence the reason it was given in the case in question and similar cases I have treated of children who were overexcitable, had trouble sleeping and had various behavioural issues.

I have on numerous occasions prescribed the remedy based on an unreasonable fear of dogs in both adults and children, as long as other indications were also present.

So let me get this straight. I’m supposed to believe that someone, back in 1833, got saliva from his pet dog who had been bitten by a rabid fox and then made it into a homeopathic remedy that he used to save the dog’s puppies? Then I’m supposed to believe that this same tincture has been kept for 185 years and used as the basis for lyssinum? I call bullshit on this story. As for the indications, I discussed the nonsense that is the “rabies miasm” last time. As you might recall, basically a miasm seems to be some sort of generational contamination wherein if any of your ancestors ever had rabies or was treated for rabies, the “miasm” might have been passed down to you. It’s a delightfully silly and fluid concept, too, as, according to homeopaths, miasms don’t predict disease and have nothing to do with the diseases they’re named after. (Imagine the relief of those diagnosed with the cancer miasm.)

If you want another example of this sort of ridiculousness, consider Medorrhinum, a homeopathic remedy that Zimmermann has used to treat bedwetting and pervasive developmental disorder and epilepsy. What, you may ask, is the starting material for Medorrhinum? Gonorrhea. I kid you not. Any condition that homeopaths think to come from the Sycotic (or gonnorhea) miasm, which homeopaths attribute to “suppressed gonorrhea.” In the case of bedwetting, the rationale is to use Medorrhinum because bedwetting involves the genitourinary tract and so does gonorrhea. In the case of the child with PDD and epilepsy, Medorrhinum was used to treat a “remarkably strong feature to bite, put everything in her mouth and even bite her toenails.”

In fact, one homeopath’s website describes Medorrhinum this way:

Medorrhinum is a very important remedy to consider for Autism. It is also a magnificent remedy for hormonal problems, and affects the generative organs very strongly. It is one of the best remedies for severe menstrual cramps and other problems connected with the menstrual cycle. It is the first remedy we consider in homeopathy for recurrent urinary tract infections. The remedy also affects the musculo-skeletal and nervous systems very profoundly.


Medorrhinum is a massive remedy, which is possibly needed by a large percentage of mankind. When syphilis and gonorrhea are treated with antibiotics or other means in allopathic medicine, the genetic taint is not eradicted from the system, and it causes alterations in the genes, which are passed on to the offspring. Homeopathy offers a means of preventing this unfortunate scenario, which has generation-wide consequences.

Yes, the gonorrhea miasm persists down through the generations. If you have an ancestor who ever had gonorrhea or was treated for gonorrhea, you could well have the Sycotic or gonorrhea miasm. The very concept of miasms, in fact, reminds me why naturopaths, homeopaths, and other quacks are so enamored of epigenetics. They think epigenetics means that basically any noninherited trait or even memory can be passed down through many generations.

In the meantime, Zimmermann has been busy on social media posting gems like this:

On our next episode of, “One of these things is not like the other,” we explain to Not-A-Doctor Zimmermann that, even if there were dog DNA in the flu vaccine, it is not the same thing as concern about a whole rabies virus in a homeopathic remedy or the utter quackery and pseudoscience that underlie the idea that you can use rabies virus diluted to nonexistence in solution as a treatment for anything.

Finally, Zimmermann notes:

I’m a licensed ND but I practice mostly homeopathy. All NDs learn basic homeopathy in naturopathic college, but not all specialize in homeopathy. NDs learn many different treatment modalities, homeopathy is only one of them. Others include clinical nutrition, acupuncture, physical therapies etc. Homeopathy is an entire system of medicine in its own right, just like acupuncture, or nutrition. Homeopathic practitioners may or may not have other qualifications, including being medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists etc.

As I’ve said before, you can’t have naturopathy without homeopathy, because all naturopaths learn homeopathy in naturopathy school and, in states where naturopaths are licensed, naturopaths must pass an examination that includes a section on homeopathy. Yesterday, naturopaths, organized by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), were in Washington, DC, lobbying lawmakers to be included with physicians assistants and advanced practice nurses (also sometimes called nurse practitioners) as health care providers authorized to prescribe controlled substances like buprenorphine to assist in combatting the opioid addiction crisis. If you want to know why the thought of naturopaths with prescription pads scare the crap out of me, just consider Not-A-Doctor Anke Zimmermann and that all naturopaths are, to some extent, homeopaths as well. Then ask yourself: Would you want someone with such massive misconceptions about basic science and medicine to be administering drugs to real patients? The answer is obvious.

By Orac

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski.

That this particular surgeon has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 35 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER:: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac:

57 replies on “Only a homeopath has a belief system bizarre enough to defend a remedy based on spit from a rabid dog”

Your title kind of invites a response of “what about a Reiki master? Or Andrew Wakefield?”

More seriously, while it’s nice to have the admission that there’s nothing in the medication she gives, why then does she prescribe it to a boy that may actually need real help?

Perhaps “belief based medicine” would be better name for CAM. If works, you can show that it works.

Epigenetics means study of modification of gene expression. This is done (expect bacteria) by other genes.

There is a saying on Wall Street: “The broker made money. The firm made money. Two out of three ain’t bad.”

A similar thing applies to CAM practitioners in general and homeopathic practitioners in particular. It works for the practitioner. It works for the firm whose products the practitioner prescribes. Two out of three ain’t bad.

Of course, note in both versions who gets the short end of the stick.

So Zimmermann’s whole defense is that her products are too diluted to have any possible biological value, and she’s just selling lactose tablets to suckers? She might be saying the quiet part loud, there.

@ Orac,

At the beginning of this “respectfully insolent” post, is that Anke Zimmermann in her office?

Did you notice the replica of a bacteriophage structure on the right side of the photograph under the lamp?

If this is Anke’s office space, clearly, her passion for medical science goes beyond homeopathy.

More importantly, it doesn’t look like a bacteriophage. Doucheniak has really outdone himself here.

Damn right it’s a webcam. But even if MJD, the Bear of Very Little Brain, was right (which I suppose he would be by chance once or twice in a decade), it wouldn’t prove anything. It would most likely be a “science-y” prop meant to impress the rubes.

“Passion for medical science!” Hahahahaa.

Tell us another one. My sides are aching from laughing so hard.

Another site I follow had a link to a homeopathic remedy that was made of ultra diluted Berlin wall. It was used to treat fear of being locked in!

Would ultra diluted prison wall work just as good?

And perhaps someone could also produce ultra diluted Chinese wall.

Here in the UK, Helios Homeopathy’s International Remedy list includes homeopathic dilutions not just of the Berlin Wall, but also of Hadrian’s Wall and the Great Wall of China. Other remedies on offer are dilutions of C sharp major chord, the colour purple, Venus in transit, tap water, and (wait for it…) vacuum!

These almost make saliva from a rabid dog sound sensible – but not quite.

That reminds me of the Mitchell and Webb sketch in which a nurse is instructed in the homeopathic A&E to take paint scrapings from a car that hit the patient they were treating in trauma and naje a homeopathic remedy out of it.

Believe it or not, someone once sent me a piece of the London Bridge. I have no idea why. It’s a 1/2 inch cube.

Does anyone have any ideas about what homeopathic “cures” should I decide to market one?

Fear of falling?

I have a small vial of ash from the Mt. Saint Helens eruption. Could it cure flatulence?
And that soil from Jerusalem – would it treat monotheism?

Where is all the filthy lucre I’m supposed to be getting? I’m told there would be piles of money, expensive sports cars, and a yacht. Where is my damned yacht?!

Or as Opus put it in the mid-1980s: “Why fer cryin’ out loud…research physicists need Porsches, too!!” Or a private jet or a private island, as the case may be. Seriously, the role of Bond villain (which is what they think we are) comes with lots of perks that we do not actually get.

Well a homeopath admitting they’re placebo-pushers is a refreshing change, if you can ignore the hypocrisy of then claiming “it works or it doesn’t”. While on the subject of hypocrisy, why oh why do naturoquacks deride “Big Pharma” and accuse sceptics of being pharma-shills but labour intensely to gain prescriptive authority?

” There is a worldwide push by skeptics…..”

This is what they’re telling the marks. There is a great effort to discredit supporters of SBM by the loons I survey ( naturalnews, AoA). We can expect
various “exposes” in the near future. They have a bone to pick with wikip— as I’ve described recently and are trying to remove references by Drs Barrett and DG and other SB writers.
They tell their followers to avoid mainstream media – which is all fake.
Similarly, they decry the value of a university education. Youngsters should learn vocational skills not academic studies.

I guess that means sceptics are doing their jobs.

The ultimate cure for stupidity and ignorance: a homeopathic remedy made from Zimmermann spittle.

As usual, the minions have outdone themselves.

So let’s see…

Step right up, customers!
I have an incredible new formula- **

Are afraid of falling down? Haunted by images of great consuming fires? Do thoughts of dentists drill into your peace of mind?
Are masons forever plastered in your psyche? Are teeming crowds destroying your travel plans?

Never fear, DW’s Homeopathic London Bridge is here!

Cross over with us!

** I deliberately leave out all sexual metaphors/ scatological references in the Stacey Ferguson song-
but you don’t have to.

Never fear, DW’s Homeopathic London Bridge is here!

You still have to organize the proving. I presume it will be catered.

@ Narad:

Be careful of what you ask.
I just looked at Homeopathy Plus/ Tutorial 6 which instructs you on how to do provings.

Since I already have the Bridge and lots of water, now all I need is volunteers.

I wonder if this so called Dr. Zimmerman has every actual had to deal with rabies? In my career as an EHS, I’ve had to deal with about sixty people who may have been exposed to rabies. Even people who should have known better, such as a science teacher that allowed a sick bat to be passed around his classroom (30 students and the teacher had to get the vaccine). I only had one person that should have been vaccinated that wasn’t. He was an 8 year old boy whose mother wouldn’t allow him to be vaccinated because he was afraid of needles.

I don’t know how many rabies viral bodies are needed to cause an infection or what the survival time outside of a body of rabies virus but if you look in Diseases of Man, you will see that it is possible for rabies to take up to 5 to 10 years to progress to the fatal stage (this doesn’t happen often).

It is possible if there by chance (slim at best) is one active rabies viral body in idiot Zimmerman’s patent nostrum that the boy 5 to 10 years from now could develop rabies

I wonder if this so called Dr. Zimmerman has every actual had to deal with rabies?

Highly unlikely. She seems to be based in urban British Columbia. BC only seems to have some bats as a rabies vector. She appears to be clueless but she is likely even more clueless about rabies.

I live in what we (proudly?) claimed to be the rabies capital of the world (Southern Eastern Ontario) and I don’t think we have had an actual case of human rabies in, at least, 30 years, probably much longer.

Of course, most rural residents during most of that time would be highly paranoid about getting bitten by a wild animal and would run, not walk, to the nearest doctor if it happened.

Every year some people will get the vaccine as a precautionary measure but even then, it is likely most of these people would live in rural areas.

I only had one person that should have been vaccinated that wasn’t.

Please tell me he survived.

He survived only because the unknown dog that bit him wasn’t rabid. Hopefully, his loving mother got what she deserved.

Does anyone remember that unfortunate incident with homeopathic belladonna teething tablets? They actually contained a measurable quantity of belladonna, quite sufficient to poison some of the unfortunate children to whom they were administered. If the same thing were done with this rabid dog spittle concoction, the results would be even worse.

Yup. I had to beg and beg my friend to throw them out.
“But he cries so much less!”
I finally convinced her to get rid of them (or she said she would to shut me up) when I explained that “belladonna” was poison hemlock. Even the firmest fence sitter has a hard time thinking they fed their precious baby something with “poison” in the name.

They actually contained a measurable quantity of belladonna

A homeopathy supporter on another forum claimed triumphantly that proved the tablets weren’t really homeopathy; because they had something in them. She absolutely could not see the paradox.

A depressing end to a long day at work:

Involved peripherally in a case involving a middle-aged patient with a type of cancer potentially highly treatable (depending on molecular profile). Patient after diagnosis decided to pursue homeopathy instead. This did not go well, to say the least. Back in the hospital with large tumor and associated complications, improved after a few days on standard chemo regimen. I doubt the prognosis was enhanced by the go-round with homeopathy.

The doctor extracted the saliva, made it into a remedy, gave it to the puppies and was able to save them,

Every year tens of thousands of people die of rabies, worldwide. They can’t afford treatment. But sugar pills and water are cheap. I propose that Anke Zimmermann make all those sceptical doctors and scientist s look like the fools they are for doubting homeopathy, by just going out and curing all those suffering people. She needn’t even go personally; just prepare a bottle of sugar pills (costs what? A dollar?) and ship it over to any nation that’s having a rabies problem.

I can’t imagine why homeopaths haven’t thought of this simple way of proving their nostrums work.

I think there is an organisation Homeopaths without Borders. So please don’t give them any ideas.

I like to point out that it would be really simple for practitioners of alternative medicine to prove their cures work. Just pick something that is fatal without treatment — or even with treatment — use their nostrums and cure it. Simple as that. No arguing about placebo effects or regression to the mean; it just works.

I tried to find Orac’s article where a homeopathy claimed homeopathic nostrums would easily cure whooping cough in twenty minutes, but couldn’t find it. There was a whooping cough outbreak in California at the time, so I thought she should just get the TV reporters out and invite every parent of a sick child over to be cured on camera. That would satisfy any reasonable sceptic. But for some reason she didn’t do it .just like this homeopath won’t cure all those people dying of rabies.

@ LW:

Well, there are woo-meisters who claim cures for nearly every fatal condition under the sun HOWEVER they never show data., they just bag about it. One of them does claim to be able to cure Alzheimers’, cancer, gangrene, MS and hiv/ aids even displaying testimonials or patients who appear BUT not one produces documentation of having the prior condition.

I know. But I like to point out how very easy it would be to prove their claims … if their claims were true. If they even believed their claims were true, they would set up tests such as I suggest. But they don’t because they know their claims are not true. I like to think that some people who might otherwise be inclined to believe such claims will be swayed by the failure to prove such claims when it would be so easy.

I’m also opposed to so-called Nurse Practitioners having prescribing privileges — certainly beyond an extremely narrow range of conditions in a strictly defined patient population and from a very limited formulary. NOT the broad prescribing privileges they have come to acquire. An HONEST nurse practitioner her/himself will tell you how little they learned about the relevant sciences, and how little they know about what is wrong with the patient and/or how the drug works beyond having a general knowledge that if you diagnose the patient with X you try Y drug. I read a great article from just such an NP who was very frank that based on the education provided to NPs in America and Canada she, and her colleagues, could not tell you much at all about what is wrong with you and/or why what they are prescribing works or how it works and, in fact, she feels it’s purely by good fortune that patients haven’t died or suffered ill effect — or, more likely, two and two just haven’t been put together yet and an association between certain deaths/outcomes attributed to the involvement of an NP. But, as she said, her patients can rest assured that she can tell them all about the gender dynamics in the healthcare milieu and how the patient’s gender and socio-economic status affect their health care choices.

Piercing the balloon of credulous reporting: acupuncturists without borders offer the gift of quackery to Hawaiians:

““We’re doing a trauma recovery acupuncture clinic, in which patients are coming in for 45 minutes each time, and they’re getting five ear needles in each ear,” said acupuncturist Linda Ming Lee of Princeville.

The treatment, she said, resets the synthetic nervous system.”

There are the synthetic and the parasynthetic networks, Alain.

My comment was a bad joke. I know there is the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Synthetic =/= Sympathetic; that’s what I meant.


I am a physicist and for a long time I was wondering why homeopaths dilute only in water. Why not in air, which when inhaled should work just as water? Had Homeopaths ever thought about this?

I imagine it would be difficult to perform the succussion step with air. Korsakovian dilutions would be right out.

@ Nav Kris:

I imagine that it would be harder to bottle and sell.

Yes. I thought they might have tried to “cure” air pollution related problems.

Do they give homeopathic injection? This should work better than oral intake. In that case I guess the “provings” must also be through injection.

I thought they might have tried to “cure” air pollution related problems.

I forget how homeopathic vacuum is produced.

^ It’s recommended here as a substitute for the apparently yet-to-be-produced homeopathic LSD, just by the by.

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