As the misbegotten year that was 2023, which was a horrible year all around for my family, shambles reluctantly to a close, the better to usher in the New Year of 2024 (which, given the possibility of its bringing us Donald Trump as President again, threatens to be even worse than its predecessor), I was wondering what I could write about for one last post. I remember that I said that I would try to reinvigorate the blog next year, and I will. However, I’m unlikely to get to the task before January 2 or 3. In the meantime, though, I realized that I had totally forgotten to address a rather amazing tidbit that I encountered a couple of weeks ago on a quack website that has, alas, provided me with way too much material over the last two decades and has continued to descend ever further from just quackery and antivax misinformation into more generalized antiscience misinformation and conspiracy theories and just plain conspiracy theories, often mixed liberally with a hefty helping of prepper paranoia. I’m referring, of course, to Mike Adams and his misinformation empire Natural News, where three weeks ago I saw an announcement, Mike Adams announces breakthrough AI project that will bypass Big Tech censorship for health, nutrition and natural medicine:
In 120 days, or not later than the end of March 2024, an open-source, freely downloadable and locally run large language model (LLM) system that will use artificial intelligence tools will be launched. Said repository of natural health, nutrition, herbs, alternative medicine and modalities, disease prevention as well as mind, body and energy medicine information will be easily accessed in a user-friendly interface, without the need to go online. Thus, content is less likely manipulated, controlled and censored by Big Tech, Big Government and Big Pharma.
Brighteon and Natural News founder Mike Adams announced this game-changer news in a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report.” “We have begun a project to build an AI chatbot, similar to chat GPT that is based on open-source systems that have matured substantially over the last two years,” he said. The data will be compiled from millions of documents that his team has acquired over the years, written by over 1000 authors. “And you will be able to get answers to questions right there as if you were talking to the expert authors of this content,” he told his podcast listeners.
My first thought was that millions of documents do not represent a very large dataset to develop an AI chatbot. The original ChatGPT model, for instance, was trained on an “immense dataset of internet-sourced data (570 gigabytes of text and 175 billion parameters.”
I didn’t watch all 50 minutes of his video announcing his “AI,” but if you are interested (and for completeness’ sake), here you go:
How is it that I didn’t comment on this when I first saw it? I don’t know. There’s just so much nonsense and misinformation and so little me these days. My first reaction was something along the lines of: Of course, Mike Adams is going to try to get into large language models (LLM) and artificial intelligence (AI). Remember his history. He’s long run his empire of websites and server farms, having become a master of black hat SEO in the process, but that’s not all. More importantly he got his start as a grifter running fear mongering Y2K scams 25 years ago and then graduated to forming a company selling email marketing software that helped clients doing mass email advertising to bypass the spam filters of their targeted recipients and did tens of millions of dollars a year in business. (Ah, those were so much more simpler times, weren’t they, when email spam was viewed as one of the worst threats to the Internet!) Then, when big tech social media platforms like Facebook started deplatforming and banning him, Adams pivoted to try to create his own alternative search engine and ecosystem online in 2019 that served up quackery and antivax misinformation, as well as his own Facebook-like social media platform.
So it’s a natural fit, given his past, that Mike Adams would leap onto the bandwagon of AI. Of course, any AI chatbot, regardless of the platform or LLM on which it’s based, depends a lot on what the input used to train it is, and the key passage above is: “The data will be compiled from millions of documents that his team has acquired over the years, written by over 1000 authors.” In other words, it sure looks to me as though Adams plans to train his AI chatbot on the contents of all his websites. I was also particularly amused by the message shown before the video even started:

Unsurprisingly, Adams starts out with a rant about how “big pharma” and “big tech” have captured the Internet and social media and how poor, poor pitiful quacks like him are being canceled. (Never mind that Adams runs an Internet and video empire with a massive audience to whom he can say whatever he wants.) Adams also rants how these companies also dominate search engines and the incipient efforts to develop AI that broke into the mainstream this year, thanks to Microsoft and OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, among others, to which Apple will almost certainly add its contribution in 2024. He also hates Wikipedia, because of course he does.
While Adams has a point about big tech and big pharma’s dominance, his purpose is not to move towards a more democratic and science-based information ecosystem online, although he certainly cloaks his new project in this sort of language. Rather, as always, Adams’ purpose is to sell quackery and make money, and anything science-based is a threat. The source—big pharma, academia, the government, physicians, scientists—doesn’t matter. It’s a threat. In fact, even competing worldviews that might not be fully science-based represent a threat to Adams’ profit-driven misinformation and disinformation model, which might explain why in his introduction he makes a typically hyperbolic claim that there is an “ongoing effort to eradicate human knowledge about health and nutrition,” all to push people into vaccines, pharmaceuticals and psychiatric drugs. It’s basically more evidence of how, when it comes to cranks and conspiracy theorists like Adams, every accusation is a confession, because there is an effort to eradicate human knowledge about health and nutrition, at least science-based knowledge, to replace it with conspiracy theory-, pseudoscience-, and grift-based knowledge of human health and nutrition. Adams is at the forefront of that effort, along with people like Joe Mercola, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and others. Indeed, he proclaims that his goal in developing his AI chatbot is to be to make Google “utterly worthless” for searching for health and medical information online.
Grandiose much?
Amusingly, Adams admits that his 2019 attempt to develop a “natural health” search engine didn’t go that well, having apparently had some “challenges” with scaling. He does, however, try to claim why his effort will be “different” from Google without actually saying that it will be used on garbage-in to produce garbage-out:
He went on to point out that what he is building is far different from Google and other search engines, which are for the eradication of human knowledge. “A search engine doesn’t really answer that question. It only gives you a list of pages where you might go and perhaps you’ll find the answers there. But as you know, Google, Bing and even the other search engines wiped out the truth about health, nutrition and alternative medicine as they basically just push Big Pharma now,” he noted. The award-winning independent journalist also stated that search engines are designed to destroy knowledge and not to index it and make it available. “Google is controlled by the deep state, just as Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a tool of the CIA to control the public narratives about everything that matters and about all the people that matter,” he added highlighting that sites like these cannot be relied on to give access to information that can protect and enhance the quality of life.
I do love that part about Wikipedia being a tool of the CIA to control public narratives. I suppose I should be grateful that he didn’t say Wikipedia is a tool of the Illuminati or the Lizard People to achieve world domination; for Adams, that’s restraint. In any event, he claims that his AI chatbot will be able to accomplish this:
Also, he raised how his new offline platform is going to bypass censorship and other entities that could be violating one’s privacy. “Censorship is not the way forward. If you want to have prosperity, ingenuity, innovation, creativity, ideas, debates and democracy, it has to be based on the freedom to speak. And the ability to speak has to be powered by the ability to access knowledge,” Adams added. “The push for censorship right now is very loud and strong all over the world. You have to censor anybody who says anything critical about vaccines and you have to censor anybody calling to stop the bombing in Gaza. It’s just crazy. That just makes us less free,” he further emphasized.
To which I respond:


But what, exactly, does Adams plan to do? This, if you believe him (which is rarely a good idea):
Fifteen years ago, Adams created the website, because it has been his long-term dream to build a system that would provide all the information everyone needs to live a healthy life.
“I built this system back in 2007 or 2008, as what would now be described as a kind of a large language model. Basically, it was a language processing system that I personally wrote the code for,” he recalled, adding that the system was actually written inside Microsoft Visual Basic inside an enterprise SQL system, where he analyzed the text of over 1000 books that his team scanned. They used the text to begin parsing the language of different things out of the text.
“For example, I generated a list of what are all the known nutrients. And then there’s another list of what are all the known diseases and symptoms and another list of what are all the known organs or organ systems. And then I defined those and wrote this very complex system to go in and statistically, begin to link nutrients with diseases and so on,” he explained. He ended up publishing a system that analyzes all PubMed papers. However, the site did not gain much attention as people didn’t really find much value in it. According to him, it doesn’t work in the way that people like to ask questions.
“People don’t actually like to drill down through hierarchical datasets in order to find answers. Most people just want to ask questions in a common language,” he said. In the years since then, he has seen a revolution in AI systems, and more recently, ChatGPT.
And so he tapped the said “future technology,” only he’s going to make it based on open sources. “The bottom line is I want you to have all this knowledge at your fingertips. And you will, you will be able to install this and download it and run it on your own local computer,” the Health Ranger concluded.
My first thought reading this was to go and check out, which I encourage you to do. It’s actually not all that impressive in that it only appears to include a few hundred topics, nutrients, supplements, and medical conditions. Also, while 1,000 books scanned might have been impressive in 2007 or 2008, these days that’s a tiny number. Technology has advanced remarkably. I also found it amusing that Adams had to admit that his replacement for the PubMed database search engine (which I forgot to mention earlier) wasn’t all that popular and well-received.
I could go on and on and on about how Mike Adam’s ChatGPT-like AI chatbot is just another example of him glomming onto whatever is popular in technology and Internet search and social media and trying to create his own Mirror Universe version of it to sell his quackery, antivaccine ideology, conspiracy theories, and, of course, products ranging from supplements to prepper supplies, but I’ll wrap it up here. You can imagine for yourself what his AI chatbot will be like when it is released in March, assuming he hits his target date. What I wonder is whether Adams is just renaming his old search algorithms, rechristening them as “AI” even though they’re just old wine in a new AI bottle.
On the other hand, Adams could be part of a vanguard of ideological motivated cranks with tech skills who will go on to create AIs for specific purposes suited to their pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and ideologies. After all, an AI is only as good as the dataset that it’s trained on, regardless of its algorithms. We already know that Adams’ dataset is small and certainly very biased; so we know what kind of results that it will likely produce. The questions that remain are how influential will this be, and will there be a bandwagon of special-purpose AIs designed to produce specific types of misinformation? Hell, unfortunately, we all know the answer to that last question. Truly, it’s going to be an even more horrible world when it comes to combatting pseudoscience, quackery, misinformation, and disinformation. Adams’ “AI” project is just one example of why.
37 replies on “A quack is launching his own AI chatbot in 2024”
Everything Mikey produces is artificial intelligence: he pretends erudition, sophistication and deep, secret knowledge.
A few days ago, he confabulated rhapsodic dystopias involving the destruction of most humans, the rise of the machines and the meltdown of economies, societies and morality simultaneously**; extraterrestrials play a part in the grand scenario. He notes- honestly for once- that certain subjects get his audience all riled up ( the Bible, ETs, AI) as he proceeds to give them exactly that!
Like the other alt med prevaricators I survey, he expertly frightens audiences with his hit list of greatest fears and then provides tailored solutions, most of which includes prepping supplies and financial instruments he sells or who sponsor his media.
** he sometimes laughs as he reports oncoming destruction and pain.
I trust that fella more than I trust the whole of the medical industrial complex. The whole system is corrupt beyond repair.
Either you are gullible, or just someone young enough to not remember the Y2K panic that happened 24 years ago:
And the grifting on so many things, including spam software (this link is from the above article, you should try actually reading it):
I also have a third guess: you are simply illiterate.
Why not gullible and illiterate? That describes Johnny to a T.
There’s your problem. It’s not an either/or situation. You’re free to distrust the “medical industrial complex” but you could also distrust a guy who blatantly finds an audience of suckers, plays to their egos and grows rich on their insecurities.
You’re absolutely right!
What’s incredible though is that these dis-informers make predictions about financial meltdowns, currency collapse, power grid/ cell tower failures, city war zones, riots, invasion by immigrant gangs, food/ fuel shortages – ” in 18-24 months”- which never happen
BUT they leave their articles up where anyone can check them
If I followed Mike or Gary’s financial advice ( between 2008-now), I probably would have lost a great deal of money:
they advise against banks, stocks, bonds, real estate ( except in rural areas and farm land). They told followers to cash in investments when they fell precipitously ( 2008; 2020) because they would never recover value. Real estate in or near large cities would be decimated! Forever! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
These guys, and a few women like Wolf, masquerade as information sources: the news no one else will tell you!
Sure, because it’s crap.
Their alternative reality hinges simultaneously upon inciting fear of disaster and flattering their marks into believing that they amongst the select few who now understand the world.
Sometimes, they are blatant:
–Null asks for donations to charities ( Progressive Voices; Nutrition Institute) which he runs/ owns so that he can continue his important work as an ‘investigator, educator and scientist’
–Adams tells supporters to buy products at his website’s store to support his media and ‘humanitarian efforts’
–Wolf ( 2 days ago) describes how she is being threatened and need guards whenever she appears publicly so would you please consider becoming a paid subscriber? She only has 3500!**
These people create personal wealth by writing dystopian scenarios and never have to try to get their horror films produced.
** even at 2 USD a month it’s no small sum
@Denice, it is great that you have interest in investing. I invested money since 1995. Over half of my liquid assets (53% ) is in one single stock that I never sold, but bought at various moments.
That said, I have lived through several stockmarket collapses, which I all enjoyed and (outside of owning that one stock) was lucky to avoid and yet invested money at generally good moments after them.
It was year 2000, 2008, and 2020.
Financial collapses are a feature of our capitalist economy. They are “good for us” in the long run and generally, one can get a sense when things are overheated, which is when I would avoid investing. The “collective stupidity” is very hot and solid prior to such, just as when it was during Covid vaccine hysterics in 2021. That’s how I get a sense of “something will happen soon”.
Outside of that one stock, I got out of stocks in 2019 prior to Covid, with no anticipation of Covid of course, but with a sense that people have gone nuts. I also invested in March 2020 at a good moment. Why? Because I was obsessed with Covid, read a lot about it, and realized that we are not in an end-of-the-world situation and stocks fell by over a third.
What I am trying to say is that financial collapses do happen!
I am definitely not a “tactical investor” and prefer years when I make no trades at all and own stocks, which I love to own rather than “hard assets” like real estate and land, which I also own and fund it far less pleasant and more time consuming.
I also do NOT sell financial advice and do not even provide it, so do not interpret the above as a sales pitch.
Your point reminds me of Orac’s frequent invocation of Ben Goldacre’s comment about magic carpets. “Quacks citing problems in pharma make me laugh. FLAWS IN AIRCRAFT DESIGN DO NOT PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF MAGIC CARPETS.”
I went right to the source and asked the horse, I mean ChatGPT, for its take on Mike Adams’ new AI platform. It doesn’t sound enthusiastic.
“As of my last knowledge update in January 2023, I don’t have specific information about Mike Adams’ new AI platform. Mike Adams is a controversial figure known for promoting pseudoscientific and conspiratorial ideas, particularly in the realm of health and wellness. It’s essential to approach any claims or products associated with him with a critical mindset.”
As noted in OP, I think Adams is so lazy that all he’ll do is slap an AI label on his web presence. His only goal is selling scams and con artists rarely go beyond the minimum to fool their marks. Maybe he claim his chicken-nugget-scanning microscope is now AI controlled.
You’re probably correct, of course. After all, his attempts to produce a Bizarro World version of PubMed for “natural health” was nothing impressive, nor was his website on “natural health,” nutrition, and supplements (as I pointed out in my post). I highly doubt that, regardless of his expertise in email marketing software, evading spam filters, and running server farms designed to avoid being penalized by Google, he has anything resembling the expertise required to actually produce a large language model-based AI chatbot, open source or not. His readers don’t know that, and he’ll probably produce a simulacrum of something like ChatGPT or Bard that looks as though it is an AI chatbot but really isn’t.
I would never click on anything associated with Mike Adams for fear of getting a virus for which there is no know cure. The way to defeat his AI is to fill it full of his supplements which while not having any real purpose would gag even a fake intelligence.
It would be both amusing and scary if an AI was created that “retrained” other AIs.
If he really does it that’s exactly what he’ll do. chatGPT4now provides tools for doing exactly this (as long as you’re subscribed to the “plus” version, I believe). You feed it the files/documents you want it to “know”, define your own set of rules, and with a little work you’re done.
It’s quite a useful idea — well, it can’t be. Nothing useful will come from Adams’ work, even if he goes through with it.
Yeah, and that is actually enough of a content base to achieve what Adams wants – finetuning of ChatGPT can absolutely get you an AI that will respond to any query with “buy supplements from Mike Adams” and he has more than enough on his website to achieve that.
Do we really need an Artificial Igor?
Isn’t the real one enough?
How much overlap would there be in a Venn diagram with regions for Igor, quack-created chatbot, and simple troll?
Somewhere between 90 and 100%?
Adams needs to talk to Elon Musk about chatbots.
Elon Musk promised an anti-‘woke’ chatbot. It’s not going as planned.
Grok, launched this month on X, has angered conservatives by endorsing diversity. Musk says he’s trying to fix it.
WaPo gift link:
“Musk says he’s trying to fix it”
“We want an AI to support our viewpoint but, if it doesn’t, we’ll force it to support our viewpoint”
“Look, the AI supports what we’ve been saying all along”
“Whats that AI? We should eliminate all the intellectuals and force everyone back into subsistence farming? Anyone who criticises the great leader should have their Twitter privileges revoked?”
Musk really starting to look like the wealthy detached uncaring tech bro character Peter Isherwell from “Don’t Look Up”.
Par for the course though. Isherwell was probably modelled on Musk and other tech bros.
Mike’s AI, or any of the others’ “informational” websites/ SubStacks/ videos/ schools/’classrooms’ attempt to get audiences to sidestep general education and standard news which are maligned endlessly by them. It has to be that way because if followers accessed more realistic sources, their game would be entirely over. So, of necessity, they insult professionals, universities, experts and reporters as ignorant, compromised, criminal, backward and useless. Lately, a university education is an important target as are general news outlets.
They idealise values of the past: traditional family roles, rural/ small town life and education in crafts/ repair. Current conservative nostalgia for idyllic (imaginary) mid-century suburban life is ITSELF based upon an earlier post-war nostalgia for turn of the ( 20th) century society which they portrayed quite imaginatively, conveniently leaving out racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty and other unattractive realities.
However, whilst they deny the value of others’ education they loudly applaud their own despite displaying their own obvious shortcomings as illustrated in language, references that rely solely upon pop culture and unreliable news.
Well, I suppose those conservatives don’t care about racism, sexism, and homophobia, because it doesn’t affect them, and they don’t care if others suffer from it. And they don’t think they will care about poverty, as long as it just affect others and they don’t think they will ever get poor, so they can say, the people, who are poor, just deserve to be poor.
I think you’re being too kind.
A lot of them are racist, sexist, and homophobic, and proud of it. Some of them want us to suffer, and some don’t care one way or the other as long as we don’t compete for jobs, political office, or anything else they want.
Homophobia isn’t (just) to keep LGBTQ+ people down: it’s to keep straight men in line. Anything a patriarch, or someone’s annoying in-laws, disapproves of can be slandered as “gay” or “girly” or “unmanly.” That only works as long as heterosexuals think “gay” is an insult or a slander, and are willing to back off if someone calls them “girly.”
There is no doubt that many of them are proud of their racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-LBTQ+ views, etc. That’s been the case on the right since Reagan showed that many of those things worked as a political weapon. But there seems to be a new slant on it: we’ve seen that the current “leadership” on the right is incapable of generating any meaningful ideas, so to justify their existence they have to continually generate “threats” to “decent people”. They still use minorities, strong women, members of LBTQ+, for some of it, but since they’ve gotten some pushback on their old standbys they’ve been coming up with more: drag queens, “porn in school libraries”, “wokeness” [although, if you want a laugh, ask a right winger to define what he/she means by “woke”], etc.
Heh. Or their definition of porn.
I’m pretty sure most of them are. So they don’t care about racism, sexism and homophobia, because they consider it the way things should be. Men should be men and in charge and women should be women, like the so-called tradwives are.
LGBTQ+ people mess with this idea, so this can’t be accepted as they go against the ‘natural’ order of things.
The weird thing is that our conservative party, which was the biggest after the last elections, seems to be in favor of gay rights. But they voted with the conservative Christian party against a ban on conversion-therapy. They are also against, what they call gender-ideology. In the end, gay-rights are for them just a way to bash muslims.
As I’ve mentioned previously in email correspondence with Orac, I was Adams’ copywriter from 2015-16, and worked full-time at his office in Austin. It’s a long story. Anyway… As for the “millions of documents…written by over 1000 authors,” that sounds like Adams’ database of books that he scanned back before Google Books existed. He would buy hundreds of books at a time (books that he approved of), and would chop off the spines using his industrial paper cutter. Then he scanned the pages using his high-speed OCR scanner, and threw the physical books away. And he used the scanned content to create an in-house database that was cross-referenced by subject. He did this to help his writers write articles more quickly, because “throughput” of content is what it’s all about. The database was (probably still is) accessible with a secret password (secret in that you had to sign a non-disclosure agreement), and writers were (are?) encouraged to pad their articles with relevant quotes from the database (the quotes being pre-approved by Adams, by definition) so you could quickly meet your word quota (i.e., whatever the number of words is that search engines like) and get on to the next article. The pseudonym known as J.D. Heyes (aka “The Machine”) was the undisputed master of this routine, though if Adams can figure out how to replace him (and his other writers) with AI he no doubt will.
As a P.S., I have to say that the obligatory accusation that Adams is a spammer is false. “Black hat” SEO, yes; but spam, no. The software he developed, Campaign Enterprise, was one of the first, if not the first, permission-based email marketing program. I’m familiar with it, because that’s what we used when I was there (and what he still uses). By definition it’s not spam, because it sends emails only to people who have opted-in. If you receive the Natural News newsletter, it’s because you opted in, not because of spam! The fact that it’s NOT spam was/is it’s big selling point, and what made Adams rich. And the same goes for Constant Contact and all the other permission-based email marketing programs that followed Campaign Enterprise. Yes, like its competitors, Campaign Enterprise does have a feature that identifies words and phrases that could potentially trigger spam filters, so you can tweak the copy if desired. But it’s not spam even if filters think it is, because the recipient has already agreed to receive promotional emails when they signed up in the first place. None of this is controversial. Ironically, the false accusation that Adams made his fortune with spam apparently originated with an article on the dubious alt-health website Healthwyze, which is where Orac told me he got it, and now others apparently repeat it from Orac. The further irony is that, considering all the horrible things that Adams can legitimately be accused of, the accusation of spam, even if it were true, seems extremely trivial. It’s like accusing a mafia don of cheating on his taxes!
I get Natural News email at at least two of my many email accounts, and I do not recall ever having signed up for it, but whatever. Maybe I did, but I doubt it, given how little interest I have in being updated regularly on what Mike Adams says.
I will agree that whether Adams is a spammer or not is, as you point out, a small part of his nearly quarter century history of grift and misinformation. In general, in every article about him that I write, I only mention his email software company in passing after mentioning his Y2K grift and before moving on to his much more substantial “natural health,” conspiracy theory, and prepper grift. TBH, it really doesn’t matter to me much whether Adams was a spammer or not, and I’ll stop mentioning it if it bothers you that much, but not before mentioning one conclusion that I disagree with you about.
Specifically, to me being a spammer is NOT a trivial thing. Spam is what basically ruined email. Probably at least 75% of my email these days is spam. The majority of it is caught by spam filters, but enough is not that it’s a real pain. Companies providing email services now have to invest incredible resources into minimizing the effect of spam and produce a usable platform. I take issue with your apparent premise that being a spammer is a trivial thing, even in comparison with Adams’ other grift.
Mike Adams is not a spammer, or a quack.*
He is (by self-definition in a headline posted on NN today), a “dissident tech maverick”. 😉
*how about prepper Nostradamus?
Or prepper antivax conspiracy theorist?
@ David Bonner:
Sounds like you had an interesting experience: I hope they paid you.
I always imagined that much of what he publishes is merely an assemblage of books and blogs curated from his own slanted perspective. He now focuses on producing hour long audio harangues, dystopian novella-like scenarios and oddball interviews with fellow conspiracy mongering attention seekers.
It seems his work relies on free association of right wing talking points filtered through a jaundiced, prejudiced world view peppered with his own bizarre comedy attempts and voice acting cosplay.
I listen to his reports whilst I do other work and am sometimes amazed at the sheer amount of verbiage produced.
Mike wants AI that eliminates “woke” references and, I presume, SBM and facts
( his audio today) thus, to be an alternative to AI being developed by more reasonable sources like Google, Meta, NIH, governments.
Shades of Naomi Klein’s Doppleganger in the mirrorworld!
Alties want to eliminate mis-information and fake news; Wikipedia is a poor source: Null has written over 70 exposes!
Mainstream news is dis-information. So much of what I survey follows this trend.
They rant and rail against Orac et al sounding much like he does but with REVERSED TARGETS! G-d, they aren’t even very original!
Remember Denice, we have always been at war with Eastasia.
Ha Ha! Right but these guys use 1984 references like that to characterise SBM, CDC, Fauci, Orac, sceptics et al! They call everything “Orwellian”!