Three months ago, after Donald Trump had won the 2024 election—and even before he had chosen longtime antivax activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as his nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)—I characterized RFK Jr. as an “extinction-level threat to federal public health and science-based health policy.” The reason was simple. Last summer, RFK Jr. had abandoned his quixotic and doomed campaign for President as an independent and bent the knee to Donald Trump. As a result, he was rewarded with a promise to be, in essence, Trump’s health policy czar and to have a prominent role in health policy in his administration if he won. During the campaign, RFK Jr. even came up with a slogan that riffed on the long familiar Trump slogan “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) by changing it to “Make America Healthy Again” (MAHA). Cleverly, he said nothing at all about vaccines in his “MAHA manifesto“—an absence that his antivax minions noticed right away and were dismayed by—instead planning to “reform” the FDA, emphasize healthy food (depending on your definition), and legalize psychedelics and stem cell clinics. A couple of weeks after the election, President-Elect Trump nominated RFK Jr. for HHS, a nomination that I referred to as a “catastrophe for public health and medical research.”
Of course, RFK Jr. was “controversial” (translation: a batshit) nominee. I will even admit that, after RFK Jr.’s disastrous confirmation hearings, in which he lied repeatedly and blatantly about being “pro-vaccine” and in which Sen. Bernie Sanders embarrassed him over the organization that he founded, Children’s Health Defense, selling baby onesies with antivax slogans on them—asking RFK Jr, “Are you supportive of these onesies?“—and Sen. Elizabeth Warren pointed out how much money he makes assisting a law firm suing vaccine manufacturer, I briefly held out a tiny hope that a few Republicans would vote against him, denying him the nomination, but I soon realized that none of it mattered and that he would definitely be confirmed.
Sometimes I hate being right. I might not be right all the time, but this is one time where I would have been happy to be spectacularly wrong.
A week and a half ago, the Senate confirmed RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary, with only one Republican, Mitch McConnell (who is a polio survivor), voting against his confirmation. On Friday, RFK Jr. wasted no time beginning to do what he had promised to do all along, going back to 2023, namely mass firing scientists at the CDC and NIH. Of course, as I wrote last week, President Musk Trump and the “department of government efficiency” (DOGE) hadn’t waited for RFK Jr. to be confirmed as HHS Secretary or for Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to be confirmed as NIH Director to cancel study section meetings and travel by NIH scientists to present their findings, all in the name of attacking DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and, soon after, to start gutting payments to universities for indirect costs with no warning, thus threatening biomedical research at a large number of US universities, who could not easily make up the shortfall. That a federal judge quickly issued a temporary restraining order to block the policy doesn’t mean that it won’t ultimately go into effect after the court cases all make it up to the Supreme Court, which is likely who will have to decide.
Then RFK Jr. arrived on Friday, February 14. St. Valentine’s Day. Great..

So it begins
Surprising no one other than those who hadn’t been paying attention while portraying RFK Jr. as “not that bad” or even as potentially good, RFK Jr. started his tenure as HHS Secretary with what some have called the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre,” namely firing scientists en masse:
President Donald Trump’s administration today moved to fire 5200 workers at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), using supervisors across the vast agency to warn probationary employees that they would soon receive termination notices. It also fired the director and much of the staff of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a $1.5 billion agency created 3 years ago to fund high-risk, high-payoff research.
The move came on the first full day in office of HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who had promised to eliminate hundreds of jobs at federal health agencies “on Day 1.”
This is pure irony. Remember how sycophants, toadies, and lackeys of RFK Jr.—I’m talking to you, Dr. Vinay Prasad—lambasted the NIH for supposedly funding useless “safe” research that didn’t advance science? Here we see RFK Jr. defunding and moving to eliminate ARPA-H, a program designed to address that perceived problem by funding high risk, high payoff research projects. But what else? Nothing good.
It wasn’t just the NIH, of course, but the hated CDC too:
At the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), where institute directors were hastily summoned to a meeting this morning to alert them of the imminent firings, some 1500 employees were initially scheduled to be let go; at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the number was 1269.
It turns out that 50 of the fired CDC scientists were members of the first-year class of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, the CDC’s prestigious “disease detective” training program for young epidemiologists. Moreover, three division directors in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, a key front in pandemic prevention, were also on a list of targeted employees. It’s almost as though RFK Jr. is trying other make us less prepared for another pandemic. No, strike that. He is, just because he hates what the CDC said about COVID-19, nonpharmaceutical interventions (e.g., masks, social distancing, business closures) to slow the spread of the virus, and, above all, vaccines.
It was the NIH that suffered the most from the initial round, however:
At NIH, many of those fired were junior employees. But the vast cull also took out senior employees who had been recently converted to staff positions after years as contractors—as well as division directors at NIH who were new to their positions. In some cases, the directors had to call junior staff to inform them of their impending firings while knowing they, too, were about to be terminated.
“This will decimate our ability to function as an institution,” says one senior NIH scientist who had to notify staff that HHS was firing them. “Whatever the opposite of government efficiency is, this process will take us there.”
Indeed. It is frequently a mantra among CEOs like Elon Musk that all they’re cutting is fat, that they can “do more with less,” but when the cutting is indiscriminate, basically anyone still on probation, regardless of their performance or the importance of their work, what will happen is that the work of the NIH will be degraded. For example, scientific studies, once halted, are often difficult or impossible to resurrect, and even the ones that are successfully resurrected usually end up costing more, not less. Worse, this cull is affecting senior employees recently promoted who, as a result of their new position, were on probation, thus removing institutional knowledge that helps large organizations with continuity.
In case you wondered what was happening with research grants to universities, given the pause in study section meetings and the attempt to slash university indirect cost rates to 15%, it’s not good either:
Also among those slated for termination at NIH were grants administration and program officers, who ensure the smooth disbursement and functioning of more than $30 billion in grants to university scientists. The NIH grants process has already ground to a halt because study sections and advisory councils are not meeting because of a Trump ban on posting required notices about upcoming meetings in the Federal Register.
“Over the past year, NIH has brought in some spectacular people who are critical for programs. It will be a great loss,” former NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli, who stepped down last month, told Science.
Lest you think that intramural clinical trials and translational research (research done at the NIH itself, rather than at universities funded by NIH grants) won’t suffer:
The imminent terminations included many of NIH’s 483 research fellows. Some of its roughly 260 clinical fellows were initially on lists of targeted employees Friday morning, although at least some were spared later in the day. (The Clinical Center, where hundreds of clinical trials are underway, would have to “shut down” if the clinical fellows and nurses with probationary status were let go, one source who asked not to be identified told Science.) But animal care staff were among those fired.
Again, here’s some irony. You might recall that Dr. Prasad did an oncology fellowship at the National Cancer Institute and the NIH Clinical Center. I don’t know what happened there, but he came out very bitter about the NIH, a bitterness that grew with his apparent failure ever to obtain NIH funding as a principal investigator. Is he rejoicing at the potential firing of all the fellows? What about all the research fellows, who took what in the past would be considered a fantastic opportunity to do research training at the NIH, only to have the rug pulled out from under them this way?
The likely result will be, as described by former NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli:
“We’re going to lose the next generation, that is the most difficult loss. This just sends, sends a chill,” Bertagnolli told STAT in an interview Saturday on the sidelines of the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Boston. “It’s hard work, to get an education and be a scientist. Some of the fellows trained for so many years, and it’s a mission that requires great, great dedication. We’re very worried that our brilliant next generation isn’t going to want to do that, if they’re not very, very clearly supported.”
Indeed. Imagine that you’ve spent a couple of years doing a research project at the NIH, only to have a conspiracy theorist like RFK Jr. come in and fire you just as you’re getting results.
Unfortunately, this is clearly only the beginning. On Thursday afternoon, right after RFK Jr. was confirmed, the White House posted an executive order establishing the President’s “Make America Healthy Again” Commission. It’s full of misinformation and represents a blueprint for dismantling US public health and medical science policy and efforts in favor of the sort of quackery that RFK Jr. prefers.
The MAHA Commission
Let’s take a look at the executive order establishing the President’s MAHA Commission. The first thing I noticed is that it starts out with the usual MAHA tropes:
American life expectancy significantly lags behind other developed countries, with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy averaging 78.8 years and comparable countries averaging 82.6 years. This equates to 1.25 billion fewer life years for the United States population. Six in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more chronic diseases. An estimated one in five United States adults lives with a mental illness.
The wag in me can’t help but note that, of all the things that the MAHA Commission goes on to suggest as contributors to the lagging life expectancy, a problem that has been much discussed, very little is mentioned about poverty and nothing is mentioned about how our lack of a government-funded universal health insurance plan is one big difference between the US and the “comparable countries” cited and doesn’t suggest expanded health insurance for anything other than supporting “beneficial lifestyle changes and disease prevention,” which, if science-based (doubtful) would be good but not enough.
The second thing I noticed about this executive order is that, under the first section (Purpose), it trots out a lot of statistics, none of which are referenced and some of which I know are completely wrong. For instance, it claims, “Further, from 1990-2021, the United States experienced an 88 percent increase in cancer, the largest percentage increase of any country evaluated.” All one has to do is to look at last month’s American Cancer Society annual report on cancer statistics to demonstrate this, specifically Figure 2, which presents age-adjusted rates of cancer incidence and mortality in the US:

Do you notice anything? First of all, cancer incidence has not increased by 88% since 1990, or even since 1975. Indeed, cancer incidence is the same as—or only slightly higher than—it was in 1975, adjusted for age and delays in reporting. I rather suspect that whoever wrote this executive order used raw numbers that were not age-adjusted, but, again, no reference is provided. (I tried a bit of Googling to try to find the reference, but gave up.) The population, after all, is aging; so it would be expected that cancer incidence would climb just from that, as many cancers, particularly malignancies arising from organs like colon, breast, etc., tend to be, in essence, diseases of aging.
Did you notice anything else? It’s something that I like to point out any time I give a talk on cancer. Specifically, mortality rates from cancer have been steadily declining since 1990. I also point out that this is mortality from all cancers, because there are cancers for which the mortality and incidence rates have fallen more rapidly than the chart, and there are some cancers whose incidence and mortality have increased. The overall picture, though, is very different from what RFK Jr. and the Trump administration paints. There are challenges to be met and progress to be made, but the situation with respect to cancer has actually been improving over the last three decades. It might not seem like it because the population is aging and many cancers are much more likely in old age, thus producing the illusion “on the ground” that there is more cancer and death from cancer, but when you look at statistics adjusted for age it’s true.
The White House further claims, “Across 204 countries and territories, the United States had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of cancer in 2021, nearly double the next-highest rate.” Again, there is no reference, but this too is easily disproven. For example, if you look at Our World In Data, it shows that, yes, the US does have the highest age-standardized incidence of cancer, but barely and that other countries have had higher incidences in the past. For example, I picked some developed industrialized countries and used the tool on the site to create this graph:

Notice how the US has very similar cancer incidence to New Zealand, France, The Netherlands, and Australia. Notice, also, that the difference in age-standardized incidence of cancer is nowhere near two-fold different between the US and other countries. For some, it’s barely distinguishable. Further note that the age-adjusted incidence of cancer in the US is not climbing. It’s actually falling slightly. I suspect that whoever wrote this dreck simply compared US cancer incidence to that for the world (which I included in the graph), not noting that many countries have cancer incidence similar to that of the US, mainly wealthy industrialized countries. Of course, this is not a new observation that people in wealthy industrialized nations tend to have a higher cancer incidence; it is, however, profoundly deceptive to claim that this is somehow a uniquely American phenomenon, with no country even close to our cancer incidence.
The same sort of exaggeration is apparent for the claim that in 2021 “asthma was more than twice as common in the United States than most of Europe, Asia, or Africa.” While it’s sort of true, when you look at individual countries, there are a lot of them with asthma prevalence similar to that of the US. Poland and the UK, for instance, have very similar asthma prevalence rates. Again, from Our World In Data:

Asthma prevalence, of course, is correlated with environmental factors, such as animal hair and dander, pollen, and mold (fungal) spores, food allergens, tobacco smoke, or other pollutant exposures. If MAHA were really serious about reducing asthma burden, it would have to look at environmental pollutants, particularly air pollution, something that I don’t see the Trump Administration acting to decrease any time soon, if ever.
Then, of course:
Autism spectrum disorders had the highest prevalence in high-income countries, including the United States, in 2021. Similarly, autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis are more commonly diagnosed in high-income areas such as Europe and North America. Overall, the global comparison data demonstrates that the health of Americans is on an alarming trajectory that requires immediate action.
This concern applies urgently to America’s children. In 2022, an estimated 30 million children (40.7 percent) had at least one health condition, such as allergies, asthma, or an autoimmune disease. Autism spectrum disorder now affects 1 in 36 children in the United States — a staggering increase from rates of 1 to 4 out of 10,000 children identified with the condition during the 1980s. Eighteen percent of late adolescents and young adults have fatty liver disease, close to 30 percent of adolescents are prediabetic, and more than 40 percent of adolescents are overweight or obese.
Of course, we here at SBM have written about the increasing prevalence of autism and its causes (not vaccines) on a number of occasions, most recently here. It’s an old antivax narrative that “something” must be causing this increase other than the causes that scientists have identified, such as the broadening of diagnostic criteria in the 1990s, increased screening and recognition, decreased stigma, and the like. I could trot out yet again my example of a condition that whose diagnostic criteria hasn’t changed much in 50 years but whose incidence has increased 16-fold just due to screening; you can read about it here if you’re interested. As for obesity and diabetes in children, that is a complex topic oversimplified by RFK Jr. (as usual). For instance, the US actually has rates of childhood obesity that are similar to that of other industrialized countries and lower than some outliers. For example, according to the Global Obesity Observatory, the US is actually ranked #22 in the percentage of obese children, with countries like Samoa, Qatar, and others having higher rates. This is not to say that childhood and adult obesity are not a problem—indeed, the US does lead the world in adult obesity, although Australia, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom aren’t far behind—or that they haven’t been increasing. It is simply to say that there is nothing uniquely American about this phenomenon, as RFK Jr. wants to imply.
Now note the pivot to implying that correlation equals causation:
These health burdens have continued to increase alongside the increased prescription of medication. For example, in the case of Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, over 3.4 million children are now on medication for the disorder — up from 3.2 million children in 2019-2020 — and the number of children being diagnosed with the condition continues to rise.
This poses a dire threat to the American people and our way of life. Seventy-seven percent of young adults do not qualify for the military based in large part on their health scores. Ninety percent of the Nation’s $4.5 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures is for people with chronic and mental health conditions. In short, Americans of all ages are becoming sicker, beset by illnesses that our medical system is not addressing effectively. These trends harm us, our economy, and our security.
Vaccines weren’t mentioned, but I’m sure that RFK Jr. knows that his fans will know that they are implied, along with medications for ADHD. It’s also implied that way fewer people are exercising, but, by coincidence, I happened to have listened to a recent episode of the Conspirituality podcast where they discussed this very thing:
Now, what about exercise? Available data says that about 24% of Americans exercised regularly in the 1960s. And today, about the same, 24% meet recommended levels of aerobic exercise plus strength training.
But an impressive 46% get sufficient aerobic exercise alone. I can’t find a stat for that in the 1960s. They probably weren’t thinking about it that way because so much of this has been culturally sort of emergent.
But commercial gyms, yoga studios, cycling apps and jogging clubs may be a more contemporary phenomenon because more of the population got their exercise from physically demanding jobs in the 1960s. But you know what else was different? 42% of Americans were smokers back then.
And it’s a little bit controversial, but smoking has been repeatedly shown to be correlated with lower BMI due to appetite suppressant and metabolic effects. A 2015 study showed that only 30% of smokers are overweight or obese. So that’s one way to make America healthy again, I guess.
I don’t want to belabor this point, because there are some real problems with obesity, type II diabetes, and other chronic health problems. It’s just that RFK Jr. oversimplifies and implies that a lot of it’s due to vaccines and pharmaceuticals.
What to do? Well, if you didn’t know RFK Jr., you’d think that this next part sounds pretty good:
To fully address the growing health crisis in America, we must re-direct our national focus, in the public and private sectors, toward understanding and drastically lowering chronic disease rates and ending childhood chronic disease. This includes fresh thinking on nutrition, physical activity, healthy lifestyles, over-reliance on medication and treatments, the effects of new technological habits, environmental impacts, and food and drug quality and safety. We must restore the integrity of the scientific process by protecting expert recommendations from inappropriate influence and increasing transparency regarding existing data. We must ensure our healthcare system promotes health rather than just managing disease.
Of course, we know that RFK Jr.’s “fresh thinking on nutrition, physical activity, healthy lifestyles, over-reliance on medication and treatments, the effects of new technological habits, environmental impacts, and food and drug quality and safety” involves a lot of pseudoscience and quackery, as well as a hostility to psychiatric drugs as nasty as the anti-psychiatry beliefs held by any Scientologist; for example, he has recently characterized antidepressants as addictive and the cause of violent behavior, such as school shootings and has even proposed the creation of “wellness farms”:
…Kennedy said he planned to dedicate money generated from a sales tax on cannabis products to “creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country.” He added, “I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities.” The farm residents would grow their own organic food because, he suggested, many of their underlying problems could be “food-related.”
It sounds a lot like Mao’s “down to the countryside” initiative, doesn’t it? The problem thus identified, the executive order moves on to policy and the MAHA Commission.
RFK Jr. and “science”
So let’s first see what the policy is that RFK Jr. wants:
It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to aggressively combat the critical health challenges facing our citizens, including the rising rates of mental health disorders, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. To do so, executive departments and agencies (agencies) that address health or healthcare must focus on reversing chronic disease. Under this policy:
(a) all federally funded health research should empower Americans through transparency and open-source data, and should avoid or eliminate conflicts of interest that skew outcomes and perpetuate distrust;
(b) the National Institutes of Health and other health-related research funded by the Federal Government should prioritize gold-standard research on the root causes of why Americans are getting sick;
(c) agencies shall work with farmers to ensure that United States food is the healthiest, most abundant, and most affordable in the world; and
(d) agencies shall ensure the availability of expanded treatment options and the flexibility for health insurance coverage to provide benefits that support beneficial lifestyle changes and disease prevention.
Again, this all sounds great on the surface. However, I know what RFK Jr. really means, which is why I think I will provide a translation:
It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to aggressively combat the critical health challenges facing our citizens, including the rising rates of mental health disorders, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. To do so, executive departments and agencies (agencies) that address health or healthcare must focus on deprioritizing science-based medicine with respect to chronic disease. Under this policy:
(a) all federally funded health research should empower Americans through transparency and open-source data, and should avoid or eliminate conflicts of interest that skew outcomes and perpetuate distrust, in order to allow antivaxxers and quacks to manipulate the data to show that vaccines and FDA-approved drugs are dangerous, some even addictive;
(b) the National Institutes of Health and other health-related research funded by the Federal Government should prioritize gold-standard research on the root causes of why Americans are getting sick that will exclude anything having to do with actual science or science-based medicine that doesn’t comport with our preconceived conclusion that vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and “bad food” is the cause of all chronic disease;
(c) agencies shall work with farmers to ensure that United States food is the healthiest, most abundant, and most affordable in the world (even as we deport all the undocumented agricultural workers); and
(d) agencies shall ensure the availability of expanded treatment options and the flexibility for health insurance coverage to provide benefits that support beneficial lifestyle changes and disease prevention; i.e., we don’t care about universal national health insurance, just that existing insurance transfers coverage away from drugs, vaccines, and surgery to woo.
But what about the MAHA Commission? It will be chaired by RFK Jr., of course, and be co-charied by the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy serving as Executive Director (Executive Director). Committee members will include Secretaries of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, Education, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the administrator of the EPA and the Directors of OMB, the National Economic Council, NIH, CDC, and Office of Science and Technology Policy, plus the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors and the Commissioner of the FDA—oh, and “other members of my Administration invited to participate, at the discretion of the Chair and the Executive Director.”
Let’s look at some of the biggest red flag items that this commission is tasked with. First, with respect to childhood chronic disease, the commission is tasked to:
(a) study the scope of the childhood chronic disease crisis and any potential contributing causes, including the American diet, absorption of toxic material, medical treatments, lifestyle, environmental factors, Government policies, food production techniques, electromagnetic radiation, and corporate influence or cronyism;
A few translations:
- Absorption of toxic materials = vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and “chemicals”
- Environmental factors = “chemicals,” whether shown to be harmful or not
- Electromagnetic radiation: “Cell phones and wifi cause cancer and other diseases!” (They don’t.)
- Corporate influence and cronyism = vaccines and big pharma, but not supplements, alternative medicine and what I now like to call “big wellness”
Next up:
(b) advise and assist the President on informing the American people regarding the childhood chronic disease crisis, using transparent and clear facts; and
(c) provide to the President Government-wide recommendations on policy and strategy related to addressing the identified contributing causes of and ending the childhood chronic disease crisis.
- Transparent and clear facts = Cherry picked studies and data that show what we want them to show.
- Strategy related to addressing the identified contributing causes of and ending the childhood chronic disease crisis = Get rid of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and science-based interventions that we don’t like, all in favor of woo.
Seriously. I know you, RFK, Jr. You don’t fool me with:
…assess the threat that potential over-utilization of medication, certain food ingredients, certain chemicals, and certain other exposures pose to children with respect to chronic inflammation or other established mechanisms of disease, using rigorous and transparent data, including international comparisons;
Spoiler alert: The MAHA commission will find that we vaccinate too much, use too much “artificial” ingredients in foods, that wifi causes cancer and chronic disease, while the “rigorous data” will be cherry picked and/or gathered by hand-picked crank scientists and doctors in order to come to preordained conclusions.
…assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and weight-loss drugs;
See what I mean? RFK Jr. is coming after psychiatric medications in addition to vaccines. I know, I know. He says nothing about vaccines in this document, but, once again, given how much he was grilled on vaccines during his confirmation hearings and how he’s been playing coy with the question of vaccines ever since he bent the knee to Trump and came up with “MAHA,” does anyone doubt that he’s coming for vaccines? I’ve been following him and documenting the antivax misinformation that he’s promoted since 2005. For him not to go after vaccines using deceptive science, conspiracy theories, and cherry-picked data would be so unlike him as to strain credulity, as demonstrated by his two decade track record in this sphere, so much so that I absolutely do not believe him when he says he won’t go after vaccines.
…restore the integrity of science, including by eliminating undue industry influence, releasing findings and underlying data to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, and increasing methodological rigor; and
…establish a framework for transparency and ethics review in industry-funded projects.
If RFK Jr. were really about eliminating “undue industry influence,” I could actually get behind that, depending on the details. That’s not what he is about. What he is really about is shifting allowable “undue industry influence” away from big pharma to big wellness, away from companies that at least try to develop treatments rooted in science to companies that sell outright snake oil. Similarly, “increasing methodological rigor” will involve, at least for vaccines and pharmaceuticals, impossible standards for safety and efficacy.
Again, everything that I know about RFK Jr.’s history, studied over the last two decades, tells me that this is what he will do and what he really means. I will give RFK Jr. and whoever else wrote this credit. They are very good at couching what they really mean in language that on the surface seems unobjectionable. If you don’t know RFK Jr.’s history or are sympathetic to parts of his message that you want to believe that he’s being sincere rather than disingenuous, you might be swayed. Certainly, I expect RFK Jr. apologists and cheerleaders like Dr. Prasad to enthusiastically embrace this document, taking it at face value and selling it that way. Unfortunately, I know RFK Jr.’s MO all too well, and I know what is really behind this document, as likely do most of our readers.
President Donald Trump on Friday signed an executive order that would strip schools of federal aid if they mandate COVID vaccines, a pool report said — a largely symbolic move considering that no states currently require them.
The order applies to students and not to teachers or staff.
“People wanted that very badly,” Trump said.
In a fact sheet provided to reporters, the White House said the order was necessary because COVID vaccine mandates were “threatening educational opportunities for students.”
And so is this:
Louisiana’s health department “will no longer promote mass vaccination”, including using media campaigns or health fairs to promote vaccines against preventable illnesses, according to an internal memo issued by the surgeon general in the state of 4.5 million people.
The memo from surgeon general, Dr Ralph Abraham, immediately ignited fears of lower vaccination rates leading to increased sickness, hospitalization and death – as well as a return of diseases such as measles and polio that had all been mostly eradicated by vaccines.
Appointed to his position in June by Louisiana’s extremist Republican governor, Jeff Landry, Abraham wrote that the state would continue to “encourage each patient to discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with their provider”. But, characterizing it as a matter of personal choice, Abraham said the state’s health department would do away with promoting the practice of mass vaccination – even as Louisiana has grappled with a surge in influenza, for which vaccines are offered seasonally.
Yes, I know. It’s a state government, not the federal government, giving up promoting the most effective public health intervention against infectious disease ever discovered. The initiative, is, however, very much in line with MAHA ethos, which is starting to metastasize beyond RFK Jr. and the federal government. Basically, this is an example of a populous Trump-supporting state giving up on public health and instead framing public health as a matter of “personal choice.” Nor will Louisian be the only state to do this, I predict (an unfortunately easy prediction to make). I’m only surprised that Florida didn’t beat Louisiana to a policy like this, given that its health department is run by COVID-19 contrarian Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who’d better get cracking now.
Bill Cassidy, the Republican US senator, has said his home state of Louisiana’s recent decision to cancel the promotion of mass vaccination against preventable diseases is a disservice to parents who want to keep their children healthy.
Cassidy on Friday joined the chorus of detractors questioning the wisdom of the policy unveiled by Abraham, who has been in his position since June. He issued a statement saying the policy’s removal of vital vaccine-related resources “is not a stand for parents’ rights”. Rather, “it prevents making health care more convenient and available for people who are very busy”.
The senator said the health fairs shelved by his state had been a boon for parents who “suddenly realize their child needs to be immunized and they can’t get in to see the doctor”.
“It may be six weeks or longer for a routine visit,” Cassidy’s statement said. He added that was why, in his prior career as a physician, he had run “large-scale immunization programs to bring health care and immunizations to the patient”.
“Things like vaccine fairs keep a child from having to miss school and a mother from having to miss work,” Cassidy said. “That is the reality of today’s medicine. To say that cannot occur and that someone must wait for the next available appointment ignores that reality.”
He continued: “Advertising the benefit of vaccines and where to get them helps parents improve the health of their child. It’s important information they may not have known or needed to be reminded of.”
Sen. Cassidy is, of course, quite correct about all of this. Unfortunately, it’s way too little, way too late. Not only that, but his words belie his recent actions. Yes, he’s speaking out about antivaccine policies in his state, but, really, what is happening in Louisiana is completely of a piece with the realignment of the Republican Party to embrace antivaccine tropes. Moreover, before this Sen. Cassidy had just exhibited willful blindness and, through his failure to live up to what he said was his conscience, helped to install the most (in)famous antivaxxer in the world (with the possible exception of Andrew Wakefield) as head of all non-military federal health, public health, and biomedical research programs. Sen. Cassidy could have stopped RFK Jr.’s nomination dead in its tracks, by voting against its being forwarded to the full Senate for a vote. He chose not to, even after he had acquitted himself well during the confirmation hearing by grilling RFK Jr. about his antivax views, giving him many opportunities to recant his oft-stated belief that vaccines cause autism. that RFK Jr. awkwardly refused, dodging and weaving. Yet, in the end Sen. Cassidy still voted to forward RFK Jr.’s nomination to the full Senate. The vote was 14-13. Had Sen. Cassidy voted no, the nomination would not have advanced. Then Cassidy voted again to confirm RFK Jr. when the nomination came up for a vote by the full Senate. As I said above, Sen. McConnell was the only Republican to vote against confirmation.
Worse, Sen. Cassidy voted for confirmation after having given this self-serving obsequious speech to the full Senate in support of the nomination, in which, from my perspective, he basically admitted to having been duped by more of RFK Jr.’s lies. I’m going to quote it at length, because his statement really is…something; that is, something nauseating to any physician who supports public health, science-based healthcare, and, as a result, vaccines:
Now, Mr. Kennedy and the administration reached out seeking to reassure me regarding their commitment to protecting the public health benefit of vaccination.
To this end, Mr. Kennedy and the administration committed that he and I will have an unprecedently close collaborative working relationship if he is confirmed. We will meet or speak multiple times a month. This collaboration will allow us to work well together and therefore to be more effective.
Mr. Kennedy has asked for my input into hiring decisions at HHS, beyond Senate-confirmed positions. This aspect of our collaboration will allow us to represent all sides of those folks that were contacting me this weekend.
He has also committed that he would work within the current vaccine approval and safety monitoring systems, and not establish parallel systems. If confirmed, he will maintain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices without changes. CDC will not remove statements on their website pointing out that vaccines do not cause autism. Mr. Kennedy and the administration also committed that this administration will not use the subversive techniques employed under the Biden administration, like sue and settle, to change policies enacted by Congress without first going through Congress.
Mr. Kennedy and the administration committed to a strong role of Congress. Aside from us meeting regularly, he will come before the Committee on a quarterly basis, if requested. He committed that the HELP Committee Chair, whether it’s me or someone else, may choose a representative on any board or commission formed to review vaccine safety.
If he is confirmed, HHS will provide a 30-day notice to the HELP Committee if the agency seeks to make changes to any of our federal vaccine safety monitoring programs, and HELP Committee will have the option to call a hearing to further review.
These commitments, and my expectation that we can have a great relationship to make America healthy again, is the basis of my support. He will be Secretary, but I believe he will also be a partner in working for this end.
If Mr. Kennedy is confirmed, I will use my authority as Chairman of the Senate Committee with oversight of HHS to rebuff any attempts to remove the public’s access to life-saving vaccines without ironclad, causational scientific evidence that can be defended before the mainstream scientific community and before Congress. I will carefully watch for any effort to wrongfully sow public fear about vaccines between confusing references of coincidence and anecdote.
But my support is built on assurances that this will not have to be a concern and that he and I can work together to build an agenda to make America healthy again.
Cowardice, thy name is Senator Cassidy, who betrayed his Hippocratic oath as a physician. Seriously, he seems to think that he will be HELP Chair indefinitely. I also have to ask rather pointedly: If Sen. Cassidy was too cowardly to buck Trump by voting against forwarding RFK Jr.’s nomination out of committee to the Senate and voting against the nomination directly, how can he honestly expect us to believe him when he bloviates that he’ll be this bulldog, this unstoppable watchdog, who will make sure that RFK Jr. doesn’t do what he’s been promising his followers that he’d do if ever given power over the CDC, namely carrying his antivaccine crusade to the halls of power and doing his damnedest to destroy the federal vaccination program? Does Sen. Cassidy seriously believe that RFK Jr. won’t change ACIP, as I predicted he would, stacking it with antivaxxers? Does he really believe that the CDC will leave intact statements that vaccines don’t cause autism and not at least add qualifying statements or equivocations to them that make the statements a lot less definitive?
I suppose that RFK Jr. probably won’t develop parallel systems to monitor vaccine safety, but that will be because he won’t need to. He’ll be able to change and distort existing systems, bending them to his will to twist data in any way necessary for him to “prove” that vaccines are “unsafe” and cause autism (not to mention all sorts of other conditions and diseases). If RFK Jr.’s testimony was a tour-de-force study in disingenuousness, Sen. Cassidy’s performance was a tour-de-force performance in either gullibility or cowardice, likely both. I’m sure it didn’t hurt that apparently Vice President J.D. Vance leaned on him as well.
I’m not Sen. Cassidy, and I know that RFK Jr. can’t be trusted when he lies and lies and lies and lies about being “pro-vaccine,” no matter how much the media sanewashes him as being seemingly reasonable and no matter how much they try to call him a “vaccine skeptic” rather than what he is, an antivaccine activist. Because of my two decades studying RFK Jr.’s antivax propaganda, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theories, unlike Sen. Cassidy, I know what RFK Jr. is really saying, and I know what the executive order establishing the MAHA Commission is really saying, what it really means, and what it is hiding, I will conclude by noting that the executive order ends by tasking the MAHA commission to draft a report of its findings and recommendations within 180 days of the date of the order. Because I can translate RFK Jr.-speak, I therefore know that, whatever horrors come between now and summer, August will be an “interesting” month, and by “interesting” I mean truly alarming, because the MAHA commission report will be RFK Jr.’s roadmap for dismantling science-based public health, medical, and biomedical research policy. He’s already begun in a haphazard way, but this will give him the appearance of an evidence-based plan.
115 replies on “RFK Jr.’s MAHA Commission: A battle plan to dismantle federal science and health”
I am glad Bobby got the position.
I view what happened, expert-led, during covid as a mindboggling betrayal.
The loss of trust across this country and the world is massive.
Ask me anything.
Okay. How many people do you know who died of COVID? ‘Cause I can name a few.
I know nobody who died from Covid. One woman I barely knew in person, reported that her 400 lbs uncle died from Covid, this is the closest to me. That said, Covid is not a good thing and not “just a cold”.
You of course know every person in the world, do you ?
Don’t forget all of the people who would have died had Igor not been there to magically save them, as told in his older posts.
Igor, for someone who claims to math, you are a null set.
How many children dead and disabled from preventable diseases will it take to change your mind?
“The loss of trust across this country and the world is massive.”
Because of all the lies. Many of them from Bobby Junior. You have been duped if you believe those lies.
Do you notice that you just tell stories, without any evidence ?
Why do you hate disabled people? Because he’s going to kill a lot of them.
OK, I’ll ask: What are you smoking?
No, seriously. RFK Jr. has been a batshit loony antivax conspiracy theorist for over two decades. Whatever “betrayal” you might perceive from experts during COVID, RFK Jr. will be so much worse, and if another pandemic hits we will be so much more screwed than we were five years ago.
are you Vera Sharav? would explain a lot.
Vera, do us all a big favor. Why don’t you read up on the 2019 measles outbreak on American Samoa, and how RKF Jr., in the midst of the outbreak, banded together with leading anti-vaxxers on American Samoa and persuaded Samoan health authorities to suspend the measles vaccine program, leading to the deaths of 83 Samoan children, mostly under the age of 4? Don’t you think that somebody who murdered 83 children probably is unsuited to head a department that has anything to do with health? You said ask me anything; well, I am asking you about this. Read up and report back.
Cooperation with farmers is nice. Do you think they want Americans eat less, which would be cure for obesity ?
There is obesity rate per country:
Notice that Japan is between Bangladesh and Rwanda! US is on the top, only countries with literally food system surpass it. This may explain difference in life expectancy
Thank you for writing, everybody.

Aarno, my own experience tells me that obesity is a severe metabolic disease. Telling people to eat less does not accomplish what it is meant to accomplish because the metabolic imbalance and lack of counter signaling via the feeling of being sated acts to undermine such efforts. I don’t know if you have noticed, but there are large numbers of people nowadays who have taken to fasting in one form or another. Fasting is a powerful way to reset insulin resistance and the return to health. And it’s free.
I have hope, because of Kennedy’s long previous efforts for the restoration of the ecological balance of rivers and ecosystems (showing huge dedication not in words only but in deeds) that he will apply that same dedication to the issues of human health. Right now, that is enough. We’ll see.
Valariansteel, I have read about the Samoan case. I don’t know what the truth is in that case. What I do know is that the vaccine industry is badly corrupt and dishonest. So if you want to convince me you are in the pro-honesty camp, talk about that first.
Chris: Maybe I have been duped. And then again, maybe you have.
Monkey and Christine: “Life is a terminal disease.” I know that the modern system of medicine has accomplished much good to help us all deal with life’s travails.
At the same time, I feel, along with a lot of people all over the globe that it has lost its way, particularly when it comes to dealing with chronic diseases,
and with the untoward influence of money and power on its fundamental functioning. I have put my hope on Kennedy that perhaps he can push against all this. I don’t know if he can, but who else was there?
Interesting. Other than your gut feelings, what proof do you have?
Hi Idw: I don’t deal in proofs. I am fallible like everyone else, including you.
But I am happy to mention some of the evidence I have been paying attention to. The propaganda avalanche for “safe and effective.” The sneaky definition changes. Pushing pregnant women to vax with C-19. Pushing these vaccines on babies and young children, even though healthy kids had virtually no serious risk associated with covid. The massive propaganda, censorship and punishment directed against any doctor willing to try off label protocols. Silencing the vaccine injured. Creating malicious hysteria around the unvaccinated, and throwing what I think of as the Nuremburg rule about informed consent in the toilet.
In addition, I have a big problem with pushing vaccines for upper respiratory infections that are known to mutate rapidly. They don’t work well even for old fashioned flu. I have heard that the yearly campaign for flu vax is far more about making sure the industry is cranked to the max than about concern for the yearly virus impact.
And I am deeply unimpressed with the current push to cull millions of chickens and vaccinate the rest, rather than helping breeders to breed more resistant chickens. It tells me that the money here is probably the key.
“. . . healthy kids had virtually no serious risks associated with covid.” Up through June 2023, CDC statistics indicated that among those aged 0-18, 1,847 had died. And that is not to mention those in the same cohort who continue to suffer from COVID-19 (e.g., long COVID symptoms). And surely some/most of them children were healthy before they caught COVID-19. And you don’t know what is the truth about the Samoan case, but you are absolutely certain that the vaccine industry is “badly corrupt and dishonest,” but of course, you don’t cite any evidence because you “don’t deal in proofs.” Here is a link to a Samoan health official who argues that RFK Jr’s narrative about the Samoan measles outbreak presented at the Senate confirmation hearing was “a complete lie”:
I would guess that, according to your view, the Samoan health official is part of the conspiracy to slander RFK Jr. Your posts reek of cognitive bias and motivated reasoning. Step out of your anti-vax echo chamber; it will do you some good.
Yeah. So this year the flu vaccine is a poor fit. That means that it’s especially important to get it. Because you’re more likely to get flu this year, and the vaccine will make it less serious. I have had flu—real flu, not a crappy cold—just once in my life. I had to crawl to the bathroom. I haven’t missed a shot since.
Now as for flu vaccine being an industry: it’s not. It’s expensive to make, and as you note, it comes out wrong. Big pharma is much more excited by Ozempic part 3. Or six. Or 58. Flu vax has been neglected for years. No for profit outfit is interested. And with cuts to science funding, it won’t get any better anytime soon.
Now I am no expert on this stuff. Both you and I rely on others for help. The question is, what do you rely on? Double blind peer reviewed studies? Cold hard statistics? People who have spent their whole life studying disease?
Or some rumor they heard about on facebook? You aren’t going to get much love on a blog run by an actual expert.
So you have no data indicating harm, no facts, just things with which you disagree, and buzz words like “propaganda” and “sneaky definition changes” (never specified).
Just more objections from someone uneducated in the relative areas who doesn’t think they need to pay attention to medical advice. Pathetic.
As s person with A1AD, protection against URIs is critical for me. Why do you me dead?
“breed more resistant chickens” – You know I think this is the first time in a very long time on this blog someone has mentioned something I’ve literally never heard of before.
Maybe disease resistant chickens are a thing, like disease resistant tomatoes. But given the way that influenza jumps species, and the shocking economic hit the poultry industry takes every time bird flu decimates their flocks, it’s probably one of those things that just isn’t possible.
(Where on earth is there money to be made in culling flocks? Farmers are only doing it in a desperate attempt to save the other flocks, not because they’re getting paid. Also, culling is one of the oldest ways of dealing with farm animal diseases, and it’s still used because it works. It’s the last choice, but it works.)
Again, you not go details. Ivermectin promoters surely made lots of noise. No one lost their license because of disagreeing.
Breeding bird flu resistant chickens do not work, exactly because virus mutates fast. There is no money for culling chickens, it actually cost money (to compensate farmers).
You do realize that the reasons that flu vaccines vary widely in effectiveness from year to year is because scientists have to make an educated prediction in the early spring about which strains will be circulating in the fall, right? Sometimes they predict well, and the vaccine is highly effective. Sometimes, they don’t, and it’s less effective.
I do like how you think you sound as though you know what you’re talking bout by invoking mucosal immunity, though. (Hint: You don’t, which is obvious to anyone with significant relevant knowledge.)
Hitchens’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”
First Samoa… now Texas:
If RFKjr was serious about the health of American children he’d be taking on Big Oil and air pollution. It is well documented that air pollution causes all kinds of health issues including asthma.
If RFKjr was serious about the health of Americans he’d be taking on Big Tobacco. It is abundantly documented that tobacco is addictive and causes cancer and other chronic respiratory diseases, as well as having negative impacts on the health of children.
Why isn’t he doing this? Heck, he should be well practiced at taking on Big Oil and Big Coal from his time as an environmentalist.
Wouldn’t these things have a much larger benefit to the overall health of Americans than concentrating on things like ADHD meds or even vaccines?
Yes, but people who stop smoking often gain weight.
I’ve noticed that a lot of the MAHA people and even just people who kind-of sort-of think that RFKjr might be right are also the ones who are so consumed by diet culture that they can not see (will not see) that body weight is not a reflection of a person’s morality.
For all of them high body weight, or any condition that is often comorbid with high body weight, is a personal failing.
Like, you can advocate strongly for greater access to fruits and vegetables without the constant background refrain of “if you’re fat it’s because you’re a bad person”.
I just hate all of it.
They don’t gain a lot of weight and they tend to stabilize. Unless they get seriously obese, the tradeoff is still very positive compared to continuing to smoke.
@ Mimi
Well, my comment was sarcastic. I saw the argument used somewhere as if it was a kind of bad trade-off. Of cause it’s not. Smoking comes with a lot of health issues, not only for the smokers, but also for the ones around them.
Well you could get back to us in 5 years when you’ve figured the out. And then maybe 5 years after that you’ll figure out so many people in the U.S. (UK) died from Covid-19.
And just for icing on the cake, the House just passed a budget resolution with major cuts to Medicaid in order to allow for extending the a Trump tax cuts. I’m sure that will make everything totally better. /s
Here’s a refresher. RFK Jr. fueled antivax fear mongering before the outbreak and then, just as the deadliest part of the pandemic was ramping up, wrote a letter to the Samoan Prime Minister blaming the MMR vaccine for the measles outbreak, not the low vaccine uptake.
Seriously, you are saying that you can eat as much as you want without getting fat, if you do not have a severe disease ? A basic metabolic fact is that the body will turn surplus energy to fat.
What I do know is that the vaccine industry is badly corrupt and dishonest.
And you think persuading people not to vaccinate their kids against a highly infectious disease that can kill or cause serious permanent harm is a good thing?
Will this blog’s readers begin to sow doubts about the CDC, and spread antigovernment conspiracies?
Examples of conspiracies you might begin to spread soon:
our government is controlled by sinister antiamerican forces
our science is corrupted by ideology
billionaires are stealing our money
our health authorities are making us sicker
our interpersonal problems are the fault of the governing party
If so, I would not be the one dismissing you outright!
Welcome to the club of critical thinkers (like me) who doubt official pronouncements and care about science.
As it’s been noted several times, you are as far from a critical thinker as I am capable of understanding the mathematics of string theory. Rather, you’re an uneducated spreader of lies and conspiracies, looking to make a few dollars from lying to gullible sub stack folks.
I will make the point that with the current nazi-friendly administration the first three of the points you list are gaining support of validity all the time — and those are ones you dismiss. You really are a sad piece of work.
The above comment was not meant to be sarcastic, but it was meant to be ironic. The irony is that the “new conspiracies” are the same as the old conspiracies: what changed is minor details like who, what, and why. The above conspiracies were, word for word, spread about the previous government and they would be spread about the current government.
Like all viable conspiracy theories, they are based on not-so-small kernels of truth, and are backed by some decent evidence.
Some more upcoming conspiracies for your enjoyment, same as during the previous administration:
The CDC is lying about vaccines
The current government hates children
The sheeple believing the current government will soon have their FAFO moment
Colleges are being used to subvert our youth
What is the point of this message and my previous one? Very simple: love the relatives you have, even if you disagree with them.
blockquote>What is the point of this message and my previous one? <?blockquote>
You’re trying to make the lies and bullshit you peddle seem more reasonable. As you’ve been asked many times: why do you feel it necessary to lie and say vaccines are dangerous, people are dying from the covid vaccine, etc?
This is propaganda, do you not notice ? No much relation to truth, of course.
Well, the old conspiracists are the new rulers, and quite rigourous..
I actually disagree with all your points. A conspiracy of everybody will certainly produce a least a whistleblower. You are just a lazy thinker. You should go into details.
“Critical thinkers.” You keep using that term. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Or, to paraphrase a famous quote: I knew critical thinkers. You’re no critical thinker.
Seriously, though. It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy; we know RFK Jr. has pushed antivax conspiracy theories, and there’s no reason to think he won’t continue to do so as HHS Secretary and use his position to corrupt the agency.
I am perfectly fine if some of you do not consider me a critical thinker.
Calling myself a critical thinker is the easiest way to get you guys engaged in a conversation, whereby you start debunking my points.
But in the long run, debunking and engaging, you will realize, of course, that I was right all along.
This is a way to place a seed of doubt in your minds, for those of you capable of changing minds of course.
The Covid vaccine, a massive scam, and its mandate, a mass coercion of unwilling public, changed the course of history. We are seeing the consequences of that.
Controlled, peer reviewed studies will change my mind.
You, not so much.
Well this is the only thing you said that was true: “FAFO moment”
A measles outbreak in Texas has killed its first victim. And Kennedy is still lying.
You are a delusional thinker.
You couldn’t critically think your way out of a wet paper bag Igoar
Woo hoo!! It’s another beautiful day! Why lately am I always singing Queen’s, We Are The Champions?
Guys, excuse us for suspecting that you’re crying wolf about the expected tsunami of measles deaths should Kennedy eliminate vaccines, afterall, your similar promise of Covid ‘winter of sickness and deaths’ for antivaxxers never panned out; we did fine with mild infections and subsequent natural immunity, you, on the otherhand, suffered from continual reinfections, myocarditis and blood clots, and now, according to the latest Yale study, having your cells turned into permanent Spike making factories.
Guys, perhaps we would start taking you seriously if you gave us hard figures. If Kennedy were to eliminate vaccines, how many yearly measles deaths can we expect? When will it start? How long will it last? Seriously, give us something of substance to mull over.
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes…
Exercise reading skillz. It’s not anybody’s obligation to spoon feed you. Courtesy of the NIH:
“Chovatiya R, Silverberg JI. Inpatient morbidity and mortality of measles in the United States. PLoS One. 2020 Apr 28;15(4):e0231329. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231329. PMID: 32343688; PMCID: PMC7188204.”
One benefit of being a physicist, even a foolish or stupid one, is that I took no Hippocratic oath. I can tell you the rock is falling, where it’s falling and how fast its falling and I don’t even need to feel bad if you don’t get out of the way when it hits you.
“If Kennedy were to eliminate vaccines, how many yearly measles deaths can we expect?”
Going on past history, about 500 kids will die, and several thousand will be permanently disabled due to encephalitis. From the CDC Pink Book (note that population is much larger now than in the 1960s:
(^^ first vaccine licensed)
(^^^ MMR licensed)
(^^^ Measles Elimination Program started)
“When will it start?”
It has started now in Texas and elsewhere:
“How long will it last?”
It will last as long as Kennedy and friends keep spreading lies. It did stop in Samoa when they started vaccinating again.
More information here if you dare to read it:
Oh, the Texas measles nuclear holocaust! Finally something that will stop Kennedy!
Please! The outbreak is starting to look more like a shrub fire that’s about to quickly burn itself out. A month into it and only 124 cases? The previous update giving a 40 plus cases jump after 5 days, and now we have a 30 plus jump also after 5 days?
What’s next in your desperation to stop Kennedy. Are you guys considering a voodoo seance where you stick needles in a Kennedy doll?
Oh, cool… an opinion on disease by lawyer. How novel. Next time you need medical care make sure to visit your local law firm for care.
Do you dismiss the over 80 children who died by measles in Samoa because they were brown children?
Or you must really hate all children. Or maybe you are just a sadist who loves to see kids suffer. Especially with encephalitis or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
Well this should make you giddy with delight, the first death of a child:
Measles will not quickly burn itself out, because even Texas babies are born everyday. They cannot get vaccinated until they are a year old. The only way to protect them is to make sure anyone who can get an MMR vaccine, actually gets an MMR vaccine.
Until then, Kennedy now has more blood on his hands.
You seem confused on number of cases vs number of confirmed cases. 124 is only those they have confirmed.
And today was the first death. Wy are you so excited for death?
Antivaxxers don’t necessarily love death. They just don’t think that the deaths of children from preventable disease are any big deal.
I think there’s a philosophical argument on “When you do not oppose something, at what point are you therefore in favor of it?” And I know which side of the line I’d put antivaxxers on.
So you’ll be happy to know a child has died from measles in Texas? Eugenicists do approve of that sort of winnowing after all.
That must be why there first death from measles in the outbreak in an unvaccinated child has occurred.
Why to you hate children? Are one you of those sadists that gets joy every time a child suffers while infected with a terrible disease?
The sad thing here is that since this blog is focused understandably on health related issues, it is only highlighting a special case of Trump being an extinction level threat to science in the U.S. generally. Talking about CDC and NIH is not even touching on the damage being done at the NSF, at the Department of Commerce, at NASA and at the Department of Energy, all of whom run prestigious labs or fund research where they can. Just the act of undercutting discretionary funding is going to hugely damage university science. University science is already very stressed in this country; salaries for support personnel at universities are way behind those found in industry for the same level of education. It’s to the tune of like half as much: at a university, you’re making $50,000/year where you would easily be making $100,000/year in industry. I saw an opening posted at my University two months ago where they wanted a PhD physicist with skill in synthetic chemistry where the position was listed as $25/hour constrained at no more than 20 hours/week, part-time, because the lab who issued the posting can’t afford to match the salary for the health insurance and benefits required by the university for staff at a higher employment rate than that. They need crazy high levels of skill, but they can’t afford to pay for it already! Belts have been tightening on academic science for a long time with grant funding cut-offs always becoming more stringent and competitive and this even before the chaos of the last two months.
I find it humorous that Elon Musk stepped up to save the H1B visa, but is in the process of killing the labs who would be training the students that receive them. The trajectory of most H1B recipients is to go through an academic lab for graduate training and then out into industry after they know something. It doesn’t help that Musk is generally in a habit of undercutting academics and belittling people for “knowing things” if they don’t somehow have a capacity to make money off of what they know. Science funding, especially for basic science, is always a fragile, blind bet: you cannot know if what you don’t know is worth knowing until you actually know it. Knowing something, learning something especially the first time of anybody ever learning that thing, isn’t necessarily finding the golden goose automatically. This means spending time and money possibly following a dead end, which you may not even know to be a dead end until after you learn it. Graphene was discovered using scotch tape on pencil lead –how much more random and semi-justifiable an experiment with far-reaching repercussions can you get than that? This is the Knowledge Paradox. Mainly, only governments fund that bet and usually off the pennies they can afford to waste amid the big grants that are more likely to be productive.
China has exceeded the U.S. in primary literature output in the past couple years. The U.S. is in danger of ceasing to be an academic destination for the universally gifted-and-talented and the tech industry, beyond just the pharmaceutical industry, is generally going to suffer for it. Who cares that the H1B got saved? Nobody in their right mind will want an H1B to get an education here to start with! This may not happen overnight, but Trump got the ball rolling in his first term and talent is already increasingly staying out. Science is the canary in the coal mine because it is especially sensitive.
I know I’m somewhat off topic in writing all this, but the picture of science in the U.S. is more dire than this blog post depicts and anybody who is science supporting should be thinking about it, if they aren’t already. The stupidity of putting Trump back in power is going to really cost us this time. I wasn’t a great fan of Biden, but at least he wasn’t a sledge-hammer of narcissism and outright stupidity.
I fully agree.
Here’s a thing that a lot of people might not know about the technical industries (especially biotech, but presumably also in Agriculture and Chemistry) is that most corporations don’t have “true” R&D anymore. They have some research, and a lot of development, but most of the new ideas come from little companies that get spun out of university labs.
Those little companies work on whatever potentially marketable idea was discovered at the university lab. If it looks promising then either a venture capitalist will come in and fund it, or more likely, one of the Big Pharma or Big Biotech companies will come along and buy it up and take the idea to market (if it works).
And if the idea doesn’t pan out then the little company closes and the people who worked there go on to the next little company, or to another university, or to a big company.
But the whole system relies on the ideas and research coming out of universities. It’s just not financially sound, in this capitalistic system, for Big Pharma or Big Biotech to do the research from scratch, because very often it doesn’t work out. The whole system depends on the government funding universities to do all that basic science research, all that very early clinical work.
Also, most of those little companies go the Big Pharma/Tech route, because they’re not really interested in developing the supply and distribution chains needed for global deployment of their research. The type of people who make breakthroughs are generally not the type to happily spend hours on the phone discussing the impact of tariffs on adhesive production.
I think that Vera’s “sneaky definition changes” are from all the pearl clutching about the statements that the clinical trials were never meant to prove that the COVID vaccine reduced the rates of transmission.
The measles outbreak in Texas has had its first death.
“A child in Texas has died of measles, the first confirmed fatality in the state’s worst outbreak in three decades, state health officials said Wednesday.
The unvaccinated school-age child was hospitalized in Lubbock last week, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.”
Reportedly two measles deaths now.
“New Mexico’s congressional delegation has pushed Kennedy to urgently address the current outbreak, urging him in a letter on Monday to “launch a vaccination promotion campaign” and rehire recently fired federal health workers, among other measures.”
Yeah, suurrre that’ll happen.
Still loving you, Bobby! Stay the course!
Let’s teach our citizens how to minimize the risks from both infectious and chronic diseases. To this end, let’s be fully transparent with them and provide them with the best science so they can make fully informed decisions.
Robert Kennedy tom bring in best science ? Hell will freeze, too.-
The best way to prevent the measles is by vaccinating people before they are exposed. This has been the most effective method since RFKjr was a kid! Since before his dad was assassinated!
Fred: “Still loving you, Bobby! Stay the course!”
Fred: “And keep killing those kids with vaccine preventable diseases! Because I love to see them suffering, and dead kids are better than autistic kids”.
Fred: “Let’s teach our citizens how to minimize the risks from both infectious and chronic diseases.”
Fred: “Because you, Bobby, are a lawyer and know so much more than anyone who actually passed high school biology.”
Everyone else: “What a maroon.”
When MI was trying to figure out what to do about the water problem then governor Engler’s policies caused we had a couple old faculty who would say “Those kids [exposed to the contaminants] wouldn’t have contributed to society as adults anyway”
You can hear Fred and others of his ilk saying “The kids killed by disease don’t matter — they’d never contribute to society anyway.”
Fred’s not only failed in education, like Igor Fred has failed in basic human decency.
Yes, I have been told that my autistic kid should suffer and die because he is disabled. I’ll take this young man who likes to take pictures of animals on his walks over those sadistic adults who love to see kids suffer.
I completly agree with you. It’s better to have a kid like yours, than having someone like Fred or Igor as an offspring.
Thank you, Renate
I fully sympathise.
As a parent of children with a disability, I am appalled at these attitudes. Both of my children have grown up to be productive members of society and more importantly have more empathy than I do. Even more than I, they recognise there are people less well off than they are who need care and assistance.
They have a friend with long-COVID who hasn’t been able to work since 2021. At one point her wife had to go to Vietnam for work leaving the friend to care for their 3 pets. The Junior Ps and their friends set up a roster to go and help every morning and evening. On one day, no one could go, so they added Mrs P and myself to the roster for that day.
This is how a caring society should work.
Frankly, I have no time for the Freds and Igors of this world because they could not care less for anyone less fortunate than they are. They produce all these asinine arguments that justify them trampling over others.
Thank you, Chris P. I also have no use for the Igors and Freds hate mongering.
When my kid was about seven years old I encountered another parent from the school both of my boys attended (the younger being five, and in kindergarten). I introduced myself as the parent of the younger child in the same grade as her younger child.
She then said that she had started a group to get “those special education children” removed from that school. I asked her why, and she said because they were violent and dangerous.
I was a wee bit stunned and mentioned my older child was in that program since he had a severed speech/language disorder. She then asked me who he was, and I pointed to the kid who was playing nicely with her older child. The shocked look on her face was priceless.
Aaargh: “severe speech/language disorder”
I have a severe typing disorder.
Let’s teach our citizens how to minimize the risks from both infectious and chronic diseases.
Like promoting vaccines and fighting air-pollution?
Those are things that will really minimize risks, but I doubt mr. Kennedy will do that. Instead he will continu to spread lies about vaccines and will be not be able to do anything about air-pollution.
“Lke promoting vaccines and fighting air pollution”
Sadly, with the current scum in positions of authority both of those things are in serious danger of becoming things of the past.
Yeah, I don’t think those things are high on the priority-list of this government. For Bobby it’s ‘Vaccines are bad’ and for Donald it: “Drill baby drill” and ‘let’s burn those fuels, because it’s good for profit’.
Mike Adams, the Health Deranger, is pissed off about coverage of the Texas measles death(s), posting on Twitter today about “the hoax of infectious viruses”. He added this dandy:
“Looks likely the hospital KILLED the child in Texas with a vaccine injection. Probably so they could just “blame it on measles.” It’s hospital homicide all over again.”
That’s almost as repulsive as what Fred has been posting here.
I see that many here are not pleased with me suggesting that Kennedy stay the course on his very reasonable position of calling for radical transparency and better science. What else are you expecting of him? Correct me if I am wrong, but are you expecting him to…
Declare vaccines to be safe and effective including the MMR and encourage everyone to comply with public health recommendations and get them.
Where necessary, enforce mandates to force citizens to get vaccinated.
3 Declare vaccine science on autism settled; they do not cause autism. Promise not to waste time and money by revisiting such ‘dead-end’ research.
Deny that there is an autism epidemic and conclude that the increase is mainly due to better screening and counting. Admit that we have always had autistic people; they are not damaged or broken, but representing the beautiful continuum of humans’ neurodiversity that should be celebrated.
Approach Pfizer about a future position when his tenure at HHS is up, or if he is bored and want to try something different, or if he is interested in some serious dough, or all three.
Again, please advise if you are hoping for these changes from Kennedy.
We get it. You, like Kennedy, hate disabled people and would find it convenient if they just disappeared.
That’s a bit simplistic. It’s fair bet that in addition he hates the poor, minorities, and women — basically anyone who isn’t well off, white, and male — as all good trump supporters do.
Junior doesn’t need Pfizer. He can collect millions more heading CHD, being in on lawsuits against vaccine makers, collecting speaking fees, publishing more books…
His worshipful, credulous followers will keep replenishing the till.
“Declare vaccines to be safe and effective including the MMR and encourage everyone to comply with public health recommendations and get them.”
Which is true. If you disagree then provide us the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that the American MMR vaccine causes more harm than measles.
“3 Declare vaccine science on autism settled; they do not cause autism. Promise not to waste time and money by revisiting such ‘dead-end’ research.”
That is false, because the studies are showing more genetic sequences that cause the symptoms of many conditions that are on the autism spectrum… it is not one condition but dozens. This one of many studies:
“Admit that we have always had autistic people; they are not damaged or broken, but representing the beautiful continuum of humans’ neurodiversity that should be celebrated.”
What is wrong with that? Do people with neurological differences scare you? Then you should promote vaccines, because encephalitis and meningitis also cause several neurological differences. Including this a fatal one: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
Rather than repeat myself, I’ll first link to a comment I made on another blog.
So I expect Junior to continue acting like a personal injury lawyer who doesn’t understand either chemistry or biology and wants as much as anything else to overturn the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and turn the tort attorneys loose on our public health programs.
I also expect him to throw a monkey wrench into the gears of the system we use to protect the health of everyone living in our country. Indefinitely postponing the meeting to decide on what flu strains to target for this fall’s vaccines and possibly making them impossible to manufacture or distribute is just the start.
But in some magic alternative universe, I would like him to do the following:
1. As someone who is “fiercely pro-vaccine” state which actual vaccines currently in use are safe enough and effective enough to continue using as before. He has consistently avoided any such statement in the past.
Admit that he was wrong about thimerosol in vaccines causing autism. He could also accept the massive evidence that over half of cases of ASD are genetically caused or related. It would be nice if he would also accept that most of the increase in ASD cases has been due to changes in the definition used in the DSM, increased awareness in the general public (and possibly expanded screening due to Federal support programs), and diagnostic substitution. But of course this is all really just a pipe dream.
I think the hiring people at Pfizer (or any other vaccine manufacturer) are smart and aware enough not to even offer Kennedy an interview. He simply doesn’t have the credentials to do useful work for them. He is far more likely to seek employment with Big Suppla.
Since you guys are not satisfied with Kennedy’s repeated promise that he would run HHS pursuing radical transparency and the best science, I asked what else do you expect of him. Squirrel responded with…
Moot point! Throughout the Hearings, Kennedy was repeatedly badgered about what he believes about vaccines. In the big scheme, what he believes about anything amounts to squat as long as Health Secretary he is following the science, the best science.
Even though I am somewhat partial to this, it’s also a moot point.
My ‘antivaxx’ brothers and sisters, including Kennedy, love to hyperventilate about MMR and thimerosal, yet we are dealing with just one vaccine and vaccine ingredient. What about the other vaccines and ingredients that haven’t been studied? What about the full schedule? Sure, the MMR and thimerosal studies are crap, but did we have an autism epidemic back in the 70s when we were only giving MMR and few other vaccines? Let’s conduct the proper studies, studying other vaccines, vaccine ingredients, and the full schedule before we definitively single out a culprit.
Even though I staunchly disagree with this, it too is a moot point.
There is no such thing as a genetic epidemic! Genes may make some susceptible to autism, but I believe for the most part it is vaccines that are pulling the trigger. Again, setting aside beliefs, the proper studies will prove whether this is the case.
Moot. You know!
In sum, Kennedy is being repeatedly attacked for what he said in the past or what he believes. During his tenure at HHS, Kennedy can believe he is Alice in Wonderland being chashed by the Queen of Hearts; as long as he is following the science, the best science, and making decisions in that regard, that’s all that matters.
You responded to my banter.
I might add, it’s interesting we keep hearing how ‘worm-brain’ Kennedy is clueless. Big pharma pockets are deep enough that the can hire the best mensa attack-dog lawyers to unleash at their will. How is it possible then that clueless, ‘worm-brain’ Kennedy keeps neutering these lawyers and winning against them?
“but did we have an autism epidemic back in the 70s”
In a sense, yes. My grandfather would have been diagnosed as autistic, but instead he was just a “stoic Norwegian”.
This guy put his wife on an airplane to visit her daughter and new grandbaby after she had stroke. She was discovered wandering about the airport when she arrived, and insisted her daughter was dead. When she was returned home, she was put into a care facility by court order because she was delusional and violent. My grandfather never did anything to keep his daughter (my mother) informed.
You are just telling us you are as clueless as my grandfather, and even more a sadistic fool.
“but did we have an autism epidemic back in the 70s”
Another thing we had in the 1970s was closing down all of state “schools” like Willowbrook. Essentially warehouses for disabled children and adults.
Kennedy wouldn’t know good science if it bit him in the behind.
He’s being called out on what he says because nothing he says about vaccines, their “dangers”, or health in general, is true. He’s as ignorant of the facts as you are.
Again I cite this paper:
Actually read it:
“Danish population registries were used to link information on MMR vaccination, autism diagnoses, other childhood vaccines
, sibling history of autism, and autism risk factors to children in the cohort. ”
Greatest risk was having an autistic sibling.
Do you know about twin studies ? There is one about autism.
:”We demonstrate that: (a) ASD is due to strong genetic effects; (b) shared environmental effects become significant as a function of lower prevalence rate; (c) previously reported significant shared environmental influences are likely a statistical artefact of overinclusion of concordant DZ twins.”
For your amusement, there is prevalence of left handedness:
You see a genetic epidemic.
One more try.
First, a question that Kennedy has been dodging for the last 10-15 years is not “moot” until he answers it. He was “badgered” about it (to the extend that anyone can do that in a 5-7 minute committee interview) because he won’t give a straight answer. At the same time he tries to have his cake and eat it too by claiming to be “fiercely pro-vaccine” while refusing to endorse any vaccines and even denying the germ theory of disease.
But you asked “What else are you expecting of him?” and “please advise if you are hoping for these changes from Kennedy.” I wrote my comment as an answer to those.
Science involves testing our ideas about reality against reality itself to see if they match, if reality works that way. Critical to that is recognizing and accepting that an idea was wrong. We did a nationwide negative control experiment that massively disproved that, but Kennedy has never acknowledged that. How can we expect him to acknowledge anything else that might be important to the health and safety of Americans?
That connection ought to be DIW, not just moot, but we won’t know if Kennedy understands that until he says so.
Back to the autism “epidemic”. One important study disproving a real increase in the rate of autism was done in England by Brugha et al ( DOI: 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.38 ) and published in 2011.
Another important study was Kim et al, also from 2011.
( DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.10101532 )
They screened over 55,000 7- to 12-year-old children and found
So there are a lot more people with ASD out there than we are aware of, particularly in females. Kim’s study was later re-analyzed and the uncertainty ranges may be a bit wider. But the underlying conclusions stand. That’s called follow-up review and is another part of the scientific process.
The UK study shows how changes in diagnostic definitions and diagnostic substation have made it look like there was real growth in the condition when the actual prevalence was stable.
The Korea study shows that another big factor is awareness and screening. This particularly affects the wider, less severe forms that can also be counted as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Kennedy never acknowledges either of these.
I would like to find that Kennedy is “following the science, the best science, and making decisions in that regard,”, but I am not hopeful in that regard.
I didn’t realize that last part was “banter”. As it happens, I bought a couple products from Banter a few weeks ago and I doubt if Kennedy would ever use them. (FWIW, THAT was banter.)
Squirrel, I am still reading you as a little peeved that Kennedy won’t concede that the science on certain issues has proven him wrong. You also wrote,
Reflecting on that, I am starting to see a way pass this impasse. With Kennedy now in charge, he will get a chance to redo the experiments that will invariably prove him ‘wrong’. He will have no choice but to concede as he promised. Now, by the freakiest of possibilities, if those experiments were to prove Kennedy right, Squirrel, you will concede that it is you who is wrong? Squirrel? Can we shake?
@Fred, I stand by my previous comments. We’ll see what happens to HHS, NIH, CDC, etc. In the next 4 years.
Fred Kennedy will not do any real science, that we know alreadt
Kennedy speaks a lot about things other countries do, There is autism rate by country:
Taiwan has lowest. So they do not vaccinate ? Not so:
In addition, I noticed yhis:
So he does not think that we should not be afraid of measles.
I know who is gonna get hit first and worst of al the posters here when bird flu jumps. They are the ones in the cult of death.
NIH grant pages are still done March 1st, but when they’re back up, we have to watch for RFA’s and proposals that are anti-vax and pro-snake oil. We have to watch for the researchers who’ll be scrambling over each other to collect that money and loudly defending themselves by insisting they do legitimate science. No one can prosecute these people, but we can damn well shame them.
Still down. Damn, can’t edit these things.
With the Liberal press reaction to the Trump-Vance-Zelensky Oval Office dust-up, I can’t help but notice how it parallels the vaccine-autism conversation. The Left is unloading on Trump as being Putin’s puppet who is deserting Zelensky and Ukraine.
Bitch as much as they are doing, they still are not offering an endgame. We continue to support the war and where does it end? Billions of military aid to see over a million Ukrainian and Russian young men slaughtered? Ukraine now in ruins in what is appearing as a unwinnable war for them, and not to mention the risk of things escalating into WW3?
Simarly, we watch the autism rates skyrocket and all we get is shoulder shrugs but with vaccines cleared? The Texas measles outbreak is all over the news and the latest update have cases at 150 in over a month. On average, the US will see 150 new autism diagnoses every two hours! We are considering a serious disability where a third of its victim are nonverbal, over two-third are mentally retarded or borderline retarded, and over 80% will grow up unproductive, living at home with their families and needing continual care.
Thank you Donald for entertaining an endgame for the Ukraine war. Thank you Bobby for the same with autism and children chronic diseases.
Tons of people are trying to cure autism. You’re insulting them.
Plus, vaccines don’t cause autism. You’re the one pushing more autism. That money you want Bobby Kennedy to waste could be spent on autism treatments.
Quit being pro-autism and at least pretend to want to help.
Russia attacked Ukraine. It will make peace if it gets everything it wants, ant Trump supports that. He would not even give safety quaranties if Ukraine makes concessions You remember Hitler ? Russia will attack again if it gets what it wants.
About WWIII: This is Putin’s favorite bluff. Nobody is starting WWIII, not even him. (would have done it already, if this is the intention)
Meanwhile, there is a ceasefire proposal. Will Trump take iy ?
“Bitch as much as they are doing, they still are not offering an endgame.”
And you are not answering my main question. Which is this:
“If you disagree then provide us the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that the American MMR vaccine causes more harm than measles.”
Where are those studies by reputable qualified researchers? Lawyers are not qualified, and losing their medical credentials is not reputable.
You are so wrong about so much in your second last paragraph you are entering “not even wrong” territory.
Most people diagnosed as autistic are NOT on the severely disabled end. Most can live decent lives. What we need is not a “cure” for autism but support and changes to society to make things easier for autistics.
W.R.T. your comments about vaccines and autism, the question has been looked at. Vaccines do not cause autism. In fact, there is more and more evidence that autism and neurodivergency in general are genetic in nature.
RFK Jr has an idée fixé about vaccines causing autism. He is 100% wrong, but refuses to even consider the evidence against his obsession.
In response, citations provided…
And you are not answering my main question. Which is this:
“If you disagree then provide us the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that the American MMR vaccine causes more harm than measles.”
Where are those studies by reputable qualified researchers? Lawyers are not qualified, and losing their medical credentials is not reputable.
Do not mention autism. Because it is genetic (I have posted studies).
Also this:
Well said.
And now RFK Jr is promoting the MMR vaccine!
MAHA and co are presumably loosing it.
RFK Jr an opportunist? Never!
“We are considering a serious disability where a third of its victim are nonverbal, over two-third are mentally retarded or borderline retarded, and over 80% will grow up unproductive, living at home with their families and needing continual care.”
Sounds a lot like: “This person who suffers a hereditary disease has a lifelong cost of 60,000 Reichsmarks to the National Community. Fellow German, that is your money as well.”
Brilliant! Thank you.
I know some autistic folk have jobs… two work for Costco. You know… that company that is proud of its DEI policies.
I did glance at those studies, but I did not see them divide then into the three levels of support included in DSM 5.
A recent report found that 26.7% of people with autism have profound autism. Rising diagnoses of ASD mainly reflect milder cases.
[…] it also serves to promote the “make America healthy again” (MAHA) narrative, in which diet and exercise are everything (whether they are or not for specific […]