Blog housekeeping

Halfway there!

Woo-hoo! Sometime yesterday, while I was in clinic, my Sitemeter hit 500,000 visits! Let’s see, it took one year, five months, and two days to reach that level. When I started my blog I never imagined it would reach 100,000 visits, much less a half a million. (Of course, it takes PZ a little more […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Understanding alternative medicine “testimonials” for cancer cures

NOTE: I had been thinking about how to migrate my old posts from the old blog over to ScienceBlogs, and came up with an idea. Whenever “real life” intrudes on my blogging–as it has now, thanks to two different grant applications that ate up my entire weekend that prevented me from coming up with the […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics Religion

Darby’s slipping into the Twilight Zone

The other day, I mentioned an atheist named Larry Darby who happened to be an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier. I was perturbed because this clown was coming far too close to my neck of the woods for comfort, and the stench of his vileness offended me. Because Darby is an atheist, not surprisingly fellow ScienceBloggers […]

Blogging Evolution Science

Welcome, Jason!

Let me just take this opportunity to welcome one of my favorite evolution bloggers, Jason Rosenhouse, over to the ScienceBlogs fold. I’ve been following his blog for many months now. Go say hi to him at his new location at EvolutionBlog, and don’t forget to update your bookmarks (which reminds me, I’ll have to update […]


Mothers’ Day

Nothing much to say today (I’m ensconced in the Bat Cave working on two grant–well, three, actually, but one of them is just a shortened version of the other, so I hardly count it), but I do have to take a minute to wish my mother, my mother-in-law, and all the other moms out there […]