
A sign of the times

One of the annoyances of becoming an attending is the need to sign up for managed care and insurance plans. The forms are all similar, but they are sufficiently different that you can’t just fill one out and be done with it. Every couple of years, a flood of paperwork comes through, asking for renewal. […]


Ten Amendments Day

You may not know this, but today has been designated Ten Commandments Day. It sounds pretty innocuous, right? After all, why would anyone object to a celebration of the Ten Commandments? And, of course, it’s every American’s right under the First Amendment to celebrate the precepts of his or her religion. Nothing wrong with that. […]


In which I use my powers for shameless personal reasons

Today is my sister’s birthday, and what good is a blog if I can’t shamelessly hijack it when I wish to wish family members a happy birthday? So, happy birthday, sister! Have a great day!


Nurses’ Day

I can’t believe I almost forgot this, but in the U.S. May 6 is Nurses’ Day. Doctors, show the nurses you work with how much you appreciate their care and help. I know my clinical workload would be far less manageable without my nurse; I might not even be able to handle it and my […]

Humor Science

Sexual imagery in an immunology text?

Continuing to some extent a theme from the other day, I wish my textbooks had read like this one. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve ever seen the term ménage à trois in a science textbook. It’s also used as a surprisingly good analogy, although I wonder how the author would […]