Holocaust Holocaust denial

Update on the arson at the Holocaust History Project

Last week, I reported about arson at the offices of The Holocaust History Project (THHP), posted one update, and was gratified to see how many bloggers responded to my call to link to THHP as a big “screw you!” to whoever did this. An article about the arson at the Holocaust History Project has appeared […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Out of work due to woo

EoR reports that in Australia, legislation has been passed that allows people other than doctors to issue medical certificates for absences from work, including pharmacists, nurses, acupuncturists, and physiotherapists. Quite naturally, he wonders when the “the reikiists, the homeopathists and the therapeutic touch” practitioners will want the same privileges and imagines the sorts of letters […]


In honor of St. Patrick’s Day: I can’t argue with this result too much

Here’s an appropriate one for St. Patrick’s Day: You Are Guinness You know beer well, and you’ll only drink the best beers in the world. Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them. When you drink, you tend to become a bit of a know it all – especially about subjects […]


The History Carnival

The latest History Carnival has been posted at History:Other. Enjoy.

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism

Deconstructing Dembski mathematically

MarkCC is really making a name for himself pretty fast with Good Math, Bad Math, a blog dedicated to “shredding bad math and squashing the crackpots who espouse it.” (And to think that a post of mine had a small role in getting him going and promoting him in the blogosphere; it almost makes me […]