
What I did on my long weekend, part I: A surgeon visits Body Worlds

You may have noticed that I haven’t been paying as close attention to the ol’ blog as usual over the last three days, leading to a bit of hyperbole in the comments section of at least one post without my responding until today. Indeed, here’s a secret: Most of the posts that have appeared since […]

Humor Television

All Hail Xenu: Parker and Stone on Comedy Central’s refusal to air a repeat of their episode lampooning Scientology

As many have pointed out, Isaac Hayes, who happens to be a Scientologist, quit his role as Chef on South Park last week, unhappy that the show had produced an episode that made fun of Scientology. Apparently, it’s OK with him if South Park makes fun of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, but say anything derogatory […]

Autism Quackery

Prometheus on “armchair science”

A couple of weeks ago, I lambasted Mark and David Geier for their irresponsible proposal to treat autism by using Lupron to lower testosterone levels, in essence chemically castrating autistic children, because, they claimed, it would make the mercury that supposedly caused the autism in the first place “easier to excrete.” Naturally, Prometheus couldn’t resist […]


More Lego fiends with too much time on their hands

Pretty cool.

Science fiction/fantasy

Even geeks need love

Trek Passions, anyone? The sad thing is, if I had discovered such a site before I met my wife, I might have been seriously tempted to join, even though I suspect that the male-to-female ratio is very unfavorable–to males.