
Grand Rounds, Vol. 2, No. 23

Grand Rounds, Vol. 2, No. 23 has been posted at the blog of a fellow surgeon, the pseudonymous Dr. Bard-Parker (the significance of which you would know if you were a surgeon or worked in an O.R.) at A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure. My favorite piece? This one by UroStream about […]


Senator Frank Lautenberg: Xenophobe or pandering to xenophobes?

While driving into work this morning, I was a bit disturbed to hear a news report about a speech New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg gave yesterday to a group of dockworkers in Newark who were protesting the proposed takeover of several U.S. ports by a company owned by the United Arab Emirates. Quoth the Senator […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial

The more things change, the more they stay the same: David Irving reverts to form.

Well, that didn’t take long. Only a few days after his conviction for Holocaust denial, David Irving has reverted to form: Far-right author David Irving’s repudiation of his views on the Holocaust and Hitler’s role in it has not lasted very long. In a prison interview just days after he told an Austrian court he […]


Here’s a blog carnival I can get behind

After the last blog carnival I mentioned, here’s one I can really get behind. Regulars around here know that I’m a 24 junkie. I have to get my fix of Jack Bauer’s adventures (including his uncanny ability to get to almost anywhere in southern California within 20 minutes, regardless of traffic conditions) every Monday night, […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science

The “Darwin Is Dead” carnival

I love blog carnivals. In fact, I love ’em so much that I hosted four of them took one over when its creator decided to retire from blogging. But here’s one that PZ, RPM, Afarensis, and all of the other ScienceBloggers inclined to defend evolution will want to wander over to see just how inane […]