I hadn’t planned on blogging about vaccines again for a while. Really, I hadn’t. Even I realize the risk of beating the proverbial dead horse just one time too often. Also, It seems that I’ve been writing about antivaccination loons a lot lately, even more than usual. However, aside from a prime time spot for […]
Category: Antivaccine nonsense
I did not watch Eli Stone last Thursday. I didn’t really need to, given that prerelease descriptions made it clear that the show’s pilot episode was nothing more than a load of antivaccination propaganda. Indeed, it was so bad that the American Academy of Pediatrics actually took the step of drafting a public letter to […]
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any fan mail, but I did get one a few days ago that amused me. It came from someone with a ‘nym of “Baxtour”. I post it because it represents a common flavor of antivaccinationist response to my blog: You are a fucking moron, which I’m sure you […]
Three and a half months after Kevin Leitch announced that he was shutting down his most excellent blog, Left Brain/Right Brain, it appears that, thankfully, he’s changed his mind. Appearing yesterday on the archives of his blog, Kev announced that his blog is open for business again. Join me in welcoming Kev back to the […]
Last week, I did one of my inimitable rants about an ABC television show set to air on Thursday called Eli Stone, in which a lawyer sues a pharmaceutical company for “mercuritol” (an obvious allusion to thimerosal) in vaccines and how it supposedly caused a child’s autism. Basically, I called it an irresponsible bit of […]