One whole year of antivaccinationist lunacy, that is. Sorry, that’s one birthday I won’t be sending good wishes over. No other blog brings home the stupid when it comes to vaccines with such regularity. It’s a veritable black hole of intellect there, from which no science and reason is ever seen to escape.
Category: Antivaccine nonsense
Seen on the discussion boards of that other repository of antivaccinationist wingnuttery (other than The Huffington Post),, a commenter by the ‘nym of naupakamama exults over the possible appointment of antivaccine wingnut Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to run the Environmental Protection Agency: We could have a strong anti-vaccine voice leading the EPA! I am […]
Yesterday, I wrote about a very disturbing development (disturbing, at least, to the science-based community) in the transition to an Obama Administration. That disturbing development is the multiple reports that antivaccine crank Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being seriously considered to head the Environmental Protection Agency or even the Department of the Interior. Given RFK, […]
One of the aspects of the Barack Obama candidacy that raised my hopes and those of so many of my fellow ScienceBloggers, as well as scientists tired of the crass politicization of science under the Bush administration, was the prospect of an Administration in which science and reason were valued and in which cranks were […]
I guess Barack Obama’s mad hypnotic powers worked. One non-political thing that this election has reminded me of is that when you’ve been blogging as long as I have (nearly four years now–almost as long as a Presidential term!–assuming you’re good and have found a niche in the blogosphere, you can become one of the […]