Dr. David Brownstein is a local “holistic medicine” doctor. Unhappy at a pro-vaccine New York Times editorial, he tried to refute it. It didn’t go well—for Dr. Brownstein. His self-own was epic.

Dr. David Brownstein is a local “holistic medicine” doctor. Unhappy at a pro-vaccine New York Times editorial, he tried to refute it. It didn’t go well—for Dr. Brownstein. His self-own was epic.
Dr. Andrew Zimmerman issued a press release claiming he had been misrepresented in a news report by antivaxer Sharyl Attkisson. He wasn’t. Rather, he’s been a useful idiot for the antivaccine movement.
Over the holidays, on the day after Christmas, Merck and Sanofi announced FDA approval of Vaxelis, a new hexavalent vaccine. It’s great news for children. Unsurprisingly, antivaxers hate it.
Dr. Ken Walker (more famously known as Canadian syndicated columnist Dr. W. Gifford-Jones) wrote an antivaccine op-ed for The Toronto Sun so full of antivaccine misinformation that was retracted after a flurry of complaints and bad publicity. Now, he plays the martyr. Unfortunately for him, he does it while spewing the same sort of antivaccine misinformation for which his previous op-ed had been retracted.
Lou Ferrigno, who played the Incredible Hulk in the late 1970s, recently Tweeted that he had been hospitalized for “fluid in his bicep” after a “pneumonia vaccine,” and antivaxers went wild trying to tie it to their bogus concept of “vaccine injury.” What really happened?