Antivaccine nonsense Autism Blogging Humor Medicine

Orac feels the love

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any fan mail, but I did get one a few days ago that amused me. It came from someone with a ‘nym of “Baxtour”. I post it because it represents a common flavor of antivaccinationist response to my blog: You are a fucking moron, which I’m sure you […]

Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Left Brain/Right Brain returns to the blogosphere…

Three and a half months after Kevin Leitch announced that he was shutting down his most excellent blog, Left Brain/Right Brain, it appears that, thankfully, he’s changed his mind. Appearing yesterday on the archives of his blog, Kev announced that his blog is open for business again. Join me in welcoming Kev back to the […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Quackery Television

More on the antivaccination propaganda in “Eli Stone”

Last week, I did one of my inimitable rants about an ABC television show set to air on Thursday called Eli Stone, in which a lawyer sues a pharmaceutical company for “mercuritol” (an obvious allusion to thimerosal) in vaccines and how it supposedly caused a child’s autism. Basically, I called it an irresponsible bit of […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

David Kirby: When you’re in a hole over vaccines and autism, get out the back hoe and dig deeper!

Pity poor David Kirby. Nearly three years ago now, he published his now-infamous Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic, A Medical Mystery. Hooking up with the most vocal of the mercury militia, his book blamed mercury in vaccines as the major cause of autism. Unfortunately for Kirby, time has not been […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Quackery

Don Imus: He never fails to deliver the stupid when it comes to vaccines and autism

I’ll give Don Imus credit for one thing. He’s predictable and consistent. He never fails to deliver the stupid when it comes to vaccines and autism. True, his wife may take the stupid to hysterically malignant levels when she decides to rant about her belief in the undead myth that mercury in vaccines was a […]