Yes, it’s true that PZ probably gets ten times the amount of crank e-mail that I do. It’s also true that, because he has the most popular ScienceBlog, his readers have a tendency to put extra effort into their “correspondence” with him. But I do occasionally get the long, rambling screed from an alternative medicine […]
Category: Autism
I’m almost beginning to feel sorry for the mercury militia. Think about it. They’ve been claiming for the past several years that the mercury in the thimerosal used as a preservative in childhood vaccines is a cause of autism. If you believe Generation Rescue, A-CHAMP, SAFEMINDS, and various other activist groups, vaccines are the root […]
ERV explains: Vaccines strengthen superpowers. Take that, Jenny McCarthy!
I have to tip my hat to Kevin Leitch. I really do. He’s done something that I couldn’t manage to force myself to do, at least not completely. He’s
I don’t know how I missed this one, but it jut goes to show that antivaccination ignorance with respect to autism is truly a bipartisan affair. You have folks like Representative Dan Burton on the right, and on the left you have this particular Daily Kos diarist, who falls like a ton of bricks for […]