Via The Millenium Project, I’ve learned that some of the “Dummy” books may be living up to their names a bit too literally: I almost didn’t believe it when I was told that Understanding Autism for Dummies contains advice about how chelation might be a useful treatment for autism, so I used Amazon’s “search inside […]
Category: Autism
One year ago today, I discovered a rather amusing bit of chicanery on the part of an old “friend,” namely J. B. Handley, the proprietor of and driving force behind Generation Rescue, the group that claims that all autism (not just some, not just some, but all) is a “misdiagnosis” for mercury poisoning. Given that […]
Fellow ScienceBlogger Alex Palazzo has discovered autism quackery. I’m hurt. I’m hurt because apparently Alex doesn’t read my blog. (Just kidding; I don’t read every ScienceBlog, either, although I do read many of them and peruse the Last 24 Hours Feed regularly for topics of interest.) If he did, he’d know that simply giving useless […]
Is there a connection between Scientology and the mercury militia? Kevin Leitch examines the evidence. As he points out, it’s not as far-fetched as it might seem at first: Everybody knows that Scientology has an almost rabid outlook on psychiatry and what they deem psychiatric labels. Its so bad that Xenu-lover John Travolta is allegedly […]
After not having written anything about the case of Abubakar Tariq Nadama, the five year old autistic boy who died as a result of chelation therapy administered to him to “cure” him of his autism, I revisited the case last week in light of the State of Pennsylvania filing charges against Dr. Kerry, the “alternative […]