Autism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Kev takes ’em on twice while Orac sits back and enjoys

Tara’s post yesterday about Mercury and Mythology about how mercury in vaccines does not cause autism and about a recent story demonstrating tht mercury as used in dental amalgams is safe, coupled with Phil Plait’s discussion of an article in TIME about autism that seemed a bit too credulous about facilitated communication reminded me that […]

Autism Medicine Quackery

Vox responds

A few days ago, I fisked the antivaccination posturings of a certain “Libertarian Christian commenator” regarding the Geiers’ claim that mercury in the thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is a major cause of autism. Many of the comments predicted that Vox wouldn’t respond. (Personally, I was hoping that he would but, based on […]

Autism Medicine Quackery Religion

More Scientology madness

With all the nuttiness coming out of Tom Cruise in the name of Scientology, it’s often forgotten that there are a lot of other Scientologists out there in Hollywood. One of the other most prominent ones is John Travolta. Compared to Tom Cruise, John Travolta seems, superficially at least, the height of reason. Certainly he’s […]

Autism Quackery

Vox inserts his foot into his mouth regarding autism and vaccines

Oh, lovely. Before I leave the topic of mercury-autism conspiracy mongering for a while, something perverse has led me to feel the need to point out something I’ve become aware of: Not surprisingly, it looks as though our favorite “Christian Libertarian” commentator from WorldNet Daily, tireless fighter against women’s suffrage, and overall antivaccination loon Vox […]


Kristjan Wager returns to discuss the Danish autism studies

Excellent. Having had to work on a talk last night, I didn’t have any time to write anything substantive. Horrified at the thought of this blog going silent on a weekday (going silent on the weekend doesn’t concern me much, given that my traffic almost always falls by around 50% regardless of whether I post […]