An advanced practice nurse gave an antivaccine rant posted to Facebook. Or did she? All is not as an antivaxer wants you to believe it is. At least so it appears.

An advanced practice nurse gave an antivaccine rant posted to Facebook. Or did she? All is not as an antivaxer wants you to believe it is. At least so it appears.
Lou Ferrigno, who played the Incredible Hulk in the late 1970s, recently Tweeted that he had been hospitalized for “fluid in his bicep” after a “pneumonia vaccine,” and antivaxers went wild trying to tie it to their bogus concept of “vaccine injury.” What really happened?
For-profit stem cell clinics selling unproven and downright quacky stem cell therapies have proliferated over the last several years, with federal and state law seemingly powerless to stop them. Recently, the FDA and FTC have shown signs of acting to crack down on them. Now, the Medical Board of California is forming a task force to determine how to regulate physicians offering these unproven therapies. Will it matter?
Here we go again. Meet Rep-Elect Mark Green. He’s following in the footsteps of Reps. Dan Burton and Bill Posey in bringing the antivaccine crazy to Congress, only this time for the people of Tennessee.
Remember Brian Hooker’s pseudoscience-laden “study” linking the MMR vaccine with autism in African-American boys? It’s back from the dead! Even more hilariously, it’ was published in that rag of a “journal” for all things right wing conspiracy pseudoscience, the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.