Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bioethics Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Anti-vaccine warriors vs. research ethics, revisited

A couple of weeks ago, the anti-vaccine movement took a swing for the fences and, as usual, made a mighty whiff that produced a breeze easily felt in the bleachers. In brief, a crew of anti-vaccine lawyers named headed by Mary Holland, co-author of Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten […]

Anti-Semitism Bioethics Complementary and alternative medicine History Holocaust Medicine Physics Quackery Science World War II

“Science is evil,” or: When Mike Adams meets Deepak Chopra and Ben Stein

Mike Adams just produced “The God Within,” a film whose entire theme is that science is evil. Quelle surprise, coming from a crank like him!

Bioethics Biology Medicine Science

The animal rights radicals may have overreached this time

Yesterday, I learned of how animal rights terrorists are targeting college students as the “soft underbelly of the vivisection movement.” As an example of their new strategy, these thugs gloated over the “recantation” by a Florida Atlantic University student named Alena Rodriguez, who, because of her e-mail to a Negotiation Is Over editor named Ghazal […]

Bioethics Biology Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Animal rights terrorists target students as the “soft underbelly of the vivisection movement”

I’ve made no secret of my disdain for self-proclaimed “animal rights” activists, the ones who are more than willing to terrorize scientists doing research to understand disease better and thereby develop better treatments and even cures. None of this means that I am some sort of “animal abuser” (to steal the animal rights jargon) or […]

Bioethics Clinical trials History Holocaust Medicine World War II

More dubious moral reasoning from animal rights activists

Yesterday, I did a post about ethics in human experimentation. The reason I mention that is because in the comments, a commenter named Paul pointed out an editorial of the sort of variety that we frequently see whenever there is a revelation of misdeeds in human research and a response to that article that is […]