Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Science

Balancing scientific rigor versus patient good in clinical trials

A critical aspect of both evidence-based medicine (EBM) and science-based medicine (SBM) is the randomized clinical trial. Ideally, particularly for conditions with a large subjective component in symptomatology, the trial should be randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. As Kimball Atwood pointed out just last week (me too), in EBM, scientific prior probability tends to be discounted […]

Bioethics Medicine Quackery

Stem cell therapy for “locked-in” syndrome?

About four months ago, the skeptical blogosphere was abuzz about a tragic story. The story was that of a Belgian man named Rom Houben, who had been unfortunate enough to have been in a motor vehicle collision and suffered serious brain injury. That brain injury left him in a comatose state, which had been diagnosed […]

Bioethics Biology Medicine Science

Is there publication bias in animal studies?

Last month, in response to some truly despicable activities by animal rights zealots, I wrote a series of posts about how animal rights activists target even researchers’ children and appear to fetishize violence. This simply continued a string of posts that I’ve done over the years, the longest (and, in my not-so-humble-opinion, the best) deconstructs […]

Bioethics Biology Medicine Science

Answering other arguments of animal rights extremists

I hadn’t really planned on writing anymore about animal rights extremists. The topic seemed as though it had played out over the few days. But those who’ve followed this blog know that I’m nothing if not tenacious when I grab onto a topic, and sometimes certain topics demand several posts. More importantly, over the last […]

Bioethics Biology Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Answering “scientific” arguments of animal rights extremists

I spent a lot of time writing about animal rights extremists who have threatened to harass the children of an investigator whom they view as a “vivisector” and how they fetishize the very violence they decry. Unfortunately, I was disappointed to see that a fellow ScienceBlogger, namely Eric Michael Johnson of The Primate Diaries, appears […]