Your daily dose of Insolence has been interrupted by the arrival of an M1 iMac.

Your daily dose of Insolence has been interrupted by the arrival of an M1 iMac.
There is no post today, because WordPress and its Gutenberg editor ate large swaths of it. Lesson learned. I had written about Eric Clapton’s reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine but don’t know if I’ll revisit and reconstruct the original post.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Respectful Insolence readers Happy Holidays! I’m taking a few days off from blogging, but will be back Friday or Monday, depending on my mood.
There will be no new material today and probably not Monday either. I’m in New York attending the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS). I’ll be giving a talk this afternoon, “Cancer Quackery and Fake News: Targeting the Most Vulnerable.” I’ll be back Tuesday or Wednesday.
Fear not, intrepid readers. Orac will return in a week, as he describes here in an update. He has not disappeared forever, although two and a half weeks is a long time.