Blog housekeeping

Halfway there!

Woo-hoo! Sometime yesterday, while I was in clinic, my Sitemeter hit 500,000 visits! Let’s see, it took one year, five months, and two days to reach that level. When I started my blog I never imagined it would reach 100,000 visits, much less a half a million. (Of course, it takes PZ a little more […]

Blog housekeeping

I toady to my Seed overlords

In an attempt to periodically provoke discussion on various issues, our overlords at Seed plan on posing questions to us ScienceBloggers. The first question, which some of us have already answered is this: If you could cause one invention from the last hundred years never to have been made at all, which would it be, […]

Blog housekeeping


I had planned on posting about this last night, but a late night in the O.R. kept me from it. Consequently, Chad beat me to it, but better late than never, I say. I join Chad in apologizing to my readers for the tornado ad that started running on ScienceBlogs earlier this week and includes […]

Blog housekeeping

My first ban

After his behavior in Monday’s post about the Geiers, I’ve reluctantly decided to issue my first ban ever on a commenter. The one on the receiving end? Fore Sam. Is anyone surprised? His rhetoric has become increasingly violent-sounding, with his posting comments suggesting that Kathleen Seidel should be taken out and horsewhipped. That’s over the […]

Blog housekeeping Blogging

Wednesday afternoon homeward bound open thread

By the time this appears, I should be on my way home from the AACR. For some reason, the meeting this year didn’t get me all fired up the way it usually does. Perhaps I’ll post in more detail about why that may have been after I get home. In the meantime, here’s something I’ve […]