It takes a lot to stop Orac from applying Insolence to pseudoscience and quackery. One of the biggest windstorms in his lifetime did it. No jokes about wind.

It takes a lot to stop Orac from applying Insolence to pseudoscience and quackery. One of the biggest windstorms in his lifetime did it. No jokes about wind.
Happy Holidays to all from everyone’s favorite box of blinky lights. See you all on Monday. I’ll still be checking occasionally for comments that need to be released from the moderation queue but won’t be particularly active otherwise. Until then, I leave you with Tim Minchin:
Wow. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. In fact, it flies so fast that I don’t even notice when a major anniversary (or, if you will, blogiversary). Remember how I’ve been mentioning that I can’t believe it’s been almost ten years since I started doing this? I’ve been droppoing these little […]
Today, I’m winging my way to sunny Las Vegas. Yes, in the middle of summer, when southern Nevada’s weather is most like an oven, I will be there. The reason? I’ll be doing a workshop and a panel with fellow supporters of science-based medicine at The Amazing Meeting. I don’t know how many of my […]
As seems to happen more frequently, Orac has had his attention wholly taken up by contemplating a black hole. (Actually, he’s at a medical conference on quality care in breast cancer.) Consequently, after a four and a half hour drive to the hotel, dinner out with the conference staff, and preparing for his talk, he […]