Blogging Medicine Science

How to cite a blog in an academic paper

Yes indeed, if you ever want to cite any of the pearls of brilliance laid down on a regular basis here, you can. Heck, you can even cite comments on blogs! So now you know. Here’s a sample citation.

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Homeopathic thuggery bites the host of the next Skeptics’ Circle

One of the biggest complaints from alternative medicine practitioners is that some vast cabal, presumably made up big pharma, the CDC, the NIH, the AMA, and “conventional” doctors, is “suppressing” alternative medicine. Yes, true believers like, say, Mike Adams will claim that big pharma is going to suppress their free speech about “alternatives” and thus […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Chicago Tribune’s Julie Deardorff and the mercury militia: Do newspapers have a responsibility for policing their blogs?

One development that will increasingly pose an interesting and perhaps uncomfortable question for newspapers is the increasing addition of blogs run under the banner of newspapers. I’m not sure if it’s cluelessness about the blogosphere leading newspapers to think that they can have bloggers write whatever they want under the newspaper’s banner and not have […]


Vote early, vote often–for Shelley

Let me just take a moment to join fellow ScienceBloggers Ed, Revere, RPM, Zuska, Nick, PZ, Razib, Steve, and Bora in encouraging everyone to vote for one of our own, Shelley over at Retrospectacle, for a $10,000 Student Blogging Scholarship. Don’t do it just because I asked you to. Do it because she runs an […]

Blog housekeeping Blogging Humor

Enamored of a long run for a short slide

In today’s earlier post, a commenter stated: You sure do like that “long run for a short slide” phrase. I wondered: Is that true? Do I use that phrase too much? So, like any good blogger, I did a search. And what did I find? I found that, in the entire history of this blog […]