Blogging Medicine

Where’s Flea?

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I recently noticed that one of my favorite medical bloggers, Flea, had completely deleted his blog. There’s nothing there. It’s gone, except for a blank Blogger blog. Apparently, too, Flea’s not alone, as Kevin, MD points out. I’m going to miss Flea, but I understand why […]

Announcements Blog housekeeping Blogging

A new ScienceBlog

I’m a bit late on this, given that the blog went live yesterday, but far be it from me not to welcome denialism blog to the ScienceBlogs universe. It’s a promising new blog that in its couple of months of existence has already made an impact in the skeptical blogosphere. Also, Mark Hoofnagle, one of […]

Blogging Politics

Could Kos be more of an idiot? No.

The answer is no, given his position on the Kathy Sierra case and the death threats she received and the online savaging to which she was subjected. Kos attacks calls for a bloggers’ code of conduct. This is actually the one point where I tend agree with him. It wouldn’t help the situation and would […]

Blogging Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Skepticism/critical thinking

Uncommon Descent, meet the Galileo Gambit. Galileo Gambit, meet Uncommon Descent

Apparently the guys over at have irritated Bill Dembski and his band of merry sycophants over at Uncommon Descent. All I can say is: Uncommon Descent, meet the Galileo Gambit. Oh, you’ve already met the Galileo Gambit, I see. That must be the explanation for why you do the Galileo Gambit whine so well…

Blogging Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Personal Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Nighttime, March 15, 2007, Washington, DC

In case you wondered, yes, ScienceBlogs is just a big cabal, and, as evidence, I present the following photo from a week and a half ago, when I managed to meet, drink, and conspire to take over the science blogosphere at the Toledo Lounge in Washington, D.C. with Tara Smith of Aetiology, Evil Monkey of […]