I have to say, this is getting monotonous. Let me back up a minute. One of the most common beliefs among users and advocates of “complementary and alternative” medicine (CAM) is that supplementation with vitamins will have all sorts of beneficial health effects. True, this belief is also pervasive among people who wouldn’t go to […]
Category: Cancer
Sometimes, woo makes the news. Does anyone remember “Professor” Bill Nelson, the cross-dressing “inventor” who created a most amazing woo machine? I’ve written about it three times before: Your Friday Dose of Woo: Miraculous quest for the quantum Your Friday Dose of Woo: Serious woo from Down Under The SCIO, Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface, and […]
I got home from work rather late last night; so for once I’ll spare you my typical Orac-ian level of logorrhea today. Yes, I know how much the ravening hordes of my fans thirst for every bit of wisdom that flows from my keyboard to Seed Magazine’s servers and from there to the world, but […]
I hate to finish up the week on a bit of a downer, but unfortunately this week I really wasn’t in the mood to do justice to Your Friday Dose of Woo, even though I have at least a couple of potential targets–I mean subjects–to cover for my (hopefully) fun little Friday exercise. I was […]
My dear readers, I beg your indulgence for the moment. I had been planning on doing something a bit more serious than what I’ve been up to lately. Believe it or not, NaturalNews.com pointed me to a study that’s actually pretty interesting. It even challenges to some extend existing results. Of course, Mike Adams’ minion’s […]