Sometimes a topic demands to be included in my little Friday bit of hubris and tweaking. Usually when that happens, it’s obvious because somehow the topic is synergistic with what’s been going on during the preceding week on the ol’ blog, in the same way that herbalists claim that all the various compounds and contaminants […]
Category: Cancer
After a bit of ranting earlier this week, I thought now would be a good time to cool it down a bit, if only for a moment. There’s plenty more out there to rant about, but I’m intentionally ignoring it, if only for a day (or even half a day). If there’s one thing I’ve […]
Yesterday was a rather long day, starting with a long commute in the morning, followed by a long day in the office mainly doing grant paperwork, and capped off by getting home late. Even so, I couldn’t ignore this particular story for two reasons. First, it’s about so-called “alternative” medicine. Second, it’s about Steve Jobs, […]
In a way, I have to hand it to Mike Adams. As you may recall, Mike Adams is the man behind what is arguably one of the top two or three woo-filled sites on the Internet, (formerly known as I’m hard-pressed to come up with an example of someone who can deliver delusional […]
It figures again. I go a few days without Internet access again, and not only does Generation Rescue take out a full page antivaccination ad full of stupidity in USA Today, which I couldn’t resist opening both barrels on earlier, but a study’s lead senior author is someone I know (albeit not well) about three […]