Cancer Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

It’s nice when your efforts are appreciated by those who need them the most…

…at least, that was my first reaction when I first read this reaction by the Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer to posts by Mark Chu-Carroll and myself pointing out the numerous flaws in the latest “study” being circulated to “support” a link between abortion and breast cancer. Then I thought about it. […]

Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics Religion

Abortion and breast cancer: The Chicago Tribune feeds the myth

I approach this topic with a bit of trepidation. I say this not because I’m unsure that I’m correct in my assessment of the article that I’m about to apply some Respectful Insolence™ to. Rather, it’s because the last time I brought up anything having to do with abortion, it got ugly. The topic is […]

Cancer Medicine

Does a positive attitude prolong cancer survival?

I’ve always wondered, as I’m sure many of my readers have, whether human beings have it in them to delay their own death, even briefly. Very early in the history of this blog, a mere 11 days after I started it, I discussed a study that strongly suggested that we cannot. In brief, it looked […]

Cancer Medicine Science

Carnival barking

I know, I’ve been a bad blogger about this lately, but better late than never. A couple of blog carnivals for you: surgeXperiences #106 Cancer Research Blog Carnival #2 Grand Rounds, vol. 4, no. 4

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Surgery

Breast Cancer Awareness Month abused by Mike Adams

I should have guessed. Leave it to uber-crank (a. k. a. One Crank To Rule Them All) Mike Adams, the “intellect” behind what is perhaps the crankiest website known to humankind (at least when it comes to medicine),, to try to slime Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As fellow ScienceBlogger Mark points out, in his […]