Here we are, a third of the way into Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I haven’t yet written a piece about breast cancer. Given that it’s my primary surgical specialty, perhaps some readers were wondering why not. Truth be told, I’ve always been a bit ambivalent about Breast Cancer Awareness month. Perhaps it has something […]
Category: Cancer
I’ve had this story sent to me by a few readers over the weekend, and I think it’s worth a brief comment. I’m basically a child of the 1970s. Although I didn’t watch it much, if ever, I remember Charlie’s Angels when I was in junior high and high school. Like any adolescent who came […]
I’ve made no secret how much contempt I have for Kevin Trudeau, whom I have likened to David Irving, at least with respect to his respect for the truth. He has made many, many millions of dollars selling books with titles like Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About and its followups, in […]
I’ve written a lot about dichloroacetate, a.k.a. DCA (my last post here, along with links to my previous posts), the small molecule drug that burst onto the scene after Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta published a paper in Cancer Cell in January describing strong anti-tumor activity in preclinical models (in this case, a […]
Because if you’re going to make health claims and claim to treat patients, you should be held just as accountable as any physician: A Carson City “anti-aging” doctor has pleaded guilty to malpractice for failing to diagnose an elderly patient with the cancer that ultimately killed him. It is Dr. Frank Anthony Shallenberger’s second discipline […]