I really shouldn’t do it. I really shouldn’t go perusing the blog of the house organ of the Discovery Institute’s propaganda arm, Evolution News & Views, as I did yesterday. I’m not as young as I used to be, have a family history of cardiovascular disease, and am not in the greatest of shape. Reading […]
Category: Cancer
“What do you think about second hand smoke?” he asked me. I sensed ulterior motives behind the question, but I wasn’t sure. I suspected that he was just looking for an argument. “It’s bad,” I joked. “Some have told me that the studies don’t show any health problems from second hand smoke,” he replied. “I’m […]
Mike Adams is an idiot. There, I said it. Adams runs the NewsTarget website, a repository for all things “alternative” medicine. In it, he rails against “conventional” medicine as utterly useless and touts all manner of woo as the “cure” for a variety of diseases. I generally ignore his website these days because I fear […]
One thing that’s become obvious to me over the last few years that I’ve been engaged in dealing with various forms of pseudoscience, alternative medicine, and conspiracy theories is that people who are prone to credulity to one form of pseudoscience, the paranormal, or other crankery tend to be prone to credulity towards multiple forms […]
I thought I knew all the good websites to get information about cancer research and research funding opportunities. Perusing Medical Writing, Editing, & Grantsmanship, I found I was wrong. Check out the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Research Portfolio. It lets cancer researchers search quickly for funding opportunities, what cancer-related projects are already funded, and peruse […]