Cancer Clinical trials Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Laying the cluestick on DaveScot over dichloroacetate (DCA) and cancer

I know, I know, I said last time that I probably wouldn’t post on dichloroacetate and the hype some of the more credulous parts of the blogosphere are falling for over its being supposedly a “cancer cure” that big pharma is either willfully ignoring or actively suppressing. However, when DaveScot and the sycophants on Uncommon […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics

Dichloroacetate: One last time…

At the risk of irritating a fellow ScienceBlogger again, I thought I’d point out this little post forwarded to me by Norm Jenson as yet another example of exactly the inflated hype for dichloroacetate as a “cure for cancer” that will “never see the light of day” because it has little profit potential (and, by […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Katie Wernecke and Teddy Bears for Cancer Kids

I hate to end the week on a downer, but I came across this last night and, given my attention to the case of Katie Wernecke (the girl whose parents chose dubious alternative medical therapy over the radiation therapy she needed for her lymphoma) over the last several months and the recent news that her […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Too fast to label others as “conspiracy-mongers”?

The other day, I did a reality check on a story making the rounds through the blogosphere about an alleged new cure for cancer that, if you believe some hysterical bloggers, is being suppressed because it would cut into their profits. I took one blogger to task for what I characterized as the “utterly ridiculous […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine

Will donations fund dichloroacetate (DCA) clinical trials?

I came across an interesting tidbit about dichloroacetate (DCA), the compound that the media and all too many bloggers are touting as some sort of cheap “cure” for cancer whose development is being ignored or suppressed by big pharma because it wouldn’t be profitable enough. I poured a bit of cold water on all of […]