Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Obviously a male conspiracy is at work here

Two days after the holidays are over, and I’m still taking care of unfinished business from last year. Still, the study I’m about to discuss is making the rounds of the blogosphere, and because it’s about breast cancer risk I felt the need to weigh in. This is particularly true, given some of the representations […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Sometimes I hate being right

Believe it or not, there are times when I really, really wish I weren’t right. No, I’m not implying that I’m right so much of the time that I wish I were wrong more often. I’m human and therefore perfectly capable of being wrong, sometimes spectacularly so. (Of course, as we all know, that sort […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Surgery

On the messiness of evidence-based medicine

I’m about a week late on this one. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of my readers were wondering why I hadn’t weighed in on this story when it broke late last week. (Either that, or no one was wondering, and I’m just displaying some of my surgeon’s ego for all to see.) […]

Bioethics Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Alternative medicine and pediatric cancer

It appears that I’m even further behind in my reading than Abel Pharmboy, because he pointed me to a couple of articles in an issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology that I haven’t even cracked open yet. It’s probably still sitting in the pile of journals on my desk that haven’t been touched yet […]

Cancer Medicine Surgery

What is a surgical oncologist?

Although I’ve mentioned before that I am a surgical oncologist, but I recently noticed that, in nearly five months of blogging, I’ve yet to explain exactly what that is or what it means. I’ve written about all sorts of things, ranging from alternative medicine, to the evolution-creationism conflict, to the Holocaust, to even trying my […]