Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Science

No, cancer is not the “best death,” and curing cancer would be anything but a waste of resources

Medical research is a scientific enterprise, but, like most areas of science, nonscientific considerations have a great deal of influence over what sorts of research are funded. This is true regardless of who is funding the research. When it’s the government, obviously it’s impossible to avoid some degree of politics. (Indeed, politics is largely responsible […]

Antivaccine nonsense Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy

Sh*t naturopaths say, part 4: Naturopathic oncology versus science

Last week, I revisited a topic I first discussed in 2014 a couple of times. It is a topic that I find simultaneously amusing and depressing at the same time, specifically a private discussion forum known as Naturopathic Chat, or NatChat for short—or, as I like to say, Sh*t Naturopaths Say When They Think No […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Popular culture Quackery

Stanislaw Burzynski in NEWSWEEK: How long can his “unprecedented medical malfeasance” continue?

I didn’t think I’d be writing about Stanislaw Burzynski again so soon, but to my surprise a very good article in Newsweek describing cancer quack Stanislaw Burzynski popped up in my Google Alerts yesterday. I hadn’t expected much in the way of news coverage about Burzynski for several months, given that the second half of […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

An alternative cancer cure testimonial, mistletoe, and Johns Hopkins University

Ever since the beginning of this blog, there’s one topic I’ve explored many, many times, mainly because of its direct relationship to my profession as a cancer surgeon. That topic is, of course, the question of why people fall for alternative medicine cancer “cures.” It started with one of my very earliest posts and continued […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

A quack goes to prison, but it’s not enough

If there’s one thing that’s frustrating about the U.S. justice system, it’s just how slow the wheels of justice grind. For example, it’s hard to believe that it was over two years ago that “pH Miracle” quack Robert O. Young was arrested for fraud, grand theft, and practicing medicine without a license, producing one of […]