Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Politics Quackery

The Texas Medical Board vs. Stanislaw Burzynski, Round Infinity

There’s a point I feel that I have have to make briefly as I begin this post. Basically, this might look familiar, but given that I was at TAM Wednesday through Sunday, I didn’t have time to produce two separate posts, and this is important enough to be distributed as widely as possible. In any […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Medical marijuana and the new herbalism, part 1

Three months ago, I wrote about how the Cleveland Clinic had recently opened a clinic that dispensed herbal medicine according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice. As regular readers might expect, I was not particularly impressed or approving of this particular bit of infiltration of quackademic medicine into a major, generally well-respected academic medical center, […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

The Center for Inquiry weighs in on Stanislaw Burzynski

Our regularly scheduled post will go live later this morning. In the meantime, this is a public service announcement…with GUITAR! (Oh, wait.) As you recall, last week, the FDA inexplicably decided to lift the partial clinical hold on Stanislaw Burzynski’s bogus clinical trials of antineoplastons, which he’s used since the 1990s as a pretext to […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Clinical trials

Yet more evidence that vaccines are safe and do not cause autism

Can we just say that vaccines are safe, already? Can we just say that, of all the medical interventions ever conceived by the minds of humans, vaccines have almost certainly saved more lives and prevented more illness? Can we finally say that vaccines do not cause autism? Of course not, unfortunately. I ask the same […]

Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics

The FDA really caves: Stanislaw Burzynski can do clinical trials again

It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been almost three years since I first started taking an interest in the Houston cancer doctor and Polish expat Stanislaw Burzynski. Three long years, but that’s less than one-twelfth the time that Burzynski has been actually been administering an unproven cancer treatment known as antineoplastons (ANPs), a […]