Cancer Clinical trials Medicine

Clinical trials: Where the rubber hits the road for science-based medicine

Until recently, most of my research was laboratory-based. It included cell culture, biochemical assays, molecular biology, and experiments using mouse tumor models. However, one of the reasons that I got both an MD and a PhD was so that I could ultimately test ideas for new treatments on patients and, if I’m good enough and […]

Bioethics Clinical trials Medicine Surgery

The most massive scientific fraud ever?

Science as it is practiced today relies on a fair measure of trust. Part of the reason is that the culture of science values openness, hypothesis testing, and vigorous debate. The general assumption is that most scientists are honest and, although we all generally try to present our data in the most favorable light possible, […]

Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Clinical trials Medicine Surgery

Off to learn some more surgical oncology…

As this posts I should be on an airplane winging its way to much warmer climes than where I reside in order to attend the Society of Surgical Oncology 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium. There, in Phoenix, I will eagerly absorb all the latest and greatest knowledge in the realm of cancer surgery, commune with friends […]

Cancer Clinical trials Entertainment/culture Medicine Politics Surgery

“Why doctors hate science”? More like: Why does Sharon Begley hate doctors?

If there’s’ one theme, one cause, that this blog has emphasized throughout the four years of its existence and the three years of its having resided on ScienceBlogs, it’s been to champion science- and evidence-based medicine over pseudoscience and quackery. Whether it’s refuting the lies of antivaccine zealots, having a little fun with some of […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Bummer about them vitamins…again

I have to say, this is getting monotonous. Let me back up a minute. One of the most common beliefs among users and advocates of “complementary and alternative” medicine (CAM) is that supplementation with vitamins will have all sorts of beneficial health effects. True, this belief is also pervasive among people who wouldn’t go to […]