Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Beth Israel joins the Academic Woo Aggregator!

I feel bad. I realize that I’ve been completely neglecting my Academic Woo Aggregator. You remember my Academic Woo Aggregator, don’t you? It was my attempt to compile a near-definitive list of academic medical centers that had “integrated” woo into their divisions or departments of “integrative medicine” (i.e., departments of academic-sounding quackery). Perusing it, I […]

Bioethics Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Using placebos outside of clinical trials

The other day, I thought it was about time that I did some of that cool and fancy stuff, you know, to keep this blog from being nothing more than a collection of not-so-Respectfully Insolent spleen venting at generalized stupidity. I realize that those are some of the funnest posts here and that people […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine

“Targeted” drugs not as “targeted’ as hoped?

I hate it when an article starts right out with a rather annoying usage of terminology, even when it provides information that interests me: (AP) — Nearly a fourth of widely used new-generation biological drugs that treat several common diseases produce serious side effects that lead to safety warnings soon after they go on the […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

It’s not just acupuncture; it’s laser acupuncture!

Why, oh, why do I keep perusing Why do I subject myself to wave after wave of neuron-apoptosing stupidity of a magnitude that even activation of NF-kappaB, Akt, and neuronal cell survival signaling pathways can barely keep the killing stupidity at bay? I guess it’s because it provides such good blog fodder for a […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Surgery

Yawn. Another worthless acupunct–I mean acupressure–study

Here we go again. It seems just yesterday that I was casting a skeptical eye on yet another dubious acupuncture study. OK, it wasn’t just yesterday, but it was less than two weeks ago when I discussed why a study that purported to show that acupuncture worked as well as drug therapy for hot flashes […]