Biology Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Movies Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The (not-so-)Beautiful (un)Truth: The “alternative” medicine movement gets an Expelled! to call its very own

The things I do for my readers. I’m referring to a movie entitled The Beautiful Truth, links to whose website and trailers several of you have e-mailed to me over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because the movie is only showing in New York and Los Angeles and hasn’t made it out of […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Saturday morning mailbagl: How could natural selection “do it” without some intelligence?

Orac gets e-mail. Most of it’s just brief notes with a link that someone thinks I should check out (and possibly blog about). Even though I occasionally make sarcastic remarks about being deluged with one story or other from time to time, I actually do appreciate those. Many have been the times when I didn’t […]

Evolution Personal Science

Images from New York, part 3: A fellow ScienceBlogger corrupting an innocent creature

Look what Bora‘s doing with poor Professor Steve Steve: And what’s poor Charles Darwin got to do with it? No wonder Jason‘s looking on in bemusement–or perhaps puzzlement.

Cancer Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Time to get out the paper bag or Doctor Doom mask again…

Sigh. He’s baaack. Yes, that dualism-loving Energizer Bunny of antievolution nonsense, that “intelligent design” apologist neurosurgeon whose nonsense has driven me time and time again to contemplate hiding my head in a paper bag or even a Doctor Doom mask because of the shame of knowing that he is also a surgeon, that physician who […]

Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

When it comes to refuting creationist nonsense, I am but slime…

…from one of Michigan State University Professor Richard Lenski’s E. coli cultures. Lenski’s second response to the clueless “request” of the creationist idiot Andrew Schlafly to provide his raw data to him for “independent review” supporting a recent PNAS paper (more here) by him that is yet another in a line of papers by evolutionary […]