Evolution Medicine

Medicine and evolution, Part 3: A trypanosome shows the way

Earlier this week, I wrote about how the principles of population evolution can be applied to premalignant lesions in order to predict which lesions would progress to cancer. This time around, I’d like to discuss how using evolutionary principles can provide insights to human disease that would not be as obvious or that would take […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism

The poo flies at the Kansas science standards FAQ

Duck, everyone! Matt (a.k.a. The Pooflinger) has found a PDF file containing a brand new FAQ about Kansas’s new science standards, the ones that purport to “teach the controversy” about evolution. While I’m on a roll about evolution (and, yes, the next installment of my Medicine and Evolution series should come by the end of […]


Science teachers in Arkansas self-censoring about evolution

Via Red State Rabble, I’ve become aware of an incredibly depressing story about science teachers in Arkansas explicitly censoring themselves when it comes to teaching evolution (the “e-word,” as they call it) or in geology class teaching that the earth is 4.5 billion years old: Teachers at his facility are forbidden to use the “e-word” […]

Evolution Medicine

Medicine and evolution, part I: Introduction

Longtime readers of this blog may have noticed that, since my move to ScienceBlogs six weeks ago, I haven’t written nearly as much about evolution or intelligent design as I used to on the old blog.. There are probably at least several reasons for this. For one thing, lots of other topics have forced their […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism

Deconstructing Dembski mathematically

MarkCC is really making a name for himself pretty fast with Good Math, Bad Math, a blog dedicated to “shredding bad math and squashing the crackpots who espouse it.” (And to think that a post of mine had a small role in getting him going and promoting him in the blogosphere; it almost makes me […]