This week,a ridiculous practice called “perineum sunning” (or “butthole sunning”) went viral on social media and the news. It’s so ridiculous a practice that I have to wonder if social media influencers made up for clicks.

This week,a ridiculous practice called “perineum sunning” (or “butthole sunning”) went viral on social media and the news. It’s so ridiculous a practice that I have to wonder if social media influencers made up for clicks.
Acupuncturists have been trying to explain why no anatomic structure corresponds to meridians. Enter the primo vascular system, which circulates electricity in DNA. Or stem cells. Or something.
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice has named antivaxer Del Bigtree and “pH Miracle Living” quack Robert O. Young as “Commissioners for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the Biosphere.” What the heck is ITNJ, and why is it naming quacks to its Commission?
Meet Seqex. It’s like a Scientology E-meter, only so much more unscientifically complicated, complete with over 2 million waveforms! That must mean it’s better! Actually, Segex is based on decades old pseudoscience.
It’s Friday, and, believe it or not, here’s a bit of tasty woo I had never heard of before. It’s from David Avocado Wolfe and it’s an orb, the JING ORB, to be precise. Want to recharge your cells? Well, here you go!