Dr. Vinay Prasad predicts the end of American democracy (just like Nazi Germany) due to the erosion of rights due to COVID-19 restrictions. It does not go well, thanks to his exaggeration and lack of understanding of history.

Dr. Vinay Prasad predicts the end of American democracy (just like Nazi Germany) due to the erosion of rights due to COVID-19 restrictions. It does not go well, thanks to his exaggeration and lack of understanding of history.
Antivax quack Kerri Rivera has long treated autistic children with bleach, including by enema. Has the law finally caught up with her for her abuse of autistic children?
Antivaxxers love to claim that vaccine mandates (especially COVID-19 vaccine mandates) violate the Nuremberg Code. As usual, they have no idea what they are talking about.
Antivaxxers have long misappropriated symbols of the Holocaust, such as the Yellow Star of David, to liken their “persecution” to the real persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. This misappropriation of the Holocaust is arguably a form of Holocaust denial.
What do Didier Raoult, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Portuguese quacks have in common? They’re using legal thuggery to silence criticism.