Anti-Semitism Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Holocaust denial Medicine Quackery World War II

Can antivaccinationists knock it off with the autism Holocaust analogies already?

It’s very clear that many antivaccinationists hate autistic children. The language they use to describe them makes that very clear. Such children are “damaged” (by vaccines, of course); the parents’ real children were “stolen” from them (by vaccines); they are “toxic” (from vaccines); the “light left their eyes” (due to vaccines). Autism is an “epidemic,” […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Evolution History Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Paleo and woo: Bad company until the day they die

There are many fallacies that undergird alternative medicine, which evolved into “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM), and for which the preferred term among its advocates is now “integrative medicine,” meant to imply the “best of both worlds.” If I had to pick one fallacy that rules above all among proponents of CAM/IM, it would have […]

Anti-Semitism Complementary and alternative medicine History Holocaust Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Quackery World War II

How not to discuss the role of alternative medicine during the Third Reich

I really hate to write this post, but I feel compelled. The reason I hate to write it is because someone I admire screwed up. The reason I feel compelled is because of my longstanding interest in World War II and Holocaust history, not to mention my longtime interest in refuting the lies of Holocaust […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Quackery World War II

School vaccine mandates are against the Nuremberg Code?

About a week and a half ago, I took note of a rather unhinged rant by comedian Rob Schneider about vaccines in which he trotted out an antivaccine movement’s greatest hits compendium of pseudoscience, misinformation, and logical fallacies, all in the service of opposing California Bill AB 2109. Antivaccine activists hate this piece of legislation […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine History Holocaust Homeopathy Medicine Movies News of the Weird Quackery Television

Rob Schneider on California Bill AB 2109: The latest celebrity antivaccinationist to make a fool of himself

Remember California Bill AB 2109? I’ve written about it at least a couple of times before. In fact, for some reason, the comment section of this post on AB 2109 suddenly come alive again a couple of days ago, with antivaccinationists infiltrating it, much to the annoyance of my regular commenters. It turns out that […]