History Hitler Zombie Medicine Politics

The latest “Obama = Hitler” shenanigans: Too stupid even for the Hitler Zombie…

Remember the Hitler Zombie? He doesn’t show up all that much anymore. The reason is not because a lot of brain dead Nazi analogies aren’t being used to demonize political opponents. In fact, If I had a mind to, I could probably populate this blog with nothing other than people whose brains have obviously been […]

History Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Birthers on parade, revisited: Happy Birther Day, Mr. President!

Wow. After I wrote a post last week about the “birthers,” cranks who believe that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and therefore is not a natural born U.S. citizen, and therefore is not eligible to be President of the United States. Like all good conspiracy theorist cranks, they trot out all sorts of […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust denial

Holocaust denier and neo-Nazi sympathizer David Irving slithers his way through the western U.S.

He’s baaaack. Lovely. I’m referring to everybody’s favorite anti-Semite, Hitler apologist, and Holocaust-denying “historian,” David Irving, who has reinfected our fair nation. Indeed, and unfortunately, he is busily slithering his way across the western U.S., hitting the mighty white power ranger circuit in the back of cheap hotels and greasy spoon restaurants in order to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine History Medicine Quackery

Mike Adams brings home the crazy over, of all things, the Caduceus

I have a love-hate relationship with Mike Adams. Mike Adams, regular readers of this blog, is the “intellectual force” between that repository of quackery and sheer lunacy, I hate him because he is a vile human being who cheerfully promotes bogus therapies on his website. (You know, I think we skeptics should borrow Simon […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust denial Politics

Holocaust denial and hate

One of the common topics I discuss on this blog is Holocaust denial. Indeed, I’ve been opposing Holocaust denial on various online forums for ten years now. I’ve castigated David Irving, mocked Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his worldwide Holocaust denial conference, and made frequent comments about how Holocaust denial is inextricably linked with anti-Semitism and racism, […]