David Irving has made a career out of being a Holocaust denier and then protesting when someone calls him a Holocaust denier. As you may recall, he even sued Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt for correctly referring to him as a Holocaust denier in one of her books. Let’s take a look at what’s on his […]
Category: History
One more reason why John Stewart and his writers are geniuses is here, where he examines the “Tea Parties” we in the U.S. were subjected to three days ago, including one in my own town: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Nationwide Tax Protests thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes […]
It’s a rare thing indeed for this to happen, but words fail me here: Wow. Just wow. Because clearly the Obama administration is getting ready to fire up the ovens for responsible borrowers who paid their mortgages on time. Truly, a black hole of stupid in a single cartoon! The stupid burns on so many […]
Unfortunately, as we have been dreading for the last four months or so since her relapse was diagnosed, my mother-in-law passed away from breast cancer in hospice. She died peacefully, with my wife and the rest of her family at her side. As you might expect, I do not much feel like blogging, and even […]
Because of the fallout from the revelation by Brian Deer that very likely Andrew Wakefield, hero of the antivaccine movement but, alas for his worshipers, one of the most dishonest and incompetent scientists who ever lived, had almost certainly falsified data for his infamous 1998 Lancet paper that launched a decade-long anti-MMR hysteria that shows […]