Anti-Semitism Bioethics History Holocaust Medicine Science World War II

Was Nazi science good science? (Part II)

My original post that asked the intentionally provocative question Was Nazi science good science? provoked a lot of comments, some of which made me think, which is good. This post was inspired by an article in which historian of the Nazi era Richard Evans was featured in a story about Nazi science and expressed his […]

Anti-Semitism Biology Clinical trials History Holocaust Medicine Physics Politics Science World War II

Was Nazi science good science?

I’ve long had an interest in World War II history. Ever since I was around 11 or 12 years old, a major portion of my reading diet has consisted of books and articles about World War II. Back when I was young, my interest was, as you might expect, primarily the battles. The military history […]

History Humor World War II

The Real Estate Downfall

Downfall was a great movie, arguably the greatest movie about Adolf Hitler’s final days ever made. However, it contains one scene, one incredibly powerful scene, where aides bring Hitler news that the last defenses had fallen, that the divisions that Hitler thought he had no longer existed, and that the forces that were trying to […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Religion

While I’m on the topic of the Holocaust again…

Since I’ve been on the topic of the Holocaust again today in giving a victim of the Hitler Zombie a well and truly deserved taste of not-so-Respectful Insolence, before I get back to medicine and science tomorrow I can’t help but note that it’s been brought to my attention that a brand, spankin’ new Jack […]

History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Politics

The monster says, “Arbeit macht frei”

November 4, 2008 11:15 PM EST A mousy little man sat, shaking his head in his hands, limned against the wall by the flickering blue glow of a flat screen TV. On the television, a huge crowd swelled in Grant Park in Chicago. The excitement was palpable, with a constant dull roar of the crowd […]